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authorjapps edited this page Aug 23, 2019 · 9 revisions

Zerocode Zerocode

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Automated API testing was never so easy before.

Zerocode makes it easy to create and maintain automated tests with absolute minimum overhead for REST,SOAP, Kafka, DB services and more. Jump to the quick-start section or HelloWorld section to explore more.

Zerocode is used by many companies such as Vocalink, HSBC, HomeOffice(Gov) and others to achieve accurate production drop of their micro-services. It has got best of best ideas and practices from the community to keep it super simple and the adoption is rapidly growing among the developer/tester community.

Table of Contents


Zerocode is a light-weight, simple and extensible open-source framework for writing test intentions in simple JSON or YAML format that facilitates both declarative configuration and automation. The framework manages the response validations, target API invocations with payload and test-scenario steps-chaining at the same time, same place using Jayway JsonPath.

For example, if our REST API returns the following from URL https://localhost:8080/api/v1/customers/123 with http status 200(OK),

    "id": 123,
    "type": "Premium High Value",
    "addresses": [
            "line1":"10 Random St"

then, we can easily validate the above API using Zerocode like below.

  • Using YAML described as below,

The beauty here is, we can use the payload structure as it is without any manipulation.

url: api/v1/customers/123
operation: GET
  auth_token: a_valid_token
  status: 200
    id: 123
    type: Premium High Value
    - type: home
      line1: 10 Random St
  • Using JSON DSL described as below,
    "url": "api/v1/customers/123",
    "operation": "GET",
    "request": {
    "verifications": {
        "status": 200,
        "body": {
            "id": 123,
            "type": "Premium High Value",
            "addresses": [
                    "line1":"10 Random St"

and run it simply by pointing to the above JSON/YAML file from a JUnit @Test method.

   public void getCustomer_happyCase(){
        // No code goes here. This remains empty.

Looks simple n easy? Why not give a try? See the quick-start section or HelloWorld section.

Configuring Custom Http Client

@UseHttpClient enables us to use any project specific custom Http client. See an example here. e.g.

public class GitHubSecurityHeaderTokenTest {

But this feature is optional and the framework defaults to use Apache HttpClients for both http and https connections.

Running a Single Scenario Test

ZeroCodeUnitRunner is the JUnit runner which enables us to run a single or more test-cases from a JUnit test-class. e.g.

public class GitHubHelloWorldTest {

   public void testHappyFlow(){

   public void testNegativeFlow(){


Running a Suite of Tests

  • Selecting all tests as usual JUnit Suite

public class HelloWorldJunitSuite {
    // This class remains empty		


  • Selecting tests by cherry-picking from test resources
public class HelloWorldSelectedGitHubSuite {
    // This space remains empty


If you are looking for simillar REST API testing DSL in Python(YAML/JSON), Then visit this open-source pyresttest lib in the GitHub.

In the below example -

  • name is equivalent to scenarioName
  • method is equivalent to operation
  • validators is equivalent to verifications feature of Zerocode
- test: # create entity by PUT
    - name: "Create or update a person"
    - url: "/api/person/1/"
    - method: "PUT"
    - body: '{"first_name": "Gaius","id": 1,"last_name": "Baltar","login": "gbaltar"}'
    - headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    - validators:  # This is how we do more complex testing!
        - compare: {header: content-type, comparator: contains, expected:'json'}
        - compare: {jsonpath_mini: 'login', expected: 'gbaltar'}  # JSON extraction
        - compare: {raw_body:"", comparator:contains, expected: 'Baltar' }  # Tests on raw response

The Quick-Start guide explains how to bring up a REST end point and run the tests.

Load Testing

Use Zerocode declarative parallel load generation on the target system.


To write Test-Scenarios using YAML, please visit YAML Example page for usages and examples.


Zerocode supports JSON DSLs. For writing Test Scenarios. Please visit JSON Example page for usages and examples.

Declarative TestCase - Hooking BDD Scenario Steps

With the declarative JSON/YAML DSL, the state of request/response payload/headers is available for the subsequent steps via the JSON Path.

  • YAML
YAML large
  • JSON
JSON online

That's it, the simple YAML/JSON steps. No other BDD step definition coding needed.
No feature files, no extra plugins, no assertThat(...), no statements or grammar syntax overhead.

See the Table Of Contents for usages and examples.

Maven and CI 🔨

Latest release: 1.3.x 🏹

Continuous Integration: Build Status
HelloWorld: Calling a GitHub api step and executing Test code.
Help and Usage: Table of Contents
Wiki: About Zerocode
License: Apache 2.0
Mailing List: Mailing List
Chat Room: Gitter(unused)
Chat Room: Slack(active)

The purpose of Zerocode lib is to make our API tests easy to write, easy to change, easy to share.

Maven dependency xml:


Jump to Getting Started

Hello World 🙌

In a typical TDD approach, Zerocode is used in various phases of a project to pass though various quality gates. This makes the TDD cycle very very easy, clean and efficient. e.g.

  • NFR - Performance Testing
  • NFR - Security Testing
  • DEV - Integration Testing
  • DEV - Dev Build/In-Memory Testing
  • CI - End to End Testing Build
  • CI - SIT(System Integration Testing) Build
  • CI - Contract Test Build
  • CI - DataBase Integrity Testing
  • MANUAL - Manual Testing like usual REST clients(Postman or Insomnia etc)
  • MOCK - API Mocking/Service Virtualization

Clone or download the below quick-start repos to run these from your local IDE or maven.

