This changelog references the relevant changes (bug and security fixes) done in 5.10 - 5.11 versions.
To get the diff between two versions, go to
- [SCALRCORE-3591] - APIv2 > Multiple consistency issues with servers endpoints
- [SCALRCORE-3637] - Cannot access billing bucket error when enabling detailed billing for new environments
- [SCALRCORE-3286] - Search webhooks by payload
- [SCALRCORE-3503] - UI > Descriptions for Teams combobox
- [SCALRCORE-3508] - Minor UI improvements + removed old tooltips
- [SCALRCORE-1898] - APIv2 > servers endpoints
- [SCALRCORE-3137] - Servers > Search drop-down :: ESC key doesn't close enveloped drop-downs
- [SCALRCORE-3455] - APIv2 > ReadOnly / required issue
- [SCALRCORE-3258] - DB Backups > Database status :: fix incorrect icons
- [SCALRCORE-3453] - Orchestration log :: New search query does not cancel a previous one
- [SCALRCORE-3454] - Global variables > New variable :: categories with the same name appears in dropdown
- [SCALRCORE-3507] - when I change the instance type of a VM in GCE scalr doesn't reflect the change
- [SCALRCORE-3523] - Azure: Suspend/Resume doesn't work
- [SCALRCORE-3526] - APIv2 > Cloning farm fails with 500 error
- [SCALRCORE-3362] - APIv2 > Create Environment's Teams method. List ACL Roles. BC change in APIv2
- [SCALRCORE-3405] - CA > Azure > Handle Gateway Timeout errors
- [SCALRCORE-3482] - APIv2 > Multiple issues with GV API methods
Two API calls were affected by the change:
Before: Endpoints have used Team
POST http://my.scalr.lo/api/v1beta0/account/environments/1/teams HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
X-Scalr-Date: 2016-04-13T10:42:45Z
X-Scalr-Signature: V1-HMAC-SHA256 Tok1LNbMzi1OXeOavMFBo2SPs7icCuky7hH7pyTElVQ=
Content-Length: 10
After: Endpoints use EnvironmentTeam
POST http://my.scalr.lo/api/v1beta0/account/environments/1/teams HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
X-Scalr-Date: 2016-04-13T10:41:40Z
X-Scalr-Signature: V1-HMAC-SHA256 XnU9ml/X3TKuHsnWaf9itCz0iAMBsF3H8vK+8A3tCxo=
Content-Length: 19
- [SCALRCORE-2906] - Combobox > Bug with selection
- [SCALRCORE-3197] - Image create :: wrong icon after switching between cloud tabs
- [SCALRCORE-3280] - PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function getRole on null in app/src/Scalr.php on line 572
- [SCALRCORE-3365] - Images > image creation :: fix text on Cancel confirmation
- [SCALRCORE-3401] - In menu "GCE volumes" field "Used by" is blank always
- [SCALRCORE-3416] - Account > About Scalr : Unable to view About Scalr from Account scope
- [SCALRCORE-3461] - Role Builder: Oracle Enterprise Linux Server 5.X Tikanga does not work
- [SCALRCORE-3462] - APIv2 > POST Endpoint /environments/{envId}/teams/ Broken affected version 5.11.18
- [SCALRCORE-3463] - Rackspace/Openstack Suspend and Resume issue for instances without public IP
- [SCALRCORE-3464] - Improper transaction management in Update20151030083847.php
- [SCALRCORE-3466] - Rabbitmq automation not terminating correctly
- [SCALRCORE-3473] - Images Disappearing at the Account Level
- [SCALRCORE-2995] - Multiple Teams Assigned to a Farm BC change in APIv2 and AuditLog
- [SCALRCORE-1208] - UI > Change Environment improvement
- [SCALRCORE-2421] - Add script.execute event to AuditLog
- [SCALRCORE-3335] - Scalr Health Dashboard > Manage hosts
- [SCALRCORE-3417] - APIv1 : Backward compatibility break with instance-type for FarmRole configuration
- [SCALRCORE-2675] - Pressed disabled button doesn't look like button
- [SCALRCORE-2680] - Environment > Role edit/create > It is possible to add an image out of the availability list
- [SCALRCORE-2824] - Add usage csv format to the usage-report tool / GCE vcpu not collected
- [SCALRCORE-3269] - Sorting does not work properly on some pages
- [SCALRCORE-3319] - AWS > Route 53 > New Zone :: Record set table is broken
- [SCALRCORE-3321] - Create Role from non-scalr server on GCE. Validate Role name
- [SCALRCORE-3382] - Expand button is not working in the codemirror component
- [SCALRCORE-3395] - Dashboard and "What's new in Scalr" > Announcements :: Visual defect with tooltip
- [SCALRCORE-3402] - DNS not updated after resuming instances
- [SCALRCORE-3418] - Servers stuck in RESUMING state after resuming from hibernation without os restart
- [SCALRCORE-3439] - APIv2 > Farm scope GV should not require Environment scope permission
- [SCALRCORE-3440] - Configure runlist not working
1 APIv2 teamOwner
field of the Farm object has been replaced with teams field, and latter represents the list of the Teams which share Farm ownership.
