All of the controls and styles currently exist in their light theme for mouse input state.
For more information on Windows controls, visit Controls and patterns for UWP apps
If you hit any of the known bugs listed below for a specific control, please contact us. If you know how to fix them, please create a pull request.
- Detailed Button documentation
- Properties available:
- label: a label that appears inside of a clickable rectangle, default: "Label"
- enabled: determines whether the control is actionable or not, default: true
- width: constrain the width of the control and make the text wrap, minimum width is 120px, default: @labelText.width
- Example:
clickMeButton = new Button
label: "Click me!"
enabled: true
- Known bugs: Only @labelText width and height update when the label or width properties are changed at runtime, the width and height of the entire control stays the same as the initial values.
- Detailed HyperlinkButton documentation
- Properties available:
- label: a label that appears inside of a clickable area, default: "Label"
- enabled: determines whether the control is actionable or not, default: true
- Example:
penSettingsLink = new HyperlinkButton
label: "Pen settings"
enabled: true
- Detailed Rating documentation
- Properties available:
- starsFilled: determines the initial star rating from 0 to 5 stars, default: 0
- allowInput: determines whether the control responds to user input / is editable, the control must also be enabled to allow input, default: true
- enabled: determines whether the control is active or not, the control will appear grayed out when set to false, default: true
- Example:
movieRating = new Rating
starsFilled: 4
enabled: false
allowInput: false
- Detailed Slider documentation
- Properties available:
- header: a label that appears above the control, default: "Control header"
- value: the current value, which sets the position of the slider knob, default: 25
- min: the minimum possible value, default: 0
- max: the maximum possible value, default: 50
- enabled: determines whether the control is actionable or not, default: true
- Example:
volumeSlider = new Slider
header: "Volume"
value: 50
min: 0
max: 120
enabled: true
- Detailed AppBar documentation
- Due to its complexity, AppBar has been built as a template instead of a module. Copy the contents of into the file for your project to get started.
- Make sure to include the modules for Type, SystemColor, and ContextMenu in your modules folder.
- Detailed NavigationView documentation coming soon
- Due to its complexity, NavigationView has been built as a template instead of a module. Copy the contents of into the file for your project to get started.
- Make sure to include the modules for Type, SystemColor, motion, and acrylic in your modules folder.
- To see the acrylic material, make sure to add an image to the bg layer.
- Detailed TreeView documentation
- Properties available:
- items: an array of nested objects that populate the levels in the TreeView, give each object itemText, set isExpanded to true/false, and add children, default: []
- Example:
items = [
{"itemText" : "Item 1.1", "isExpanded" : true, "children" : [
{"itemText" : "Item 2.1"},
{"itemText" : "Item 2.2", "isExpanded" : true, "children" : [
{"itemText" : "Item 3.1", "isExpanded" : false, "children" : [
{"itemText" : "Item 4.1"}
{"itemText" : "Item 1.2", "isExpanded" : true, "children" : [
{"itemText" : "Item 2.1"},
{"itemText" : "Item 2.2"},
{"itemText" : "Item 2.3"},
{"itemText" : "Item 2.4"}]
inboxFolders = new TreeView
items: items
- Known bugs: Height of an instance of TreeView doesn't update with the module's container height.
- Detailed ContextMenu documentation
- Properties available:
- items: an array that populates the items in the list
- disabledItems: an array of the indexes that should be disabled within the items array (first item has index 0)
- Example:
commands = ["reply", "reply all", "forward"]
disabled = [1, 2]
mailOptions = new ContextMenu
items: commands
disabledItems: disabled
- Known bugs: Changing the items array at runtime doesn't resize the container.
- Detailed Dialog documentation
- Properties available:
- title: a title that appears at the top of the dialog, default: "Dialog title"
- content: the message that appears inside of the dialog, default: "Message text. This is where the message dialog text goes. The text can wrap."
- button1Text: the content for the first button, default: "Button"
- button2Text: the content for the second button, default: undefined
- button3Text: the content for the third button, default: undefined
- Example:
alertMessage = new Dialog
parent: scroller.content
y: overlays.maxY + 24
button1Text: "Save"
button2Text: "Save as"
button3Text: "Cancel"
title: "Quit without saving?"
content: "Are you sure you want to quit the application before saving?"
alertMessage.button3.onClick ->
alertMessage.opacity = 0
- Known bugs: Size doesn't reliably update when content strings are changed at runtime.
- Detailed Flyout documentation
- Properties available:
- label: text that appears inside of the flyout
- Example:
message = new Flyout
label: "This is a flyout."
- Detailed TimePicker documentation
- Properties available:
- header: text that appears above the control, default: "Control header"
- month: the selected month in collapsed mode, default: "January"
- date: the selected date in collapsed mode, default: "11"
- year: the selected year in collapsed mode, default: "2014"
- enabled: determines whether the control is actionable or note, default: true
- Example:
setDate = new DatePicker
header: "Set date"
month: "June"
date: "14"
year: "2018"
- Detailed CalendarDatePicker documentation
- Make sure to include the modules for Type, and Color in your modules folder.