To build any of the above projects, we can use the following command

mvn clean install -DskipTests

For selected module build

mvn clean install -pl core,http-testing

Upcoming Releases 🐼

  • Kafka - Testing Distributed Data Stream application (Easy and fun) 🔜
    • Multi Topic produce and consume 🔜
    • KSQL Integration 🔜
    • produce and consume JSON messages
    • Test avro schema registry along with REST Proxy
  • WebHook and WebSocket HelloWord Examples

Supported testing frameworks:

Testing no more a harder, slower and sleepless task

See the HelloWorldTest and more

Kafka Testing

Visit the page Kafka Testing Introduction for step-by-step approach.

Current Release Covers

  • Kafka - Testing Distributed Data Stream application (Easy and fun)
    • Simple produce and consume
    • produce and consume RAW messages
    • produce and consume JSON messages
    • Test avro schema registry along with REST Proxy
  • Kafka - HelloWorld examples and Wiki on dockerized testinng

DataBase(DB) Integration Testing

Visit the page Database Validation for step-by-step approach.

Maven Dependencies

Search in the Maven Portal or View in Maven repo

More (Wiki) >>

Smart Projects Using Zerocode

  • Vocalink (A Mastercard company) - REST API testing for virtualization software
  • HSBC Bank - MuleSoft application REST API Contract testing, E2E Integration Testing, Oracle DB API testing, SOAP testing and Load/Stress aka Performance testing
  • Barclays Bank - Micro-Services API Contract Validation for System APIs build using Spring Boot
  • Home Office(GOV.UK) - Micro-Services REST API Contract testing, HDFS/Hbase REST end point testing, Kafka Data-pipeline testing, Authentication testing.

Latest news/releases/features

Follow us(Twitter) download

Getting started ⛹‍♂

Add these two maven dependencies in test scope:



Then annotate our JUnit test method pointing to the JSON/YAML file as below and run as a unit test. That's it really.

public class JustHelloWorldTest {

    public void testGet() throws Exception {


Where, the hello_world_status_ok_assertions.json looks like below.

    "scenarioName": "Invoke the GET api and validate the response",
    "steps": [
            "name": "get_user_details",
            "url": "/users/octocat",
            "operation": "GET",
            "request": {
            "verifications": {
                "status": 200,
                "body": {
                    "login" : "octocat",
                    "type" : "User"

the looks as below:

Note the assertThat(...), GIVEN-WHEN-THEN statements have become implicit here and we have overcome two major overheads.

We don't have to deal with them explicitly as the framework handles these complexities for us and makes the testing cycle very very easy.

GIVEN- the GitHub REST api GET end point,
WHEN- I invoke the API,
THEN- I will receive 200(OK) status with body and assert the response


GIVEN- the GitHub REST url and the method GET,
WHEN- I invoke the API,
THEN- I will receive 200(OK) status with body
AND assert the response


GIVEN- the GET methos
AND the http url of GitHub api
WHEN- I invoke the API using a HTTP client,
THEN- I will receive 200(OK) status with body
AND assert the response


HttpResponse response =


.header("accept", "application/json")


User user = response.getUser();

assertThat(response.getStatusCode(), is(200))

assertThat(user.getId(), is(33847731))

assertThat(user.getLogin(), is("octocat"))

assertThat(user.getType(), is("user"))

See more usages and examples below.

Usage and Help - Table of Contents

Help and usage

Download this help and usage project to try it yourself.

Single Scenario with single step

A scenario might consist of one or more steps. Let's start with a single step Test Case:

  "scenarioName": "Vanilla - Will Get Google Employee Details",
  "steps": [
      "name": "step1_get_google_emp_details",
      "url": "http://localhost:9998/google-emp-services/home/employees/999",
      "operation": "GET",
      "request": {},
      "verifications": {
        "status": 200

Note: The above JSON block is a test case where we asked the test framework to invoke the

REST end point : http://localhost:9998/google-emp-services/home/employees/999

using method: GET

and verify the REST response with an

expected status: 200


"scenarioName" - Free text describing the use-case or user-journey

"" - Free text without any space

"verifications" or "assertions" - The response payload to validate

"status" - A HTTP status code returned from the server


  • The above scenario will PASS as the end point actually responds as below. Look at the "response" section below.
          "name": "Sample_Get_Employee_by_Id",
          "operation": "GET",
          "url": "/google-emp-services/home/employees/999",
          "response": {
            "status": 200,
            "body": {
              "id": 999,
              "name": "Larry P",
              "availability": true,
                  "gpsLocation": "x3000-y5000z-70000"
                  "gpsLocation": "x3000-y5000z-70000S"
  • The following scenario will fail. Why?

Because we are asserting with an expected status as 500, but the end point actually returns 200.

  "scenarioName": "Vanilla - Will Get Google Employee Details",
  "steps": [
      "name": "step1_get_google_emp_details",
      "url": "http://localhost:9998/google-emp-services/home/employees/999",
      "operation": "GET",
      "request": {
      "verifications": {
        "status": 500

Generating load for performance testing aka stress testing




@TestMapping(testClass = TestGitGubEndPoint.class, testMethod = "testGitHubGET_load")
public class LoadGetEndPointTest {
  • The load generation properties are set here Learn more >>
  • The test case for GET api is mapped or fed into the load runner as below:

@TestMapping(testClass = TestGitGubEndPoint.class, testMethod = "testGitHubGET_load")

which verifies the response in the assertions section -

    "scenarioName": "Load testing- Git Hub GET API",
    "steps": [
            "name": "get_user_details",
            "url": "/users/octocat",
            "operation": "GET",
            "request": {},
            "verifications": {
                "status": 200,
                "body": {
                    "login" : "octocat",
                    "id" : 583231,
                    "avatar_url" : "",
                    "type" : "User",
                    "name" : "The Octocat",
                    "company" : "GitHub"

