Releases: automuteus/amonguscapture
2.7.1 | URGENT bugfixes
Urgent bugfixes relating to capture crashes.
2.7.0 | Automatic offset updates and game stats
- This release adds multi version support and allows the offsets to be updated without user interaction. Meaning you won't need to re-download the program if InnerSloth decide to update the game.
- Exposes some game stats to Galactus.
- Added a help menu to the discord token page to help users set up capture bots.
2.6.2 | v2020.11.17s support (Release 2)
Innersloth made another update, this supports that.
2.6.1 | v2020.11.17s support (Release 1)
Mainly bug-fixes. It will notify you on new version of the capture and bring you to the release page.
2.6.0 | v2020.11.17s support (Release 1)
This adds support for the newest version of among us.
2.5.0 Release | Discord self-host token
This release adds the ability to add your own token into the capture for increased performance (Like running a second bot without all the hassle).
We also have zipped this release for a smaller download, also have used advanced techniques to make the file size smaller by about 50%.
Make sure you unzip the file before running it.
2.4.4 Release
2.4.3 Release
This has some bug fixes in it with the latest offsets.
Support for v2020.10.22s of Among Us
Among us received an update on 11/2/2020. This is the updated capture to match that release version
All credit goes to @eytan99 at for finding and sharing these offsets!