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QA Test Plan Shopping List Tab

Anshul Vyas edited this page Nov 9, 2017 · 2 revisions

Function under test: Add/Remove item(s) from Shopping List

Test Objectives:

Test that shopping list Fragment core features are functioning properly

Hardware and Software setup:

User has Stocked! Application installed on their device.

Test Cases:

  • Shopping List Tab
Test Cases Expected Result PASS/FAIL
1. Click on Floating Action Button in the Shopping List Tab. Opens the New Product activity.
2. Input Item Name - Eggs and click on check button at bottom right. The item gets added to the shopping list.
3. Input Item Name - Bread and click on check button at bottom right. The item gets added to the shopping list.
4. Input Item Name - Milk and click on check button at bottom right. The item gets added to the shopping list.
5. User wants to remove eggs in the shopping list. So, Hold the item (onLongPress) Opens an AlertDialogbox with prompt for user to delete the item
6. Choose “delete” The item gets removed.