Create a PSP ControlPlane Execution Role. This role will serve as your Platform Master Execution role. It requires the following permissions to provision your control plane:
- VPCFullAccess
- EC2FUllAccess
- ECRFullAccess
- S3FullAccess
- EKSFullAccess (customer managed inline policy)
- AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess
- AmazonEventBridgeFullAccess
- AmazonSQSFullAccess
- CloudWatchLogsFullAccess
- IAMFullAccess
- KMSTagResource (customer managed inline policy)
- STSandECRAccess (customer managed inline policy)
Rename and modify variables.tfvars file adding ControlPlaneAccountID
- controlplaneaccountid: This account will be your central account for your Control Plane cluster.
- eks_role_admin: This is an existing role that operators should use to access the EKS cluster. It is not the role created for Platform Execution, which will be the owner of the Control Plane cluster.
Don't forget to set up the Terraform state backend in the file inside the platform-execution-role folder.
cd ./terraform/platform-execution-role
terraform init
terraform apply -auto-approve -compact-warnings -var-file=../env/terraform-file.tfvars
After role creation, update the terraform/ file with your bucket name and AWS Region.