This document tells you how to uninstall Tanzu Application Platform (commonly known as TAP) when installed by using GitOps.
Caution Tanzu Application Platform (GitOps) is currently in beta and is intended for evaluation and test purposes only. Do not use in a production environment.
To uninstall your Tanzu Application Platform:
- Delete Tanzu Sync Application
- Delete external resources (ESO installation only)
- Remove the Tanzu CLI, plug-ins, and associated files
- Remove Cluster Essentials
- Deleting Tanzu Sync application removes all associated resources of Tanzu Application Platform on the cluster.
- You must delete any applications that were installed manually into the
namespace, because they might interfere with the deletion of Tanzu Application Platform.
To delete Tanzu Sync Application, run:
kapp delete -a tanzu-sync
To delete external resources from AWS, run:
To delete external resources from AWS, run:
To completely remove the Tanzu CLI, plug-ins, and associated files, run the following scrips for Linux or MacOS:
rm -rf $HOME/tanzu/cli # Remove previously downloaded cli files
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/tanzu # Remove CLI binary (executable)
rm -rf ~/.config/tanzu/ # current location # Remove config directory
rm -rf ~/.tanzu/ # old location # Remove config directory
rm -rf ~/.cache/tanzu # remove cached catalog.yaml
rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/tanzu-cli/* # Remove plug-ins
To completely remove Cluster Essentials, see [Cluster Essentials documentation](https://{{ vars.staging_toggle }}{{ vars.ce_version }}/cluster-essentials/deploy.html#uninstall).