- Dēlectat, fugāmus, liberas.
He pleases, we are routing, you set free.
- Exspectāmus, portant, dēlectās.
We are waiting, they are carrying, you are please.
- Dēlectāmus, fugātis, liberant.
We please, you (all) are routing, they free.
- Liberatne? liberō, portāmus.
Does he set free? I free, we carry.
- Fīliās incolārum liberant.
(The) daughters of the inhabitants set free.
- Poētae, fortūna rēginam dēlectat.
The poet's fortune pleases the queen.
- Spectāmus fīliās fēminae.
We watch the woman's daughter.
- Filiane Galbae litterās expectat?
Is Galba's daughter waiting for a letter?
- Etiam tubae nautārum incolās fugant.
Meanwhile, the sailors' horns put the inhabitants to flight.
- Cuius litterās portās?
Whose letters are you carrying?
- I am calling together the sailors of the queen.
Convocō nautas reginae.
- The poets' daughters love the land.
Poetārum fīliae terram amant.
- Whose daughter are you setting free?
Cuius fīliam liberās?
- Do they praise Galba's daughter?
Laudantne fīliam Galbae?
- We are now waiting for the farmers.
Exspectāmus agricolas.
- Whom does the fortune of the farmers delight?
Quem fortuna agricolārum delectat?