TensorBoard helps visualize your TensorFlow graph, plot quantitative metrics about the execution of your graph, and show additional data like images that pass through it.
This document explains how to setup TensorBoard on Amazon EKS.
Setup AWS credential in Kubernetes cluster in
namespace. The exact command would be:kubectl create -f aws-creds-secret.md -n kubeflow
to match the name of S3 bucket where model and logs are saved. This is the same bucket that you would've specified during MNIST Training.Install TensorBoard jsonnet package:
# Navigate to ksonnet application folder cd ${KUBEFLOW_SRC}/${KFAPP}/ks_app export TENSORBOARD_COMPONENT=tensorboard-mnist ks pkg install kubeflow/tensorboard ks generate tensorboard-aws ${TENSORBOARD_COMPONENT} # configure tensorboard log path ks param set ${TENSORBOARD_COMPONENT} defaultTbImage tensorflow/tensorflow:1.12.0 ks param set ${TENSORBOARD_COMPONENT} logDir s3://your_bucket/mnist/summary/ # configure region and bucket ks param set ${TENSORBOARD_COMPONENT} s3Enabled true ks param set ${TENSORBOARD_COMPONENT} efsEnabled false ks param set ${TENSORBOARD_COMPONENT} s3AwsRegion us-west-2 ks param set ${TENSORBOARD_COMPONENT} s3Endpoint s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com # configure aws credential ks param set ${TENSORBOARD_COMPONENT} s3SecretName aws-secret ks param set ${TENSORBOARD_COMPONENT} s3SecretAccesskeyidKeyName AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID ks param set ${TENSORBOARD_COMPONENT} s3SecretSecretaccesskeyKeyName AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY # create tensorboard deployment and service ks apply default -c ${TENSORBOARD_COMPONENT}
It will create a deployment which runs the TensorBoard on event files. A service is also created so that user can access TensorBoard via browser:
kubectl port-forward svc/${TENSORBOARD_COMPONENT} 9000:9000 -n kubeflow
Access TensorBoard at http://localhost:9000.
This image shows that the accuracy is improving and loss is reducing as the number of epochs increase.
This image shows TensorBoard computational graphs.