You can execute Top-K commands in two ways:
With RedisBloomClient
First, you need to create a RedisBloomClient from RedisBloomFactory, and then execute the command from the client.
You have to specify the name of the filter, as key param, in each command. You can execute Top-K commands on
different keys using RedisBloomClient. All Top-K commands signatures in RedisBloomClient are prefixed
with topK
, like topkList
or topKQuery
use Averias\RedisBloom\Factory\RedisBloomFactory;
$factory = new RedisBloomFactory();
$client = $factory->createClient();
$client->topKQuery('top-k-key', 'item1', 'item2');
With TopK class
You can create TopK objects by instantiating them from RedisBloomFactory and then execute all TopK commands over one key which is specified as param when you create the TopK object.
use Averias\RedisBloom\Factory\RedisBloomFactory;
$factory = new RedisBloomFactory();
$topK = $factory->createTopK('top-k-key');
$topK->reserve(4, 300, 10, 0.95);
Both RedisBloomClient and TopK object can be configured with a specific connection to Redis when they are created by providing
a configuration array to RedisBloomFactory::createClient(array $config)
RedisBloomFactory::createTopK(string $filterName, array $config)
, even you can provide a configuration array to
RedisBloomFactory, RedisBloomFactory(array $config)
, and all clients and TopK objects created by the factory
will be using that configuration. Please take a look at examples/factory.php
to know how to provide configuration options.
You can find a detailed description of each command in RedisBloom - Top-K Command Documentation. Also, for a better understanding of how Top-K structures works, you can take a read to HeavyKeeper: An Accurate Algorithm for Finding Top-k Elephant Flows.
Initializes a Top-K`
$redisBloomClient->topKReserve(string $key, int $topK, int $width, int $depth, float $decay);
$topK->reserve(int $topK, int $width, int $depth, float $decay);
- key: (string) top-k name
- topK: (int) number of top counted item to keep
- width: (int) number of counters kept in each array
- depth: (int) number of counter-arrays
- decay: (float) The probability of reducing a counter in an occupied bucket. Therefore, as the counter gets higher, the chance of a reduction is being reduced. Its value must be > 0.0 and <= 1.0
Returns: (bool) true if the top-k was created. It throws a ResponseException
if the top-k key already exists,
, width
or depth
cannot be converted to integers or decay
cannot be converted to float and is <= 0 and > 1.
Adds an item to the data structure. Multiple items can be added at once. If an item enters the top-k list, the item which is expelled is returned. This allows dynamic heavy-hitter detection of items being entered or expelled from Top-K list.
If one item, x
, enters the top-k list, and some elements which are already in the top-k list have the same value that
, x
will be inserted before those that have the same value than it
$redisBloomClient->topKAdd(string $key, ...$items);
- key: (string) top-k name
- items: comma-separated list of
(string|number) to add
Returns: (array) for every position in the array matching the position in the list of items passed as params, it indicates:
- false: if adding the item didn't expel any existing item from the top-k list
- item as string: item that was expelled by adding the new one
It is important to note that all the expelled items will be always returned as strings even if you inserted them,
at some point, like integers or floats. In the same way, add
or incrementBy
one integer and its string representation
has the same effect, so add
the integer 12 and the string 12
will count as 2 same items. Same behavior for floats,
float 37.5 and the string 37.5
are the same item.
It throws and ResponseException
if top-k key already exists or items are not string or numeric
Increase the score of an item in the data structure by increment. Multiple items' score can be increased at once. If an item enters the Top-K list, the item which is expelled is returned.
$redisBloomClient->topKIncrementBy(string $key, ...$itemsIncrease);
- key: (string) sketch name
- $itemsIncrease: comma-separated list of
(string|number) followed by itsincrement
(int), you can specify more then one pair of (item
Increments the count of item1
by 13, the integer item 34 by 17, the string item 34
by 13, the float 1.2 by 100
and the string 1.2
by 200
$redisBloomClient->topKIncrementBy('top-k-key', 'item1', 13, 34, 17, '34', 13, 1.2, 100, '1.2', 200);
or using CountMinSketch class
$topk->incrementBy(item1', 13, 34, 17, 1.2, 100, 13, 34, 17, '34', 13, 1.2, 100, '1.2', 200);
At the end we will have:
- count for item
: 17 + 13 = 30 - count for item
: 100 + 200 = 300
Returns: (array) similar to add
response, for every position in the array matching the position in the list of
items passed as params, it indicates:
- false: if incrementing the item didn't expel any existing item from the top-k list
- item as string: the item that was expelled by adding the new one, like
command, all the expelled items will be always returned as strings regardless of they were incremented as float or integers
It throws a ResponseException
if some of the items is not a string or number, increment
is not an integer,
is missing for the related item
(so the length of the list of params, except top-k key, is not even) or top-k
key doesn't exist.
Checks whether an item is one of Top-K items. Multiple items can be checked at once.
$redisBloomClient->topKQuery(string $key, ...$items);
- key: (string) top-k name
- items: list of (string|number) scalar values representing the item names for querying
Returns: (array) of booleans for each item specified in the parameter list in the same order they were specified. If
one item specified as param isn't in the top-k list the value will be false, otherwise true.ResponseException
if some of the
items are not string or top-k key doesn't exist.
Returns count for an item. Please note this number will never be higher than the real count and likely to be lower. Multiple items can be added at once.
$redisBloomClient->topKCount(string $key, ...$items);
or you can merge existing sketches into CountMinSketch object
- key: (string)
- items: list of (string|number) scalar values representing the item names for querying
Returns: (array) of integers for each item specified in the parameter list in the same order they were specified and
indicating the number of occurrences in the top-k structure. If the item doesn't exist in the structure it will return
0. ResponseException
if some of the items are not string or numeric, or top-k key doesn't exist.
Return full list of items in Top K list.
$redisBloomClient->topKList(string $key);
- key: (string) top-k name
Returns: (array) of item names as strings for each item specified in the parameter list in the same order they were
specified. The size of this array will <= k
(see reserve
or info
commands) and only will include the top-k items
in the structure, i.e. if we have a top-k structure with k
= 5 and we only have 3 items in the structure, the returned
array will contain just 3 elements.
It throws a ResponseException
if some of the items are not string or numeric, or top-k key doesn't exist.
Returns top-k list size (k
), width
, depth
and decay
$redisBloomClient->topKInfo(string $key);
- key: (string) top-k name
Returns: (associative array) with the following structure:
'k' => 3, // size of the top-k list
'width' => 100, // width dimension of the top-k structure
'depth' => 7, // deepth dimension of the top-k structure
'decay' => 0.98 // decay value
It throws aResponseException
in case of top-k key doesn't exist.