More (Learn advantages of load testing using your IDE(Eclipse or Intellij etc)) >>

Single step with more assertions

  "scenarioName": "Vanilla - Will Get Google Employee Details",
  "steps": [
      "name": "step1_get_google_emp_details",
      "url": "http://localhost:9998/google-emp-services/home/employees/999",
      "operation": "GET",
      "request": {
      "verifications": {
        "status": 200,
        "body": {
          "id": 999,
          "name": "Larry P",
          "availability": true,
              "gpsLocation": "x3000-y5000z-70000"
              "gpsLocation": "x3000-y5000z-70000S"

The above scenario will pass as the verifications(assertions) section has the payload matching the REST API response.

Running with scenario loop

Runs the entire scenario two times i.e. executing both the steps once for each time.

  "scenarioName": "Vanilla - Execute multiple times - Scenario",
  "loop": 2,
  "steps": [
      "name": "get_room_details",
      "url": "http://localhost:9998/google-emp-services/home/employees/101",
      "operation": "GET",
      "request": {
      "verifications": {
        "status": 200,
        "body": {
          "id": 101
      "name": "get_another_room_details",
      "url": "http://localhost:9998/google-emp-services/home/employees/102",
      "operation": "GET",
      "request": {
      "verifications": {
        "status": 200,
        "body": {
          "id": 102

Paramterized scenario

To run the scenario steps for each parameter from a list of values or CSV rows.

Visit Wiki for details.

Http Max TimeOut or Implicit Wait

please visit configuring Http max timeout or implicit wait - Wiki during the API validation,

Generated reports and charts

(For Gradle build setup - See here - Wiki)

Generated test statistics reports. See the '/target' folder after every run. e.g. Look for-



See some sample reports below:

Spike Chart:

  1. Full coverage CSV report

  2. Interactive - Chart(Filter by Author, Test name, status etc)

CSV Report:

If `target` folder has permission issue, the library alerts with-
Somehow the `target/zerocode-test-reports` is not present or has no report JSON files. 
Possible reasons- 
   1) No tests were activated or made to run via ZeroCode runner. -or- 
   2) You have simply used @RunWith(...) and ignored all tests -or- 
   3) Permission issue to create/write folder/files 
   4) Please fix it by adding/activating at least one test case or fix the file permission issue

Step dealing with arrays

Visit this Wiki Page.

Finding the occurrence of an element in the array response

e.g. your actual response is like below, Your use-case is, Dan and Mike might not be returned in the same order always, but they appear only once in the array.

Url: "/api/v1/screening/persons",
Operation: "GET",
                "status": 200,
                "body": {
                    "type" : "HIGH-VALUE",
                            "id": "",
                            "name": "Dan"
                            "id": "",
                            "name": "Mike"

To assert the above situation, you can find the element using JSON path as below and verify 'Dan' was returned only once in the array and 'Emma' was present in the 'persons' array. (See more JSON paths here)

    "scenarioName": "Scenario- Get all person details",
    "steps": [
            "name": "get_screening_details",
            "url": "/api/v1/screening/persons",
            "operation": "GET",
            "request": {
            "verifications": {
                "status": 200,
                "body": {
                    "type": "HIGH-VALUE",
                    "persons.SIZE": 2,
                    "persons[?('Dan')].id.SIZE": 1,
                    "persons[?('Mike')].id.SIZE": 1,
                    "persons[?('Emma')].id.SIZE": 0

What persons[?('Dan')].id.SIZE means is-

In the persons array check every element with the name Dan, if found pick the id of element and return all of the ids as an array, then do .SIZE on the ids array and return a count.

Note- Even if a single matching element is found, the return is always an array type. Also if you do a .length() on the returned ids e.g. persons[?('Dan')].id.length(), that's also an array i.e. [2] instead of simple 2. That's how JSON path behaves. Hence .SIZE helps to achieve this.

Run the above test case from here - testFindElementInArray().

To pick a single element/leaf-value from the array, please visit this Wiki Page

Asserting an array SIZE

If your response contains the below:

e.g. http response body:
                "results": [
                        "id": 1,
                        "name": "Elon Musk"
                        "id": 2,
                        "name": "Jeff Bezos"

Then you can assert many ways for the desired result-

            "verifications": {
                "results.SIZE": 2

            "verifications": {
                "results.SIZE": "$GT.1"
            "verifications": {
                "results.SIZE": "$LT.3"

See more SIZE examples here in the hello-world repo.

Chaining multiple steps for a scenario

Chaining steps: Multi-Step REST calls with the earlier response(IDs etc) as input to next step

    "scenarioName": "Create and Get employee details",
    "steps": [
            "name": "create_new_employee",
            "url": "http://localhost:9998/google-emp-services/home/employees",
            "operation": "POST",
            "request": {},
            "verifications": {
                "status": 201,
                "body": {
                    "id": 1000
            "name": "get_and_verify_created_employee",
            "url": "http://localhost:9998/google-emp-services/home/employees/${$}", //<-- ID from previous response
            "operation": "GET",
            "request": {},
            "verifications": {
                "status": 200,
                "body": {
                    "id": 1000,
                    "name": "${$}",
                    "addresses": [
                            "gpsLocation": "${$.create_new_employee.response.body.addresses[0].gpsLocation}"
                            "gpsLocation": "${$.create_new_employee.response.body.addresses[1].gpsLocation}"

Enabling ignoreStepFailures for executing all steps in a scenario

Setting "ignoreStepFailures": true will allow executing the next step even if the earlier step failed.


