- Node.js version 12.0.0 or later to run Node scripts
- AWS account to create resources
- AWS CLI version 2 to run scripts
- Git Bash to run Bash scripts (only on Windows)
- Docker version 20.10.5 or later with Docker
installed and Docker daemon up and running to build and push ECS container images
Run bash assign-random-suffix.sh
This will generate a 6 character length alphanumeric value. Then, it will update the cloudformation.yaml file and bash script files by replacing the placeholder <RANDOM_SUFFIX>
, located at the end of the resource names, with the random value generated to ensure uniqueness.
There is no script to reverse this step, but you can use Git to discard all changes and go back to the original state.
Run aws configure
to set your credentials and the region where you want the demo resources deployed.
You can change the default Transcribe language (English) by modifying the following parameters in the cloudformation.yaml file:
- AudioLanguageCode: ISO 639-1 code of the audio language to be transcribed, you can find the corresponding code here.
- AudioLanguageTranscribeCode: Amazon Transcribe code of the audio language to be transcribed, you can find the corresponding code here.
- This demo supports overlays, custom vocabulary and vocabulary filter functionalities only for English transcriptions.
- Captions are built using partials only with English transcriptions, which allows 2 rows of captions to be displayed at a time and in a constant manner. For any other language, captions are built using totals, hence they will be displayed with less frequency and may span across more than 2 rows.
When the deployment script starts execution, you will be prompted for confirmation on whether to enable the Translate feature or not. If enabled, the transcription generated by Amazon Transcribe will be translated by Amazon Translate to the configured language(s). On the player you will be able to switch between the Transcribe language (transcribed audio) and the Translate language(s) (transcription translation(s)) for captions, by clicking on the gear icon. Any Amazon Translate supported language can be enabled by modifying the Translate Languages file and setting the desired translation language(s) value to true.
Captions are built using partials only with English transcriptions, which allows 2 rows of captions to be displayed at a time and in a constant manner. For translations, captions are built using totals, hence they will be displayed with less frequency and may span across more than 2 rows.
Run bash deploy.sh
This will deploy the demo infrastructure. Only if the Transcribe language is English, the following configurations will be performed at the end of the deployment process, using the already provided default values:
On MacOS, some steps of the deployment show large outputs that require you to press "q" to continue with the deployment execution.
In case of failure, check the script outputs and the CloudFormation console. Common issues are:
- The Docker daemon is not running (check how to configure and troubleshoot the Docker daemon)
- A service quota has been reached (check AWS service quotas)
After solving the issue, run the cleanup script and then the deployment script again (some error messages stating that the resources could not be deleted may arise during the cleanup process if the deployment was made partially).
At the end of the deploy.sh execution, you will see the following output in the console:
Use the Stream Server URL and the Stream Key values to configure your streaming tool (we are using OBS in this example):
Check that you have the following Output settings:
- Bitrate:
2500 Kbps
- Keyframe Interval:
- CPU Usage:
- Tune:
Open up the player using the Player URL value provided in the console output:
Optionally, you can configure certain aspects of the demo.
Run bash cleanup.sh
This will remove all the resources created during the execution of deploy.sh
This section includes details of every script present in this folder for informational purposes, you need only to run the scripts described in the Deployment and Cleanup sections above.
Creates a file with the environment variables for the player-app, after obtaining them from the output file of the CloudFormation deployment (i.e. stack.json
). This script is called by the deploy-player-app.sh script.
- STACK_FILE_PATH (required)
node generate-player-app-env-vars.js stack.json
Calls the generate-player-app-env-vars.js script to create the .env file with the corresponding environment variables. Then, the required dependencies are installed and the application is built using the previously generated environment variables. Finally, the build files are uploaded to an S3 bucket. This script is called by the deploy.sh script.
- STACK_FILE_PATH (required)
bash deploy-player-app.sh stack.json
Creates 2 repositories in the Amazon ECS private registry to host the Stream and Transcribe containers images. Then, logs in into the registry and uses the Stream Dockerfile and Transcribe Dockerfile to build and push the corresponding images. This script is called by the deploy.sh script.
Parameters: None
bash setup-images.sh
Generates a zip file for each Lambda function located within the serverless folder by calling the zip-generator.js script. Then, creates an S3 bucket and uploads the Lambda functions zip files into it. This script is called by the deploy.sh script.
Parameters: None
bash setup-lambdas.sh
Creates the CloudFormation stack using the specified stack name and the cloudformation.yaml file. This script is called by the deploy.sh script.
- STACKNAME (required)
bash create-stack.sh ivs-transcribe-demo-stack
Generates a zip file for each specified folder. This script is called by the setup-lambdas.sh script.
- FOLDER_PATH (variable)
node zip-generator.js ../serverless/lambda-on-connect ../serverless/lambda-on-disconnect ../serverless/lambda-send-transcription
Main script used to perform the demo deployment. It calls the following scripts:
- setup-lambdas.sh
- setup-images.sh
- create-stack.sh
- deploy-player-app.sh
- configure-all.sh (only if Transcribe language is English)
- generate-output.js
Parameters: None
bash deploy.sh
Removes all the demo resources that were created by deploy.sh.
Parameters: None
bash cleanup.sh
Generates a 6 character length alphanumeric value and assigns it to every <RANDOM_SUFFIX>
placeholder located in the following files:
- configure-all.sh
- configure-custom-vocabulary.sh
- configure-overlays.sh
- configure-vocabulary-filter.sh
- create-custom-vocabulary.sh
- create-vocabulary-filter.sh
- setup-images.sh
- setup-lambdas.sh
- deploy-player-app.sh
- cleanup.sh
- cloudformation.yaml
Parameters: None
bash assign-random-suffix.sh
Generates the outputs needed to run the demo, specifically:
- Stream Server URL
- Stream Key
- Player URL
To retrieve the values, it uses the CloudFormation stack.json output file and the AWS SDK. This script is called by deploy.sh after deploying all the needed resources.
: Path to CloudFormation output file (required).
node generate-output.js --stackOutputFilePath stack.json
Deletes the demo stage created for both API Gateways (Reader WebSocket and Writer WebSocket). This script is called by the cleanup.sh script prior to remove the stack.
: Path to CloudFormation output file (required).
node delete-api-stages.js --stackOutputFilePath stack.json
Retrieves the AudioLanguageCode CloudFormation parameter value from the stack output file (stack.json). This script is called by the deploy.sh script to check the audio language. If the code is en (English) the overlays, custom vocabulary and vocabulary filter configurations are performed with the provided default values; if the code is not en, configurations are not performed.
: Path to CloudFormation output file (required).
node get-audio-language-code.js --stackOutputFilePath stack.json
Retrieves the configured Translate languages codes (i.e. the codes between brackets within the keys that have the value true in the Translate Languages file) and outputs them as comma-separated values. The script assumes the Translate languages file is located in the same directory. This script is called by the deploy.sh script.
Parameters: None
node get-translate-languages.js
Validates that the Translate configuration is correct:
- There is at least one Translate language enabled
- There is no Translate language equal to the Transcribe language
- Translate languages have been retrieved correctly
The script assumes the CloudFormation template file is located in the same directory. This script is called by the deploy.sh script.
- TRANSLATE_LANGUAGES: Enabled Translate language codes as a list of comma-separated values (required).
node validate-translate-config.js