Provides authenticators to handle OIDC bearer tokens and manage OIDC login via sessions.
It also provides a pyramid session factory which uses dogpile.cache as session store.
The session factory can be configured via ini file. To configure the authenticators via ini settings, you need to use a library like pyramid_multiauth.
There is also a little helper authenticator callback (groupfinder) method to extract realm and client roles (scopes) for Keycloak tokens.
For the session based authenticator, this package also provides a set of OIDC flow helper views.
config.include('pyramid_oidc', route_prefix='/oidc')
# example which uses multiauth to configure authentication
multiauth.policies = bearer session
multiauth.policy.bearer.use = pyramid_oidc.authentication.OIDCBearerAuthenticationPolicy
#multiauth.policy.bearer.callback =
multiauth.policy.session.use = pyramid_oidc.authentication.OIDCSessionAuthenticationPolicy
#multiauth.policy.session.callback =
multiauth.authorization_policy = pyramid.authorization.ACLAuthorizationPolicy
multiauth.groupfinder = pyramid_oidc.authentication.keycloak.keycloak_callback
# These settings can also be passed via environment variables
# env vars have greater precedence than settings in ini file
oidc.issuer =
oidc.client_id =
oidc.client_secret =
# settings to deal with audience claims
#oidc.audience =
#oidc.verify_aud = True
# set to something falsy if oidc views should be disabled
#oidc.enable_views = True
# Configure session
# if session.factory is not configured, no session factory will be set up
# by this module
session.factory = pyramid_oidc.session.SessionFactory
# Configure a session.secret if required. This secret is used to sign
# the session cookie. A session secret will be created on startup if
# this is not set. Session secret can also be set via SESSION_SECRET
# environment variable.
#session.secret =
# Session cookie timeout
#session.timeout = 1200
# Session cookie refresh interval
#session.refresh = <session.timeout // 2>
# Set session cookie even on exception
#session.on_exception = True
# Session cookie settings:
# Cookie name = oidc.session
# cookie max_age
#session.cookie_opts.max_age = <session.timeout>
# cookie path
#session.cookie_opts.path = /
# cookie domain
#session.cookie_opts.domain = <None>
# send cookie only over ssl
# = True
# cookie accessible to javascript
# session.cookie_opts.httponly = True
# Dogpile settings for session cache
# Configuration options are passed directly to dogpile.
# dogpile cache backend
# session.dogpile_opts.backend = dogpile.cache.memory
# default cache expiration time
# session.dogpile_opts.expiration_timeout = <session.timeout>
# Example to use redis as backend
# session.dogpile_opts.backend = dogpile.cache.redis
# =
# session.dogpile_opts.arguments.port = 6379
# session.dogpile_opts.arguments.redis_expiration_time = 2400
# session.dogpile_opts.debug = True
make dev
pip install -e ".[test]"