Before: Farm
object had teamOwner
property which stood for the Team
ID that the Farm
is owned by. NULL
was accepted as well.
After: Farm
object has teams
property which holds the list of the Team
IDs which share Farm
ownership. NULL
is accepted as well.
2 Some Audit Log fields have been changed:
was replaced with farm.launch.owner.teams
was replaced with farm.terminate.owner.teams
It contains either array of the identifiers of the Teams
by which the Farm
is owned or NULL
if Farm
has no Team
- [SCALRCORE-2652] - Account Announcement Functionality
- [SCALRCORE-3283] - New custom scaling metric type: URL-Request
- [SCALRCORE-3276] - Discovery manager UX improvements
- [SCALRCORE-3394] - Add FarmRole min/max instances to szradm
- [SCALRCORE-2960] - pecl_http notice w/ curl 7.43
- [SCALRCORE-3317] - AWS S3 : Proper error message on creating bucket that already exists
- [SCALRCORE-3341] - RDS > Security Groups > Issues with Security Rules
- [SCALRCORE-3352] - CA > Analytics processor MySQL integrity error
- pecl_http 2.5.6
- [SCALRCORE-3130] - Set default Environment list for Account safe Environments
- [SCALRCORE-3351] - Support installing on Scientific Linux 5-7 in scalarizr one-liner
- [SCALRCORE-3181] - Environment > Custom Scaling Metrics :: Misleading message is present.
- [SCALRCORE-3226] - Servers: User should not be able to initiate snapshot creation from Pending server
- [SCALRCORE-3246] - Could not bulk remove EBS Volumes
- [SCALRCORE-3259] - Validate vhost config before save
- [SCALRCORE-3288] - APIv2 > Security improvement
- [SCALRCORE-3315] - Servers > Cloudstack : DB Error on Execute script
- [SCALRCORE-3327] - Cloud credentials are not copied during environment cloning.
- [SCALRCORE-3328] - Farm/Roles view > Actions :: add icon for action "Execute xxxx script"
- [SCALRCORE-3371] - Server stuck in Rebooting state after suspend during rebundle
- [SCALRCORE-3374] - Security groups issue for OpenStack
- [SCALRCORE-3263] - Apply OEL fix for scalarizr one-liner
- [SCALRCORE-3330] - Chef cookbooks not showing in scalr
- [SCALRCORE-3036] - AWS > Route 53 > Alias target : AWS error
- [SCALRCORE-3212] - APIv2 > Security Improvements
- [SCALRCORE-3219] - GCE Resuming Server :: fix error tooltip on "View console output"
- [SCALRCORE-3290] - Missing FK on analytics.managed table
- [SCALRCORE-3323] - t3 TypeError: governanceSecurityGroups.split is not a function. In 'governanceSecurityGroups.split(',')', 'governanceSecurityGroups.split' is undefined
- [SCALRCORE-3324] - Ext4 is not available in UI for debian
- [SCALRCORE-3329] - Farm Designer > Storage :: incorrect error message
- [SCALRCORE-3332] - Download (AWS S3) DB backups via https
- [SCALRCORE-3352] - CA > Analytics processor MySQL integrity error
- [SCALRCORE-3354] - CA > analytics_processing UnboundLocalError issue
- [SCALRCORE-3359] - ListRoles Scalr scope: error in your SQL syntax
- Fix error: Undefined class constant 'RESOURCE_ORPHANED_SERVERS' while upgrading from Scalr version 5.8
- [SCALRCORE-3301] - Improve UI when creating new APIv2 key
- [SCALRCORE-3282] - APIv2 > Documentation And Specification Deployment Automation
- [SCALRCORE-3204] - Azure Image :: "Remove image from cloud" check-box should be removed
- [SCALRCORE-3314] - GCE > Role Builder error > Farm Role ID #0 not found (affected version 5.11.13)
- [SCALRCORE-3320] - Broken date in orchestration log (affected version 5.11.13)
- [SCALRCORE-3238] - APIv2 > Documentation deployment > sorting rules correction
- [SCALRCORE-3270] - GCE instance permissions
- [SCALRCORE-2534] - Orchestration log refactoring: Track who and how executed script. Improved UI performance and usability.