- Properties available:
- header: text that appears above the control, default: "Control header"
- date: the selected date in collapsed mode, default: "mm/dd/yyyy"
- enabled: determines whether the control is actionable or not, default: true
- Example:
pickDate = new CalendarDatePicker
label: "Select departure date"
date: "09/23/2017"
Detailed ComboBox documentation coming soon
Properties available:
- header: text that appears above the control, default: "Control header"
- itemList: an array of nested objects that populate the options in the ComboBox, give each object item, set selected to true/false, add children, and default is defaultItemList:
comboBox = new ComboBox
header: "Game consoles"
itemList: [
{item: 'Xbox'},
{item: 'Playstation', selected: true},
{item: 'Atari'},
{item: 'Sega'},
{item: 'Gameboy'}
- Detailed TimePicker documentation
- Properties available:
- header: text that appears above the control, default: "Control header"
- hour: the selected hour in collapsed mode, default: "9"
- minute: the selected minute in collapsed mode, default: "26"
- ampm: AM or PM in collapsed mode, default: "AM"
- enabled: determines whether the control is actionable or note, default: true
- Example:
setTime = new TimePicker
header: "Set start time"
hour: "7"
minute: "24"
ampm: "PM"
- Detailed CheckBox documentation
- Properties available:
- label: a label that appears to the right of the CheckBox, default: "Label"
- toggled: determines whether the control is selected or not, default: false
- enabled: determines whether the control is actionable or not, default: true
- width: constrain the width of the control and make the text wrap, minimum width is 120px, default: undefined
- Example:
autoUpdate = new CheckBox
label: "Download updates automatically"
toggled: false
enabled: false
width: 150
- Known bugs: CheckBox text width isn't constrained by its parent layer and wrapping text bleeds off the edge of the screen. Only @container width and height update when the label or width properties are changed at runtime, the width and height of the entire control stay the same as the initial values.
- Detailed RadioButton documentation
- Properties available:
- label: a label that appears to the right of the RadioButton, default: "Label"
- toggled: determines whether the control is selected or not, default: false
- enabled: determines whether the control is actionable or not, default: true
- width: constrain the width of the control and make the text wrap, minimum width is 120px, default: undefined
- Example:
themeRadioButton = new RadioButton
label: "Dark theme"
toggled: true
enabled: false
- Known bugs: RadioButton text width isn't constrained by its parent layer and wrapping text bleeds off the edge of the screen. Only @container width and height update when the label or width properties are changed at runtime, the width and height of the entire control stay the same as the initial values.
- Detailed ToggleSwitch documentation
- Properties available:
- header: a label that appears above the control, default: "Control header"
- onText: a label that appears to the right of the toggle when the toggle is on, default: "On"
- offText: a label that appears to the right of the toggle when the toggle is off, default: "Off"
- toggled: determines whether the control is on or off, default: false
- enabled: determines whether the control is actionable or not, default: true
- Example:
frontDoorLock = new ToggleSwitch
header: "Front door"
onText: "Locked"
offText: "Unlocked"
toggled: true
enabled: true
- Known bugs: ToggleSwitch control width doesn't update when header is longer than the toggle + on/off text.
- Detailed MediaPlayer documentation
- Due to its complexity, MediaPlayer has been built as a template instead of a module. Copy the contents of into the file for your project to get started.
- Make sure to include the modules for Type, SystemColor and Slider in your modules folder.
- Use motion curves in your animations. Make sure to include both motion_curves.json and in your modules folder.
- Available curves:
- Linear
- EaseOut
- EaseOutSmooth
- EaseIn
- DrillIn
- BackToApp
- AppToApp
- FastIn
- FastOut
- FastInOut
- Exponential
- FastInFortySevenPercent
- ExponentialReversed
- NavPane
- Example:
m = require "motionCurves"
leftPane.states =
width: 48
width: 320
curve: m.curve("NavPane")
time: 0.3
- Noise is used by the acrylic module to create acrylic material.
- Detailed Acrylic documentation coming soon
- To use acrylic on a layer, pass in the base background color, opacity, and the layer name. Make sure to include both the noise and acrylic modules in your modules folder.
- Example:
a = require "acrylic"
leftPane = new Layer
parent: appWindow
width: 320
height: 768
backgroundColor: SystemColor.transparent
a.acrylic(SystemColor.altHigh, 0.8, leftPane)
- SystemColor allows the user to apply colors from Windows System Colors.
- Use the following syntax: SystemColor.altHigh, SystemColor.baseHigh, SystemColor.accent, etc.
- accentColor is set to the default Windows Blue: #0078D7.
- Example:
backgroundLayer = new Layer
backgroundColor: SystemColor.accent
- Type allows the user to create text using the styles from the Windows Type Ramp.
- Properties available:
- text: the text content for your layer, default: "Content"
- color: the color of the text, default: SystemColor.baseHigh
- textAlign: the alignment of the text, default: "left"
- width: this property can be used to constrain the width of the layer so that the text wraps, default: width of the text string
- height: this property can be used to constrain the height of the layer, default: line height of the text per the style applied
- uwpStyle: the style of the text, default: "body", choose any of the following from the Windows Type Ramp:
- "caption"
- "captionAlt"
- "body"
- "baseAlt"
- "base"
- "subtitleAlt"
- "subtitle"
- "title"
- "subheader"
- "header"
- "glyph" (sets fontSize to undefined, lineHeight to 1, and fontFamily to Segoe MDL2 Assets, can receive a font glyph in the form of a unicode value, e.g. "\uE735")
- Example:
placeholderText = new Type
text: "Lorem ipsum"
uwpStyle: "captionAlt"
color: SystemColor.baseMedium
textAlign: "center"