Test Utility has a commandline interface. You can use the commandline interface both in terminal environment and Jupyter environment.
Make sure graph.json, package.json, descriptor.json, are prepared and edited correctly.
- Test Utility uses these files to run the application.
Change your working directory to the parent directory of your Panorama application directory. For example, if your application structured as beloe, you need to change your working directory to people_counter.
- people_counter/
- people_counter_app/
- assets/
- graphs/
- packages/
- people_counter_app/
- people_counter/
Run the Test Utility Compile command (samples/common/test_utility/panorama_test_utility_compile.py) to compile model(s).
- This command compiles models using SageMaker Neo for the Test Utility environment.
Run the Test Utility Run command (samples/common/test_utility/panorama_test_utility_compile.py) to run the applicatiobn, and check if it runs as expected.
- Applications stdout/stderr are directly printed in your terminal or Jupyter output cell.
- HDMI output is simulated either by sequentially numbered screenshot files or pyplot rendering on Jupyter notebook.
Edit your Python script and repeat Step 4 ~ Step 5, until you get expected result.
$ python3 ./panorama_test_utility_compile.py --help
usage: panorama_test_utility_compile.py [-h] [--region REGION]
--s3-model-location S3_MODEL_LOCATION
--model-node-name MODEL_NODE_NAMES
--model-data-shape MODEL_DATA_SHAPES
--model-framework MODEL_FRAMEWORKS
Panorama Test-Utility compile command
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--region REGION Region name such as us-east-1
--s3-model-location S3_MODEL_LOCATION
S3 location for model compilation. e.g.
--model-node-name MODEL_NODE_NAMES
Model node name
--model-file-basename MODEL_FILE_BASENAMES
Model filename excluding .tar.gz part
--model-data-shape MODEL_DATA_SHAPES
Model input data shape. e.g. {"data":[1,3,512,512]}
--model-framework MODEL_FRAMEWORKS
Model framework name. e.g. MXNET
$ python3 ./panorama_test_utility_run.py --help
usage: panorama_test_utility_run.py [-h] [--region REGION] --app-name APP_NAME
--code-package-name CODE_PACKAGE_NAME
--model-package-name MODEL_PACKAGE_NAME
--camera-node-name CAMERA_NODE_NAME
--model-node-name MODEL_NODE_NAMES
--model-file-basename MODEL_FILE_BASENAMES
--video-file VIDEO_FILE
[--video-start VIDEO_START]
[--video-stop VIDEO_STOP]
[--video-step VIDEO_STEP]
[--output-screenshots OUTPUT_SCREENSHOTS]
--py-file PY_FILE
Panorama Test-Utility
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--region REGION Region name such as us-east-1
--app-name APP_NAME Application name
--code-package-name CODE_PACKAGE_NAME
Code package name
--model-package-name MODEL_PACKAGE_NAME
Model package name
--camera-node-name CAMERA_NODE_NAME
Camera node name
--model-node-name MODEL_NODE_NAMES
Model node name
--model-file-basename MODEL_FILE_BASENAMES
Model filename excluding .tar.gz part
--video-file VIDEO_FILE
Video filename to simulate camera stream
--video-start VIDEO_START
Video start frame (default: 0)
--video-stop VIDEO_STOP
Video stop frame (default: 30)
--video-step VIDEO_STEP
Video frame step (default: 1)
--output-pyplot Simulate HDMI output by rendering on Jupyter notebook
with pyplot.
--output-screenshots OUTPUT_SCREENSHOTS
Simulate HDMI output by generating sequentially
numbered PNG files. Directory name has to be
specified. You can use Python's datetime format.
--py-file PY_FILE Python source path to execute
Compile - single model
$ python3 ../common/test_utility/panorama_test_utility_compile.py \
--s3-model-location s3://your-bucket/people_counter_app/ \
--model-node-name model_node \
--model-file-basename ./models/ssd_512_resnet50_v1_voc \
--model-data-shape '{"data":[1,3,512,512]}' \
--model-framework MXNET
Run - single model app - output by pyplot rendering
$ python3 ../common/test_utility/panorama_test_utility_run.py \
--app-name people_counter_app \
--code-package-name PEOPLE_COUNTER_CODE \
--model-package-name SSD_MODEL \
--camera-node-name abstract_rtsp_media_source \
--model-node-name model_node \
--model-file-basename ./models/ssd_512_resnet50_v1_voc \
--video-file ../common/test_utility/videos/TownCentreXVID.avi \
--py-file ./people_counter_app/packages/123456789012-PEOPLE_COUNTER_CODE-1.0/src/app.py \
Compile - multiple models
$ python3 ../common/test_utility/panorama_test_utility_compile.py \
--s3-model-location s3://shimomut-panorama-test-us-east-1/pose_estimation_app \
--model-node-name people_detection_model \
--model-file-basename ./models/yolo3_mobilenet1.0_coco_person \
--model-data-shape '{"data":[1,3,480,600]}' \
--model-framework MXNET \
--model-node-name pose_estimation_model_1 \
--model-file-basename ./models/simple_pose_resnet152_v1d \
--model-data-shape '{"data":[1,3,256,192]}' \
--model-framework MXNET \
--model-node-name pose_estimation_model_2 \
--model-file-basename ./models/simple_pose_resnet152_v1d \
--model-data-shape '{"data":[2,3,256,192]}' \
--model-framework MXNET \
--model-node-name pose_estimation_model_3 \
--model-file-basename ./models/simple_pose_resnet152_v1d \
--model-data-shape '{"data":[3,3,256,192]}' \
--model-framework MXNET \
--model-node-name pose_estimation_model_4 \
--model-file-basename ./models/simple_pose_resnet152_v1d \
--model-data-shape '{"data":[4,3,256,192]}' \
--model-framework MXNET \
Run - multiple models app - output by screenshots - with customized video frame range
$ python3 ../common/test_utility/panorama_test_utility_run.py \
--app-name pose_estimation_app \
--code-package-name pose_estimation_code \
--model-package-name pose_estimation_models \
--camera-node-name abstract_rtsp_media_source \
--model-node-name people_detection_model \
--model-file-basename ./models/yolo3_mobilenet1.0_coco_person \
--model-node-name pose_estimation_model_1 \
--model-file-basename ./models/simple_pose_resnet152_v1d \
--model-node-name pose_estimation_model_2 \
--model-file-basename ./models/simple_pose_resnet152_v1d \
--model-node-name pose_estimation_model_3 \
--model-file-basename ./models/simple_pose_resnet152_v1d \
--model-node-name pose_estimation_model_4 \
--model-file-basename ./models/simple_pose_resnet152_v1d \
--video-file ./internal/test_videos/dance_480_bf0.mp4 \
--video-start 100 \
--video-stop 300 \
--video-step 10 \
--screenshot-dir ./screenshot/%Y%m%d-%H%M%S \
--py-file ./pose_estimation_app/packages/123456789012-pose_estimation_code-1.0/src/app.py