- [SCALRCORE-3097] - Force Scalarizr to init after reboot on CloudStack to handle stop/resume + hibenation
- [SCALRCORE-3105] - Roles List Performance Improvements
- [SCALRCORE-3206] - Storage > Mount options for Linux disks
- [SCALRCORE-3222] - CA > Analytics Poller logging improvement
- [SCALRCORE-3256] - msg_sender reliability improvement
- [SCALRCORE-3272] - Remove Rackspace First Gen Cloud
- [SCALRCORE-3059] - APIv2 > Forbid to remove custom events that is used by some Role, Farm Role or Webhook.
- [SCALRCORE-3213] - APIv2 > Scaling does not work for GCE Role
- [SCALRCORE-3241] - Access-Control-Allow-Origin missing in APIv2 (Add scalr.system.api.allowed_origins: "*" to config.yaml)
- [SCALRCORE-3248] - OpenStack error keystone v3. Could not find token
- [SCALRCORE-3249] - Usage report > AWS VCPU statistics not collected
- [SCALRCORE-3252] - PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on null in app/src/Scalr/Modules/Platforms/Ec2/Helpers/Ec2Helper.php on line 69
- [SCALRCORE-3253] - Manage Account > Cost Analytics > Notifications :: Sorting by "status" column doesn't work
- [SCALRCORE-3265] - Cannot change "Enable SSL certificate" for Openstack platform
- [SCALRCORE-3267] - APIv2 > Server import > cloudServerId must be in Request BODY (BC change in Farm clone / terminate and import-server API Requests)
- [SCALRCORE-3277] - ELB Permissions issue
- oauth2client 2.0.1
- boto 2.39.0
- pymysql 0.7.1
- cherrypy 5.0.1
- apache-libcloud 0.20.1
- google-api-python-client 1.5.0
Before: Following API requests expected parameters to be provided in the URI.
POST user/{envId}/farms/{farmId}/actions/clone?name=test-api-clone
POST user/{envId}/farms/{farmId}/actions/terminate?force=1
POST user/{envId}/farm-roles/{farmRoleId}/actions/import-server?cloudServerId=i-288498349
After: Following API requests require parameters to be provided in the body as JSON
POST user/{envId}/farms/{farmId}/actions/clone
{name: test-api-clone}
POST user/{envId}/farms/{farmId}/actions/terminate
{force: true}
POST user/{envId}/farm-roles/{farmRoleId}/actions/import-server
{cloudServerId: "i-288498349"}
- [SCALRCORE-2685] - "Warning Banner" between login and dashboard.
- [SCALRCORE-2860] - Project Brownfield (Phase 2: Manual import non-scalr servers)
- [SCALRCORE-2452] - CA > Account scope budget notifications
- [SCALRCORE-3122] - Support multiple RabbitMQ roles within a farm
- [SCALRCORE-3188] - Remove deprecated features (Deployments, ServiceConfigPresetsV1)
- [SCALRCORE-3199] - Azure > Add support for the paid Marketplace images
- [SCALRCORE-3227] - Azure > Governance tasks
- [SCALRCORE-3228] - Azure > use configure repo instead of always latest
- [SCALRCORE-3229] - Add a config option to ignore missing servers on Openstack
- [SCALRCORE-3231] - Message sender reliability improvement
- [SCALRCORE-3236] - APIv2 > Be consistent with scope parameter for POST /ENV_ID/scripts/ (BC change: It's impossible to override scope anymore for environment level scripts endpoint)
- [SCALRCORE-3195] - GCE :: Servers do not return to the Running state after suspend
- [SCALRCORE-3198] - Scalr grabbing unroutable floating IP addresses for OpenStack
- [SCALRCORE-3211] - Image builder scope issue
- [SCALRCORE-3237] - Pass Openstack domain_name in Scalarizr access data
- [SCALRCORE-3240] - APIv2 > Farms & FarmRoles validation issues
- [SCALRCORE-3242] - Scaling > SQS Queue size validation correction
- [SCALRCORE-1964] - Scalr Health dashboard widget (Scalr scope)
- [SCALRCORE-1897] - [APIv2] Extend ScalingConfiguration with ScalingRules
- [SCALRCORE-2688] - Add Suspend/Resume bulk action on Servers view page.