    "scenarioName": "Multi step - ignoreStepFailures",
    "ignoreStepFailures": true,
    "steps": [

See HelloWorld repo for a running example.

Generating random strings, random numbers and static strings

Random UUID-

  "scenarioName": "random_UUID",
  "steps": [
      "name": "create_new_employee",
      "url": "http://localhost:9998/google-emp-services/home/employees",
      "operation": "POST",
      "request": {
        "body": {
          "id": "${RANDOM.UUID}", //<-- Everytime it creates unique uuid. See below example.
          "name": "Elen M"   
      "verifications": {
        "status": 201

Resolves to-
  "scenarioName": "random_UUID",
  "steps": [
      "name": "create_new_employee",
      "url": "http://localhost:9998/google-emp-services/home/employees",
      "operation": "POST",
      "request": {
        "body": {
          "id": "94397df8-0e9e-4479-a2f9-9af509fb5998", //<-- Every time it runs, it creates an unique uuid
          "name": "Elen M"   
      "verifications": {
        "status": 201

Random String of specific length-

  "scenarioName": "13_random_and_static_string_number_place_holders",
  "steps": [
      "name": "create_new_employee",
      "url": "http://localhost:9998/google-emp-services/home/employees",
      "operation": "POST",
      "request": {
        "body": {
          "id": 1000,
          "name": "Larry ${RANDOM.STRING:5}",   //<-- Random number of length 5 chars
          "password": "${RANDOM.STRING:10}"     //<-- Random number of length 10 chars
      "verifications": {
        "status": 201

resolves to the below POST request to the endpoint:

  "body" : {
    "id" : 1000,
    "name" : "Larry tzezq",
    "password" : "czljtmzotu"

See full log in the log file, looks like this:

  "body" : {
    "id" : 1000,
    "name" : "Larry tzezq",
    "password" : "czljtmzotu"

  "status" : 201,
*Response delay:152.0 milli-secs 
---------> Assertion: <----------
  "status" : 201
--------- RELATIONSHIP-ID: 4cfd3bfb-a537-49a2-84a2-0457c4e65803 ---------
  "body" : {
    "id" : 1000,
    "name" : "Larry tzezq",
    "password" : "czljtmzotu"
--------- RELATIONSHIP-ID: 4cfd3bfb-a537-49a2-84a2-0457c4e65803 ---------
  "status" : 201,
*Response delay:7.0 milli-secs 
---------> Assertion: <----------
  "status" : 201

Asserting general and exception messages

Asserting with $CONTAINS.STRING:

      "verifications": {
        "status": 200,
        "body": {
          "name": "$CONTAINS.STRING:Larry"   //<-- PASS: If the "name" field in the response contains "Larry".
  • Similar way exception messages can be asserted for part or full message.

Asserting with $GT or $LT


  "verifications": {
    "status": "$GT.198"   //<--- PASS: 200 is greater than 198


  "verifications": {
      "status": "$LT.500"   //<--- PASS: 200 is lesser than 500

Asserting an empty array with $[]

      "verifications": {
        "status": 200,
        "body": {
          "id": "$NOT.NULL",
          "vehicles": "$[]"         //<--- PASS: if the response has empty "vehicles"

Asserting an array SIZE

If your response contains the below:

e.g. http response body:
                "results": [
                        "id": 1,
                        "name": "Elon Musk"
                        "id": 2,
                        "name": "Jeff Bezos"

Then you can assert many ways for the desired result-

            "verifications": {
                "results.SIZE": 2

            "verifications": {
                "results.SIZE": "$GT.1"
            "verifications": {
                "results.SIZE": "$LT.3"

See more SIZE examples here in the hello-world repo.

Calling java methods(apis) for doing specific tasks:

  • You can clone and execute from this repo here

In case of - Java method request, response as JSON:

    "scenarioName": "Java method request, response as JSON",
    "steps": [
            "name": "execute_java_method",
            "url": "org.jsmart.zerocode.zerocodejavaexec.OrderCreator",
            "operation": "createOrder",
            "request": {
                "itemName" : "Mango",
                "quantity" : 15000
            "verifications": {
                "orderId" : 1020301,
                "itemName" : "Mango",
                "quantity" : 15000

Sample Java class and method used in the above step-

public class OrderCreator {

    public Order createOrder(Order order){
         * TODO- Suppose you process the "order" received, and finally return the "orderProcessed".
         * Here it is hardcoded for simplicity and understanding purpose only
        Order orderProcessed = new Order(1020301, order.getItemName(), order.getQuantity());

        return orderProcessed;

Order pojo looks like below, full pojo src here-

public class Order {
    private Integer orderId;
    private String itemName;
    private Long quantity;

    public Order(
            @JsonProperty("orderId")Integer orderId,
            @JsonProperty("itemName")String itemName,
            @JsonProperty("quantity")Long quantity) {
        this.orderId = orderId;
        this.itemName = itemName;
        this.quantity = quantity;

    public Integer getOrderId() {
        return orderId;

    public String getItemName() {
        return itemName;

    public Long getQuantity() {
        return quantity;

More examples here-

Overriding with Custom HttpClient with Project demand

See here how to pass custom headers in the HttpClient : See usage of @UseHttpClient

See here custom one : See usage of @UseHttpClient


@TestPackageRoot("helloworld_github_REST_api") //<--- Root of the folder in test/resources to pick all tests
public class HelloWorldCustomHttpClientSuite {

Externalizing RESTful host and port into properties file(s).

