Apricot doesn't want to budge on the VPN solution. They must have got hit hard. John wants to figure out how to make it work today. John will setup a machine with Debian stable and I'll start work on it next week.
I have the creds for the DO box. Let's get a linux tunnel up and running from a VM to make sure I can do it without borking the networking.
Got the VM up and running... now installing Vbox guest additions. Running
apt-get build-dep virtualbox-guest-dkms
. So it's working and I have a
snapshot. I'm installing network-manager-vpnc to try to setup the vpn from
network-manager. Ok so vpnc is for Cisco. I think we need to find ipsec.
I'm trying strongswan-nm.
Ok so that didn't work. Let's try l2tp
This seems the most promising. However QC is filtering VPN traffic on Hydra. I was able to UDP port scan(sudo nmap -sU odbc.apricot.info
) from home and see port 500(the ipsec port) but it didn't show up when I scanned from stark on Hydra. So let's move the VM home and continue from there.
Ok so it's up and running using these instructions! However, the mysql connection is failing with access denied:
tubaman@debian-vm:~$ mysql -uAFN --password=[password] -h Apridbro1.ec2.internal
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'AFN'@'' (using password: YES)
John is checking with apricot support to make sure our credentials are correct. Perhaps I need to actually use ODBC instead of raw mysql?
Login to mysql like this: mysql -uodbc_1643 -p[password] -h Apridbro1.ec2.internal apricot_1643
FYI: here's the VPN login info:
* Username: AFN
* Password: [password]
* Server: Apridbro1.ec2.internal
Now let's get it working on DO. Note: DO NOT change the default route! You'll lock yourself out of ssh.
Ok so I copied all of the files from my VM to the DO droplet and followed the
blog entry above and we're up. I've run apt-get install mysql-client
so I can
test the mysql connection.
Well I hooked my start_vpn
script into /etc/network/interfaces on "up". Now
the machine is deadlocked at boot. I've had John recreate the droplet.
I logged into the new droplet that John created. I got the VPN up and running. I modded the order of the intefaces in resolvconf so that the vpn DNS server would take precedence. Now Apridbro1.ec2.internal resolves. I put the following in root's crontab so this should keep the vpn up:
# m h dom mon dow command
*/5 * * * * vpn status || vpn reset
apt-get install socat
so I can use that to port forward instead of
iptables. I'm less likely to lock myself out that way.
Here's our /usr/local/bin/vpn
function start() {
mkdir -p /var/run/xl2tpd
touch /var/run/xl2tpd/l2tp-control
echo "starting ipsec"
ipsec up apricot-odbc
echo "starting l2tp"
echo "c apricot-odbc AFN [vpnpassword]" > /var/run/xl2tpd/l2tp-control
echo "waiting 30 secs for ppp interface to come up"
START=$(date +%s)
while [ $(date +%s) -lt $(($START + 30)) ]; do
if ifconfig | grep ppp; then
route add -net gw
nohup socat TCP-LISTEN:3306,fork TCP:Apridbro1.ec2.internal:3306 > /dev/null &
sleep 1
function stop() {
pkill socat
route del -net gw
ifconfig ppp0 down
ipsec down apricot-odbc
service xl2tpd restart
service strongswan restart
function status() {
if echo 'show tables;' | mysql -uodbc_1643 -p'[password]' -h Apridbro1.ec2.internal apricot_1643 > /dev/null && pgrep socat > /dev/null; then
echo "up"
return 0
echo "down"
return 2
case $1 in
start )
stop )
restart | reset )
status )
This is how to use the new mysql apriocot VPN:
echo 'show tables;' | mysql -uodbc_1643 -p'[password]' -h apricot_1643
Let's create a log file to keep track of when the VPN is up and when it's down. We might also want to setup split DNS in the future.
We should also add a IP whitelist on port 3306.
I'm using logger in the /usr/local/bin/vpn script now to log stuff to syslog(/var/log/syslog).
We should be able to use this technique to whitelist our IP only for port 3306.
I've installing fail2ban to prevent brute force attacks on ssh and mysql.
To edit the IP whitelist:
- Comment out the cronjob:
sudo crontab -e
- Run
sudo vpn stop
- Edit
and add/change the IPs in theALLOWED_IPS
at the top of the script.ALLOWED_IPS
should be a quoted list of space-delimited IP addresses. - Run
sudo vpn start
- Uncomment the cronjob:
sudo crontab -e
We've added biz170.inmotionhosting.com
to the whitelist. iptables will
resolve that hostname once when the rule is added during vpn start
. Then all those IPs will be added to the whitelist. If inmotion changes the IPs that biz170 resolves to, we'll have to reset the vpn to get the changes IPs added to the whitelist.
I'm running apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
to make sure things are all
patched up.
I redirected vpn status to /dev/null in the root crontab so that /var/mail/mail won't fill up.
Apricot changed their mysql hostname so we needed to update the script. Here's the new vpn script:
ALLOWED_IPS=" biz170.inmotionhosting.com" # space delimited
function log() {
echo "$MSG"
logger -t vpn "$MSG"
function start() {
log "starting"
log "setting up IP whitelist: $ALLOWED_IPS"
for ip in $ALLOWED_IPS; do
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s $ip --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s --dport 3306 -j DROP
mkdir -p /var/run/xl2tpd
touch /var/run/xl2tpd/l2tp-control
log "starting ipsec"
ipsec up apricot-odbc
log "starting l2tp"
echo "c apricot-odbc AFN [vpnpassword]" > /var/run/xl2tpd/l2tp-control
log "waiting 30 secs for ppp interface to come up"
START=$(date +%s)
while [ $(date +%s) -lt $(($START + 30)) ]; do
if ifconfig | grep ppp; then
route add -net gw
nohup socat TCP-LISTEN:3306,fork TCP:$DBHOST:3306 > /dev/null &
sleep 1
function stop() {
log "stopping"
surekill socat
route del -net gw
ifconfig ppp0 down
ipsec down apricot-odbc
service xl2tpd restart
service strongswan restart
iptables -D INPUT -p tcp -s --dport 3306 -j DROP
for ip in $ALLOWED_IPS; do
iptables -D INPUT -p tcp -s $ip --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
function status() {
if echo 'show tables;' | mysql -u$DBUSER -p$DBPASS -h $DBHOST $DBNAME > /dev/null && pgrep socat > /dev/null; then
log "status: up"
return 0
log "status: down"
return 2
function reset() {
log "resetting"
case $1 in
start )
stop )
restart | reset )
status )
We're also using my surekill script to make sure socat dies when stop is called.
I changed the db password in /usr/local/bin/vpn to the new one that John sent me. We'll need to change the password in the dashboard script also.