- [SCALRCORE-3119] - Support for subnetworks on GCE
- [SCALRCORE-3179] - CA > Poller logging improvements
- [SCALRCORE-3183] - Allow to add custom Azure images from the Marketplace
- [SCALRCORE-2047] - Farms > Scaling validation
- [SCALRCORE-3121] - Hostname is randomly changed on GCE
- [SCALRCORE-2842] - Account Dashboard > "New user checklist" widget :: add message in the grid if user have no access to Environments
- [SCALRCORE-2963] - UI > Forbid some kinds of Actions for Images with Deleting state
- [SCALRCORE-2988] - APIv2 > FarmRoles issues
- [SCALRCORE-3009] - ESC button doesn't close drop-downs properly
- [SCALRCORE-3034] - AWS > Route 53 use proper cloud location
- [SCALRCORE-3091] - Admin :: links "Wiki" and "Support" do not work
- [SCALRCORE-3109] - Incorrect Cloud Location in FarmRole Storage Device
- [SCALRCORE-3142] - SettingsCollection issue : Column 'name' cannot be null
- [SCALRCORE-3150] - Security groups > Missing required argument: cloudLocation
- [SCALRCORE-3185] - MongoDB - scaling broken
- [SCALRCORE-3189] - Azure instance type policy issue
- [SCALRCORE-2888] - Add JSON to GV format list
- [SCALRCORE-3088] - Better scaling logging
- [SCALRCORE-2566] - APIv2 > Role object should include builtinAutomation property
- [SCALRCORE-2992] - Farm > Extended information : Disabled Project field dropdown can be expanded
- [SCALRCORE-3015] - Reset password pop-up is covered by login pop-up
- [SCALRCORE-3037] - Environment > Dashboard > "Last errors" widget :: fix link to not-existing server after Esc
- [SCALRCORE-3044] - Farm Designer > Scaling > DateAndTime :: problem with link "Change" for Time zone
- [SCALRCORE-3084] - DB Backups > Backup details :: fix link for "Type"
- [SCALRCORE-3093] - Environment > Roles > pop up "Select farm to add a role" :: "Roles" link does not work
- [SCALRCORE-2783] - Create server snapshot for account-scope role
- [SCALRCORE-2823] - Allow to change Role name and category
- [SCALRCORE-2989] - Core > SettingCollection improvement
- [SCALRCORE-3076] - Do not show DNS related stuff in the UI if DNS functionality is disabled
- [SCALRCORE-3010] - Servers > Execute script : [E] Layout run failed
- [SCALRCORE-3039] - Popup focus isn't set properly
- [SCALRCORE-3045] - APIv2 > Forbid to remove Role that is used in Farm
- [SCALRCORE-3073] - PHP error on EBS Volumes/Snapshot (Attach/Detach/Create snapshot)
- [SCALRCORE-3074] - DN escape issues with LDAP auth
- [SCALRCORE-3080] - CloudCredentials cache is not updated when environment reconfigure
- [SCALRCORE-3081] - ELB - Machines Not Registering After Suspend/Resume
- [SCALRCORE-2461] - Rename Image status delete to pending_delete
- [SCALRCORE-2639] - New log streams. Added API log streaming and User log streaming. (BC change in configuration for AuditLog, also changed format of AuditLog entries)
- [SCALRCORE-2923] - RDS Instance Type Not Updating After Modify
- [SCALRCORE-2952] - Environment > Dashboard > "AWS health status" widget :: fix extra space in error-tooltip
- [SCALRCORE-3000] - ESC button doesn't close popups properly yet
- [SCALRCORE-3001] - APIv2 > Security impovements
- [SCALRCORE-3014] - Farm builder > Mongo DB role > SSL certificate :: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'dom' of null
- [SCALRCORE-3040] - Suppress E_WARNING session_start(): Memcached: Failed to read session data: NOT FOUND
- [SCALRCORE-2955] - Add governance policy - Require EBS volume encryption
- [SCALRCORE-2956] - Proxy support for Webhooks, Azure and Cloudstack
- [SCALRCORE-2981] - Security groups - Protocol ANY
- [SCALRCORE-2607] - RDS > Improve functional tests