Note: Each runner is capable of running with a properties file which can have host and port for specific to this runner.

  • So one can have a single properties file per runner which means you can run the tests against multiple environments -OR-
  • can have a single properties file shared across all the runners means all tests run against the same environment.

** Note - As per Latest config update, we have updated endpoint configuration fields. From the release 1.2.8 onwards we will be allowing web. and deprecating restful. in endpoint configurations. We will take away support for restful. from endpoint configuration in the future releases. Version 1.2.8 will work for both as we have made the framework backward compatible.





The runner looks like this:

public class ScreeningServiceContractTest {

    public void testScreeningLocalAndGlobal() throws Exception {
    "scenarioName": "GIVEN- the GitHub REST api, WHEN- I invoke GET, THEN- I will receive the 200 status with body",
    "steps": [
            "name": "get_user_details",
            "url": "/users/octocat",
            "operation": "GET",
            "request": {
            "verifications": {
                "status": 200,
                "body": {
                    "login" : "octocat",
                    "type" : "User"
public class JustHelloWorldTest {

    public void testGet() throws Exception {

@UseHttpClient(SslTrustHttpClient.class) //<--- Optional, Needed for https/ssl connections.
@TestPackageRoot("helloworld_github_REST_api") //<--- Root of the package to pick all tests including sub-folders
public class HelloWorldGitHubSuite {

public class ContractTestSuite {


Using any properties file key-value in the steps

You can directly use the existing properties or introduce new common properties to be used in the test steps. Usage: ${my_new_url}, ${}, ${X-APP-SAML-TOKEN} etc

This is particularly useful when you want to introduce one or more common properties to use across the test suite. 👍 (Clone HelloWorld repo to run this from your IDE)


# or e.g. some new properties you introduced

Then, you can simply use the properties as below.

    "scenarioName": "New property keys from host config file",
    "steps": [
            "name": "get_api_call",
            "url": "${}:${web.application.endpoint.port}/home/bathroom/1",
            "operation": "GET",
            "request": {
            "verifications": {
                "status": 200
            "name": "get_call_via_new_url",
            "url": "${my_new_url}/home/bathroom/1",
            "operation": "GET",
            "request": {
            "verifications": {
                "status": 200


Bare JSON String, still a valid JSON

Passing "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" header

It is very easy to send this content-type in the header and assert the response.

When you use this header, then you just need to put the Key-Value or Name-Value content under request body or request queryParams section. That's it.


         "request": {
            "headers": {
               "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
            "body": {
               "unit-no": "12-07",
               "block-number": 33,
               "state/region": "Singapore North",
               "country": "Singapore",
               "pin": "87654321",
  • What happens if my Key contains a space or front slash / etc?

This is automatically taken care by Apache Http Client. That means it gets converted to the equivalent encoded char which is understood by the server(e.g. Spring boot or Jersey or Tomcat etc ).

e.g. The above name-value pair behind the scene is sent to the server as below:


See more examples and usages in the Wiki >>

Handling Content-Type with charset-16 or charset-32

When the http server sends response with charset other than utf-8 i.e. utf-16 or utf-32 etc, then the Zerocode framework automatically handles it correctly. See Wiki - Charset in response for details on how it handles.

Also the framework enables you to override this behaviour/handling by overriding method createCharsetResponse in the class See an example in the working code example of HelloWorld repo.

Passing environment param via Jenkins and dynamically picking environment specific properties file in CI

package org.jsmart.zerocode.testhelp.tests;

import org.jsmart.zerocode.core.domain.EnvProperty;
import org.jsmart.zerocode.core.domain.Scenario;
import org.jsmart.zerocode.core.domain.TargetEnv;
import org.jsmart.zerocode.core.runner.ZeroCodeUnitRunner;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

@EnvProperty("_${env}") //any meaningful string e.g. `` or `envName` or `app.env` etc
public class EnvPropertyHelloWorldTest {

    public void testRunAgainstConfigPropertySetViaJenkins() throws Exception {

 Set "env=ci" in Jenkins (or via .profile in a Unix machine, System/User properties in Windows)
 then the runner picks "" and runs.
 if -Denv=sit, then runner looks for and picks "" and runs.

If `env` not supplied, then defaults to "" which by default mentioned mentioned via @TargetEnv
 Configure the below `mvn goal` when you run via Jenkins goal in the specific environment e.g. -
 For CI :
 mvn clean install -Denv=ci
 For SIT:
 mvn clean install -Denv=sit
 and make sure: and etc are available in the resources folder or class path.

LocalDate and LocalDateTime format example

  "id": 1000,
  "createdDay": "${LOCAL.DATE.TODAY:yyyy-MM-dd}",
  "createdDayTimeStamp": "${LOCAL.DATETIME.NOW:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.nnnnnnnnn}",
  "randomUniqueValue": "${LOCAL.DATETIME.NOW:yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmssnnnnnnnnn}"

resolved to ===> below date and datetime

  "id": 1000,
  "createdDay": "2018-02-14",
  "createdDayTimeStamp": "2018-02-14T21:52:45.180000000",
  "randomUniqueValue": "20180214T215245180000000"

e.g formats:

output: 2018-02-11  // "uuuu-MM-dd"
output: 2018 02 11  // "uuuu MM dd"
output: 2018        // "yyyy"
output: 2018-Feb-11 // "uuuu-MMM-dd"
output: 2018-02-11  // "uuuu-LL-dd"
Default: date.toString(): 2018-02-11

