These commands can be executed using the Shopware command line interface (CLI), located within your Shopware project
$ bin/console [command] [parameters]
Command |
Description |
about |
Displays information about the current project |
help |
Displays help for a command |
list |
Lists commands |
Command |
Description |
app:activate |
activate the app in the folder with the given name |
app:deactivate |
deactivate the app in the folder with the given name |
app:install |
Installs the app in the folder with the given name |
app:refresh |
Refreshes the installed Apps |
app:uninstall |
Uninstalls the app |
app:url-change:resolve |
Resolve changes in the app url and how the app system should handle it. |
app:validate |
checks manifests for errors |
app:verify |
checks manifests for errors |
Command |
Description |
assets:install |
Command |
Description |
bundle:dump |
[administration:dump:plugins |
administration:dump:bundles] Creates a json file with the configuration for each active Shopware bundle. |
Command |
Description |
cache:clear |
Clears the cache |
cache:pool:clear |
Clears cache pools |
cache:pool:delete |
Deletes an item from a cache pool |
cache:pool:list |
List available cache pools |
cache:pool:prune |
Prunes cache pools |
cache:warmup |
Warms up an empty cache |
Command |
Description |
changelog:change |
Returns all changes made in a specific / unreleased version. |
changelog:check |
Check the validation of a given changelog file. This command will check all files in "changelog/_unreleased" folder, if users don't specify a changelog file. |
changelog:create |
Create a changelog markdown file in /changelog/_unreleased |
changelog:release |
Creating or updating the final changelog for a new release |
Command |
Description |
config:dump-reference |
Dumps the default configuration for an extension |
Command |
Description |
dal:create:entities |
dal:create:schema |
dal:refresh:index |
Refreshes the shop indices |
dal:validate |
Command |
Description |
database:clean-personal-data |
database:create-migration |
database:migrate |
database:migrate-destructive |
database:refresh-migration |
Command |
Description |
debug:autowiring |
Lists classes/interfaces you can use for autowiring |
debug:business-events |
debug:config |
Dumps the current configuration for an extension |
debug:container |
Displays current services for an application |
debug:event-dispatcher |
Displays configured listeners for an application |
debug:messenger |
Lists messages you can dispatch using the message buses |
debug:router |
Displays current routes for an application |
debug:swiftmailer |
Displays current mailers for an application |
debug:translation |
Displays translation messages information |
debug:twig |
Shows a list of twig functions, filters, globals and tests |
Command |
Description |
enqueue:consume |
[enq:c] A client's worker that processes messages. By default it connects to default queue. It select an appropriate message processor based on a message headers |
enqueue:produce |
Sends an event to the topic |
enqueue:routes |
[debug:enqueue:routes] A command lists all registered routes. |
enqueue:setup-broker |
[enq:sb] Setup broker. Configure the broker, creates queues, topics and so on. |
enqueue:transport:consume |
A worker that consumes message from a broker. To use this broker you have to explicitly set a queue to consume from and a message processor service |
Command |
Description |
es:create:alias |
Dev command to create alias immediately |
es:index |
Reindex all entities to elasticsearch |
es:index:cleanup |
Admin command to remove old and unused indices |
es:test:analyzer |
Allows to test an elasticsearch analyzer |
Command |
Description |
feature:dump |
[administration:dump:features] Creating json file with feature config for js testing and hot reloading capabilities. |
Command |
Description |
framework:demodata |
framework:dump:class:schema |
framework:schema |
Dumps the api definition to a json file. |
Command |
Description |
http:cache:warm:up |
Command |
Description |
import:entity |
Command |
Description |
import-export:delete-expired |
Deletes all expired import/export files |
Command |
Description |
lint:container |
Ensures that arguments injected into services match type declarations |
lint:twig |
Lints a template and outputs encountered errors |
lint:xliff |
Lints a XLIFF file and outputs encountered errors |
lint:yaml |
Lints a file and outputs encountered errors |
Command |
Description |
mail-templates:assign-to-saleschannels |
Assignes all mailTemplates to all SaleChannels |
Command |
Description |
media:delete-unused |
Deletes all media files that are never used |
media:generate-media-types |
Generates the media type for all media entities |
media:generate-thumbnails |
Generates the thumbnails for media entities |
Command |
Description |
messenger:consume |
[messenger:consume-messages] Consumes messages |
messenger:setup-transports |
Prepares the required infrastructure for the transport |
messenger:stop-workers |
Stops workers after their current message |
Command |
Description |
plugin:activate |
Activates given plugins |
plugin:create |
Creates a plugin skeleton |
plugin:deactivate |
Deactivates given plugins |
plugin:install |
Installs given plugins |
plugin:list |
Show a list of available plugins. |
plugin:refresh |
Refreshes the plugins list in the storage from the file system |
plugin:uninstall |
Uninstalls given plugins |
plugin:update |
Updates given plugins |
plugin:zip-import |
Import plugin zip file. |
Command |
Description |
product-export:generate |
Command |
Description |
pwa:dump-plugins |
Command |
Description |
router:match |
Helps debug routes by simulating a path info match |
Command |
Description |
sales-channel:create |
sales-channel:create:storefront |
sales-channel:list |
sales-channel:maintenance:disable |
sales-channel:maintenance:enable |
Command |
Description |
scheduled-task:register |
Registers all available scheduled tasks. |
scheduled-task:run |
Worker that runs scheduled task. |
Command |
Description |
secrets:decrypt-to-local |
Decrypts all secrets and stores them in the local vault. |
secrets:encrypt-from-local |
Encrypts all local secrets to the vault. |
secrets:generate-keys |
Generates new encryption keys. |
secrets:list |
Lists all secrets. |
secrets:remove |
Removes a secret from the vault. |
secrets:set |
Sets a secret in the vault. |
Command |
Description |
sitemap:generate |
Generates sitemaps for a given shop (or all active ones) |
Command |
Description |
snippets:validate |
Command |
Description |
state-machine:dump |
Dump a workflow |
Command |
Description |
store:download |
store:login |
Command |
Description |
swiftmailer:email:send |
Send simple email message |
swiftmailer:spool:send |
Sends emails from the spool |
Command |
Description |
system:config:get |
system:config:set |
system:generate-app-secret |
system:generate-jwt-secret |
system:install |
system:setup |
system:update:finish |
system:update:prepare |
Command |
Description |
theme:change |
theme:compile |
theme:create |
Creates a theme skeleton |
theme:dump |
theme:refresh |
Command |
Description |
translation:update |
Updates the translation file |
Command |
Description |
user:change-password |
user:create |