- [SCALRCORE-2852] - APIv2 > Implement POST/PATCH/DELETE endpoints in consistency test
- [SCALRCORE-2909] - Add more details about instances registered on ELBs
- [SCALRCORE-2935] - APIv2 > Implement Images deleteFromCloud flag
- [SCALRCORE-2942] - Add live filter to timezone field in Farms Builder
- [SCALRCORE-2974] - Add more information about server to query-env interface
- [SCALRCORE-2977] - Remove old upgrades <= Scalr Version 5.1
- [SCALRCORE-2984] - APIv2 > FarmRole endpoints contains excessive ACL checks
- [SCALRCORE-2474] - Messaging DST issue
- [SCALRCORE-2509] - Remove scheduler task endTime
- [SCALRCORE-2789] - Account Dashboard > widget "Environments in this account" :: sorting by Farms is not correct
- [SCALRCORE-2841] - Account Dashboard > "Environments .." widget :: extra space if one Env. in the grid
- [SCALRCORE-2911] - RDS - Microsoft SQL Server Mirroring
- [SCALRCORE-2920] - Admin > Dashboard :: Broken First Steps list in FF
- [SCALRCORE-2926] - Dashboard :: Roles are not aligned in Farm widget (Firefox)
- [SCALRCORE-2933] - CA > Pricing > no table of prices for some locations
- [SCALRCORE-2936] - CA > Pricing > Impossible to put pointer in input (Firefox)
- [SCALRCORE-2944] - RDS - Parameter Group Not Appearing
- [SCALRCORE-2949] - Issue with moving ELB between Farm Roles
- [SCALRCORE-2950] - Farm Designer > Storage :: add "Delete" button for Additional storage (Firefox)
- [SCALRCORE-2964] - Security group info is missing under Security tab in Farm Designer
- [SCALRCORE-2965] - Dashboard :: Uncaught TypeError after actions with widgets
- [SCALRCORE-2978] - Bug > Type Acl not found
- [SCALRCORE-2979] - Bug > The type AzurePlatformModule cannot be resolved
- [SCALRCORE-1035] - Remove legacy UsageStatsPoller
- [SCALRCORE-2934] - Add search by Farm ID to Search component
- [SCALRCORE-2781] - Trim Development->SCM Branch values in Farm Designer
- [SCALRCORE-2946] - Additional storage should be disabled for agentless FarmRoles
- [SCALRCORE-2954] - Openstack client doesn't work if Keystone is using self signed certificate.
- [SCALRCORE-2958] - Improve saving data in Farm Designer
- [SCALRCORE-2809] - BandWidth scaling sensor improvements
- [SCALRCORE-2820] - Minor change in dialog message on adding a new User
- [SCALRCORE-2855] - Start Farm with prohibited (in Governance) instance type
- [SCALRCORE-2892] - PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function keychain() on null in app/src/Scalr/UI/Controller/Roles.php on line 378
- [SCALRCORE-2899] - Improve replace image in role edit
- [SCALRCORE-2908] - Remove Azure cloud from Import non-scalr server page
- [SCALRCORE-2913] - RDS Event logs :: sorting by Time doesn't work
- [SCALRCORE-2918] - RDS > DB Instances :: Idle session does not end after timeout period with 'Remember me' unchecked
- [SCALRCORE-2929] - Farm Designer > Orchestration :: problem with Target "Selected roles:"
- [SCALRCORE-2937] - t3 TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating '')
- [SCALRCORE-2943] - APIv1 Farm Create broken
- [SCALRCORE-1399] - Minor UI improvements
- [SCALRCORE-2884] - Python services > Script config options should have higher priority over config.yaml
- [SCALRCORE-1917] - More control over session management
- [SCALRCORE-2369] - RDS > show pending values
- [SCALRCORE-2413] - Environment > Farms/Designer :: Orchestration and Network should be available if "NO ACCESS" in ACL
- [SCALRCORE-2875] - Role builder fails for new AWS (Seoul) region
- [SCALRCORE-2879] - Multiple issues with migration from version 5.8 to 5.10