Note: uuuu prints same as yyyy

output: 2018-02-11T21:31:21.041000000    // "uuuu-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSSSS"
output: 2018-02-11T21:31:21.41000000     // "uuuu-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.n"
output: 2018-02-11T21:31:21.041000000    // "uuuu-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.nnnnnnnnn"
output: 2018-02-11T21:31:21.77481041     // "uuuu-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.A"
output: 2018-02-14                       // "uuuu-MM-dd" or "yyyy-MM-dd"
Default: date.toString(): 2018-02-11T21:31:20.989          // .toString()

See here more-

     H       hour-of-day (0-23)          number            0
     m       minute-of-hour              number            30
     s       second-of-minute            number            55
     S       fraction-of-second          fraction          978
     A       milli-of-day                number            1234
     n       nano-of-second              number            987654321
     N       nano-of-day                 number            1234000000

All letters 'A' to 'Z' and 'a' to 'z' are reserved as pattern letters. The following pattern letters are defined:

 Symbol  Meaning                     Presentation      Examples
 ------  -------                     ------------      -------
 G       era                         text              AD; Anno Domini; A
 u       year                        year              2004; 04
 y       year-of-era                 year              2004; 04
 D       day-of-year                 number            189
 M/L     month-of-year               number/text       7; 07; Jul; July; J
 d       day-of-month                number            10

SOAP method invocation example with xml input

You can invoke SOAP as below which is already supported by zerocode lib, or you can write your own SOAP executor using Java(if you want to, but you don't have to). (If you want- Then, in the README file go to section -> "Calling java methods(apis) for specific tasks" )

    "scenarioName": "GIVEN a SOAP end poinr WHEN I invoke a method with a request XML, THEN I will ge the SOAP response in XML",
    "steps": [
            "name": "invoke_currency_conversion",
            "url": "http://<>/<path etc>",
            "operation": "POST",
            "request": {
                "headers": {
                    "Content-Type": "text/xml; charset=utf-8",
                    "SOAPAction": "<get this from WSDL file, this has the port or method or action name in the url>"
                    //"SOAPAction": "\"<or wrap it in double quotes as some SOAP servers understand it>\""
                "body": "escaped request XML message ie the soap:Envelope message"
                -or- // pick from- src/test/resources/soap_requests/xml_files/soap_request.xml
                "body": "${XML.FILE:soap_requests/xml_files/soap_request.xml}" 
            "verifications": {
                "status": 200

e.g. below- This example invokes a free SOAP service over internet. Note: If this service is down, the invocation might fail. So better to test against an available SOAP service to you or a local stub service.

    "scenarioName": "GIVEN a SOAP end point WHEN I invoke a method with a request XML, THEN I will get response in XML",
    "steps": [
            "name": "invoke_currency_conversion",
            "url": "",
            "operation": "POST",
            "request": {
                "headers": {
                    "Content-Type": "text/xml; charset=utf-8",
                    "SOAPAction": "http://www.webserviceX.NET/ConversionRate"
                    //"SOAPAction": "\"http://www.webserviceX.NET/ConversionRate\""
                "body": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\" xmlns:soap=\"\">\n  <soap:Body>\n    <ConversionRate xmlns=\"http://www.webserviceX.NET/\">\n      <FromCurrency>AFA</FromCurrency>\n      <ToCurrency>GBP</ToCurrency>\n    </ConversionRate>\n  </soap:Body>\n</soap:Envelope>"
                // -or- 
                // "body": "${XML.FILE:soap_requests/xml_files/soap_request.xml}"
            "verifications": {
                "status": 200

You should received the below-

  "status" : 200,
  "headers" : {
    "Date" : [ "Fri, 16 Feb 2018 05:38:27 GMT" ],
    "Server" : [ "Microsoft-IIS/7.0" ]
  "rawBody" : "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\"><soap:Body><ConversionRateResponse xmlns=\"http://www.webserviceX.NET/\"><ConversionRateResult>-1</ConversionRateResult></ConversionRateResponse></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>"
*Response delay:653.0 milli-secs

SOAP method invocation where Corporate Proxy enabled

You need to use a HttpClient ie override the BasicHttpClient and set proxies to it as below-

        CredentialsProvider credsProvider = createProxyCredentialsProvider(proxyHost, proxyPort, proxyUserName, proxyPassword);

        HttpHost proxy = new HttpHost(proxyHost, proxyPort);
        Step-3) method Step-1
        private CredentialsProvider createProxyCredentialsProvider(String proxyHost, int proxyPort, String proxyUserName, String proxyPassword) {

                CredentialsProvider credsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider();
                        new AuthScope(proxyHost, proxyPort),
                        new UsernamePasswordCredentials(proxyUserName, proxyPassword));
                return credsProvider;
        Set the values from Step-1 and Step-2


                .setSSLHostnameVerifier(new NoopHostnameVerifier())


                .setDefaultCredentialsProvider(credsProvider)    //<------------- From Step-1

                .setProxy(proxy)                                 //<------------- From Step-2


You can inject the Corporate Proxy details to the custom {{HttpClient}} li below from a config file simply by annotating the key names from the host config file which is used by the runner for mentioning host and port. e.g. below: See an example here-

Usage example here:

How to use?

public class SoapCorpProxySslHttpClientTest {

    public void testSoapWithCorpProxyEnabled() throws Exception {


Explanation below-

public class HelloWorldTest {
     // @Test
     // tests here
# Web Server host and port

# Web Service context; Leave it blank in case you do not have a common context

#sample test purpose - if you remove this from ehre, then make sure to remove from Java file

Your HttpClient:

public class YourHttpClient {

    private String proxyHost;

    private String proxyPort;

    private String proxyUserName;

    private String proxyPassword;

    // Build the client using these.

