Run WireMock as part of Maven lifecycle.
- Add your mock definitions to the following folders:
- Add this plugin to your pom.xml:
<version><!-- check above badge for most recent version of wiremock-maven-plugin --></version>
<goal>stop</goal> <!-- important in multi-module project where more than one module uses this plugin -->
<params>--port=8081 --verbose</params>
<skip>false</skip> <!-- set to true to skip plugin execution -->
<version><!-- wiremock version you want to use --></version>
See WireMock manual for detailed information on available command line options.
- Run your tests:
mvn clean verify
Maven will copy your resources from src/main/resources/
to target/classes/
. WireMock Maven Plugin will start
WireMock on localhost:8081
at pre-integration-test
phase and use your mock definitions. Your tests executed
at integration-test
phase will have mocks ready to use. When Maven process execution finishes, WireMock will be
stopped as well.
You may want to stop WireMock Maven Plugin explicitly in post-integration-test
phase instead of waiting for it to shut
down at the end of Maven process execution. You can do that by adding stop
goal to the configuration. See above code
snippet as an example. This will help you avoid port conflicts in multi-module Maven projects with more than one module
using this plugin.
See pom.xml for a simple example and pom.xml for an example with WireMock extension.
If you want to start and stop WireMock manually, but prefer Maven to download it for you, this is how you can configure your project:
<version><!-- wiremock-maven-plugin version - check maven central badge above for most recent released version number --></version>
<params>--port=8081 --verbose</params>
<version><!-- wiremock version you want to use --></version>
Now when you run it with mvn clean compile wiremock:run
, you should see the following line in the console output:
[INFO] WireMock will keep running until interrupted manually...
WireMock Maven Plugin is tested against Java LTS versions 11 and 17.