- [SCALRCORE-2896] - Add db.t2.large instance type value to drop down in RDS
- [SCALRCORE-2902] - Python scripts logger incompatibility with system logrotate
- [SCALRCORE-2903] - CA > AWS Detailed billing > Recalculate past periods for files without scalr-meta
- [SCALRCORE-2915] - UI > Create account password special characters
- [SCALRCORE-2916] - Loading locations stuck when mouseover
- [SCALRCORE-2924] - Handle situation when server in Resuming state in scalr but stopped on EC2
- [SCALRCORE-2802] - Add option for enhanced networking support
- [SCALRCORE-2877] - Add route53 hosted zone id for new AWS ap-northeast-2 (Seoul) region
- [SCALRCORE-2878] - The MongoDB automated role has been deprecated, but it is still presented as an option in Role Builder, it should be removed
- [SCALRCORE-2880] - Add Project ID on Project settings/edit page
- [SCALRCORE-2811] - EC2 instance resize > instance_type_name is not updated
- [SCALRCORE-2862] - Servers > LA column > fix progress icon
- [SCALRCORE-2871] - CA > AWS Detailed Billing > UnBlendedCost should be used
- [SCALRCORE-2876] - CA > analytics_poller to support AWS ap-northeast-2 region
- [SCALRCORE-2882] - CA > Regression with cloud_credentials in analytics_poller
- [SCALRCORE-2883] - CA > Regression with pricing in UI
- [SCALRCORE-2900] - Can't Update Openstack Cloud Keys
- [SCALRCORE-2874] - Add support of the AWS Asia Pacific (Seoul) Region
- [SCALRCORE-2380] - GCE - Can't hard reboot server from Scalr UI
- [SCALRCORE-2872] - Scalarizr deployment via cloud-init doesn't work on Ubuntu
- [SCALRCORE-1982] - Role editor fixes
- [SCALRCORE-2837] - ESC button doesn't close popups properly
- [SCALRCORE-2853] - Multiple records selection using keyboard doesn't work
- [SCALRCORE-2857] - Servers :: problem with "LA" column if "Servers" is unchecked in ACL
- [SCALRCORE-2861] - CLI v2 Configure Issue
- [SCALRCORE-2864] - Farm Designer > Add farm role:: Uncaught TypeError after press on "Chef" icon
- [SCALRCORE-2066] - APIv2 > Add, Remove, Modify the Orchestration rules on Farm Roles
- [SCALRCORE-2067] - APIv2 > Environment Creation
- [SCALRCORE-2457] - APIv2 > Implement clone Farm operation
- [SCALRCORE-2588] - APIv2 > Implement API consistency test
- [SCALRCORE-1170] - Project Brownfield (Phase 1: Agentless servers, cloud-init support)
- [SCALRCORE-2601] - ACL to disable Farm Creation
- [SCALRCORE-2621] - Improve Role edit > add Image UI
- [SCALRCORE-2663] - ACL > Separate CA Projects resource
- [SCALRCORE-2677] - CA > Move existing Projects between Cost Centers
- [SCALRCORE-2763] - Reduce severity level for: Cannot start service, another one is already running
- [SCALRCORE-2801] - DI cloudCredentials service consistency
- [SCALRCORE-2813] - Add runlist builder to additional runlist
- [SCALRCORE-2604] - CA > Quarterly periodic report issue
- [SCALRCORE-2705] - Scalr > New Account :: Required fields are highlighted in odd order
- [SCALRCORE-2751] - Farm designer > Add role > VPC subnet : Extra space on a shorter list
- [SCALRCORE-2784] - APIv2 > API specification mistakes
- [SCALRCORE-2828] - Roles :: Azure Role "In use" can be saved without Image
- [SCALRCORE-2839] - When creating a server snapshot of a role in account scope the image loses most of its details like HVM
- [SCALRCORE-2840] - APIv2 > ADODB_Exception: mysqli error: [1048: Column 'has_cloud_init' cannot be null]
- [SCALRCORE-2843] - Servers :: remove action "Create server snapshot" if no access for "Servers" in ACL
- [SCALRCORE-2847] - ERROR platform: cloudstack, env_id:N, reason: <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'> 'str' object has no attribute 'values'