MIME Type Converters- XML to JSON, prettyfy XML etc



            "name": "xml_to_json",
            "url": "org.jsmart.zerocode.converter.MimeTypeConverter",
            "operation": "xmlToJson",
            "request": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\" xmlns:soap=\"\">\n  <soap:Body>\n    <ConversionRate xmlns=\"http://www.webserviceX.NET/\">\n      <FromCurrency>AFA</FromCurrency>\n      <ToCurrency>GBP</ToCurrency>\n    </ConversionRate>\n  </soap:Body>\n</soap:Envelope>",
            "verifications": {
                "soap:Envelope": {
                    "xmlns:xsd": "",
                    "xmlns:soap": "",
                    "xmlns:xsi": "",
                    "soap:Body": {
                        "ConversionRate": {
                            "xmlns": "http://www.webserviceX.NET/",
                            "FromCurrency": "AFA",
                            "ToCurrency": "GBP"


Various input and output. Depending upon the usecase, you can use that method.

    "scenarioName": "Given a json string or json block, convert to equivalent json block",
    "steps": [
            "name": "json_block_to_json",
            "url": "org.jsmart.zerocode.converter.MimeTypeConverter",
            "operation": "jsonBlockToJson",
            "request": {
                "headers": {
                    "hdrX": "valueX"
                "body": {
                    "id": 1001,
                    "addresses": [
                            "postCode": "PXY"
                            "postCode": "LMZ DDD"
            "verifications": {
                "headers": {
                    "hdrX": "valueX"
                "body": {
                    "id": 1001,
                    "addresses": [
                            "postCode": "PXY"
                            "postCode": "${$.json_block_to_json.request.body.addresses[1].postCode}"
            "name": "json_to_json",
            "url": "org.jsmart.zerocode.converter.MimeTypeConverter",
            "operation": "jsonToJson",
            "request": "${$.json_block_to_json.request.headers}",
            "verifications": {
                "hdrX": "valueX"
            "name": "body_json_to_json",
            "url": "org.jsmart.zerocode.converter.MimeTypeConverter",
            "operation": "jsonToJson",
            "request": "${$.json_block_to_json.request.body}",
            "verifications": {
                "id": 1001,
                "addresses": [
                        "postCode": "PXY"
                        "postCode": "LMZ DDD"
            "name": "json_node_to_json",
            "url": "org.jsmart.zerocode.converter.MimeTypeConverter",
            "operation": "jsonBlockToJson",
            "request": {
                "headers": {
                    "hdrX": "valueX"
                "body": {
                    "id": 1001,
                    "addresses": [
                            "postCode": "PXY"
            "verifications": {
                "headers": {
                    "hdrX": "valueX"
                "body": {
                    "id": 1001,
                    "addresses": [
                            "postCode": "${$.json_block_to_json.request.body.addresses[0].postCode}"

Available methods are-

  • xmlToJson
  • jsonToJson
  • jsonBlockToJson
  • jsonNodeToJson
  • prettyXml

Using WireMock for mocking dependent end points

See Issue #47 for the scenarios when WireMock becomes handy. See examples here-

The below JSON block step will mock two end points using WireMock.

  1. GET: /api/v1/amazon/customers/UK001 (no headers)
  2. GET: /api/v1/amazon/customers/cust-007 (with headers)
            "name": "setup_mocks",
            "url": "/$MOCK",
            "operation": "$USE.WIREMOCK",
            "request": {
                "mocks": [
                        "name": "mocking_a_GET_endpoint",
                        "operation": "GET",
                        "url": "/api/v1/amazon/customers/UK001",
                        "response": {
                            "status": 200,
                            "headers": {
                                "Accept": "application/json"
                            "body": {
                                "id": "UK001",
                                "name": "Adam Smith",
                                "Age": "33"
                        "name": "mocking_a_GET_endpoint_with_headers",
                        "operation": "GET",
                        "url": "/api/v1/amazon/customers/cust-007",
                        "request": {
                            "headers": {
                                "api_key": "key-01-01",
                                "api_secret": "secret-01-01"
                        "response": {
                            "status": 200,
                            "body": {
                                "id": "cust-007",
                                "type": "Premium"
            "verifications": {
                "status": 200

Http Basic authentication step using zerocode

  • How can I do basic http authentication in ZeroCode ?
    • Ans: You can do this in so many ways, it depends on your project requirement. Most simplest one is to pass the base64 basicAuth in the request headers as below - e.g. USERNAME/PASSWORD as charaanuser/passtwitter

Note- Zerocode framework helps you to achieve this, but has nothing to do with Basic-Auth. It uses Apache Http Client behind the scenes, this means whatever you can do using Apache Http Client, you can do it simply using Zerocode.

