For documentation on sending your FireLens monitored log data to Dynatrace Logs, see: Fluent Bit with Dynatrace.
AWS recommends that you store sensitive information, like your Dynatrace API Token using secretOptions as shown in the example Task Definition. This is optional; it is also valid to simply specify the API Token in the URI map:
"logConfiguration": {
"options": {
"Name": "http",
"Host": "{your-environment-id}",
"TLS": "on",
"TLS.verify" : "off",
"Format": "json",
"Json_Date_Format": "iso8601",
"Json_Date_Key": "timestamp",
"Header: "Content-Type application/json; charset=utf-8",
"Port": "443",
"URI": "/api/v2/logs/ingest?api-token={your-API-Token-here}",
"Allow_Duplicated_Headers": "false",
"retry_limit": "2"