typ3r converts sane human readable text to a not s0 hUMaN Re@dAbLE t3xT. A web app using this library is available at typ3r.aavi.me.
This is a normal sane piece of text written by the author of this lib.
What you do with it is none of my business.
dIS 1S a NoRMaL sAnE PIeC3 0F t3xT wrITTEN bY da AuThoR oF thIS lIb.
waT u D0 wid 1T iZz noNe of maH BuS1neSs.
npm install typ3r
const typ3r = require("typ3r")
console.log(typ3r("I was a good text"))
// i wAs A gOOD t3xT