  • Positive scenario
    "name": "get_book_using_basic_auth",
    "url": "http://localhost:8088/api/v1/white-papers/WP-001",
    "operation": "GET",
    "request": {
        "headers": {
            "Authorization": "Basic Y2hhcmFhbnVzZXI6cGFzc3R3aXR0ZXI=" // You can generate this using Postman or java code
    "verifications": {
        "status": 200, // 401 - if unauthorised. See negatibe test below
        "body": {
            "id": "WP-001",
            "type": "pdf",
            "category": "Mule System API"
  • Negative scenario
    "name": "get_book_using_wrong_auth",
    "url": "http://localhost:8088/api/v1/white-papers/WP-001",
    "operation": "GET",
    "request": {
        "headers": {
            "Authorization": "Basic aWRONG-PASSWORD"
    "verifications": {
        "status": 401 //401(or simillar code whatever the server responds), you can assert here.
        "body": {
            "message": "Unauthorised" 
  • If your requirement is to put basic auth for all the API tests e.g. GET, POST, PUT, DELETE etc commonly in the regression suite, then you can put this "Authorization" header into your SSL client code. You can refer to an example test here.

  • In your custom http client, you add the header to the request at one place, which is common to all the API tests. See: org.jsmart.zerocode.httpclient.CorpBankApcheHttpClient#addBasicAuthHeader in the http-client code it uses.

Sending query params in URL or separately

You can pass query params in the usual way in the URL e.g. ?page=1&page_size=5 -or- You can pass them in the request as below.

            "request": {

See below both the examples( See this in the hello-world repo in action i.e. the Test-Case and the JUnit Test )

    "scenarioName": "Git Hub GET API - Fetch by queryParams",
    "steps": [
            "name": "get_repos_by_query",
            "url": "",
            "operation": "GET",
            "request": {
            "verifications": {
                "status": 200,
                "body.SIZE": 6
            "name": "get_repos_by_query_params",
            "url": "",
            "operation": "GET",
            "request": {
            "verifications": {
                "status": 200,
                "body.SIZE": 6
            "name": "get_all_reposs_without_query", // without the query params, which fetches everything.
            "url": "",
            "operation": "GET",
            "request": {
            "verifications": {
                "status": 200,
                "body.SIZE": 8

Place holders for End Point Mocking

Place Holder Output More
/$MOCK Signifies that this step will be used for mocking end points Start with a front slash
$USE.WIREMOCK Framework will use wiremock APIs to mock the end points defined in "mocks" section Can use other mechanisms e.g. local REST api simulators

General place holders

Place Holder Output More
${RANDOM.NUMBER} Replaces with a random number Random number is generated using current timestamp in milli-sec
${RANDOM.UUID} Replaces with a random UUID Random number is generated using java.util.UUID e.g. 077e6162-3b6f-4ae2-a371-2470b63dgg00
${RANDOM.STRING:10} Replaces a random string consists of ten english alpphabets The length can be dynamic
${RANDOM.STRING:4} Replaces with a random string consists of four english alpphabets The length can be dynamic
${STATIC.ALPHABET:5} Replaces with abcde ie Static string of length 5 String starts from "a" and continues, repeats after "z"
${STATIC.ALPHABET:7} Replaces with abcdefg ie Static string of length 7 String starts from a"" and continues, repeats after "z"
${SYSTEM.PROPERTY:java.vendor} Replaces with the value of the system property. E.g. java.vendor resolves to Oracle Corporation or Azul Systems, Inc. If no property exists then the place holder remains in place i.e. java.vendor
${LOCAL.DATE.TODAY:yyyy-MM-dd} Resolves this today's date in the format yyyy-MM-dd or any suppliedformat See format examples here
${LOCAL.DATETIME.NOW:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.nnnnnnnnn} Resolves this today's datetime stamp in any supplied format See format examples here

Assertion place holders

Place Holder Output More
$NOT.NULL Assertion passes if a not null value was present in the response Otherwise fails
$NULL Assertion passes if a null value was present in the response Otherwise fails
$[] Assertion passes if an empty array was present in the response Otherwise fails
$EQ.99 Assertion passes if a numeric value equals to 99 was present in the response Can be any int, long, float etc
$NOT.EQ.99 Assertion passes if a numeric value is not equals to 99 was present in the response Can be any int, long, float etc
$GT.99 Assertion passes if a value greater than 99 was present in the response Can be any int, long, float etc
$LT.99 Assertion passes if a value lesser than 99 was present in the response Can be any int, long, float etc
$CONTAINS.STRING:id was cust-001 Assertion passes if the node response contains string "id was cust-001" Otherwise fails
$CONTAINS.STRING.IGNORECASE:id WaS CuSt-001 Assertion passes if the response value contains string "id was cust-001" with case insensitive Otherwise fails
$MATCHES.STRING:\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} Assertion passes if the response value contains e.g. "1989-07-09" matching regex \\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} Otherwise fails
$LOCAL.DATETIME.BEFORE:2017-09-14T09:49:34.000Z Assertion passes if the actual date is earlier than this date Otherwise fails
$LOCAL.DATETIME.AFTER:2016-09-14T09:49:34.000Z Assertion passes if the actual date is later than this date Otherwise fails
$ONE.OF:[First Val, Second Val, Nth Val] Assertion passes if currentStatus actual value is one of the expected values supplied in the array Otherwise fails. E.g. "currentStatus": "$ONE.OF:[Found, Searching, Not Found]"

Assertion Path holders

Place Holder Output More
"<>.SIZE":"$GT.2" e.g. "persons.SIZE" : "$GT.2" - Assertion passes if the array contains more than 2 elements Search for dealing with arrays in this README for more usages
"<>.SIZE":"$LT.4" e.g. "persons.SIZE" : "$LT.4" - Assertion passes if the array contains less than 4 elements Search for dealing with arrays in this README for more usages
"<>.SIZE":3 e.g. "persons.SIZE" : 3 - Assertion passes if the array has exactly 3 elements Search for dealing with arrays in this README for more usages

JSON Slice And Dice - Solved

Video tutorials

References, Dicussions and articles




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