The steps below will utilize a shell script which will check the pre-requisites required to deploy an Amazon Q Business application. The script will deploy an Amazon Q Business application, S3 data source connector, required IAM roles, and Web Experience (web experience to provide support insights with a chatbot, conversational and interactive user experience) for the Q Business application using AWS IAM Identity Center (IDC) as the identity provider (IdP). The deployed web experience can be used by users to log in and securely use the application, based only on the content the logged-in user has permissions to access.
- Use an AWS Region that is supported by Amazon Q (us-east-1 or us-west-2 at this time)
- AWS IAM Identity Center as the SAML 2.0-compliant identity provider (IdP) configured. Q Business will make cross-regions API calls to fetch the identity and attributes from the cross-region Identity Center instance to authenticate users, and authorize user access to the content they are allowed to access. Please ensure that you have enabled an IAM Identity Center instance, provisioned at least one user, and provided each user with a valid email address. For more details, see Configure user access with the default IAM Identity Center directory.
- Have a S3 bucket in the Data Collection account to contain supoprt data. To simplify deployment, here we use the payer/management account as the Data Collection account.
Download the following file: CloudFormation Template.
Go to AWS CloudFormation in a region supported by Amazon Q, click on Create stack and select With new resources.
Give the stack a name such as
and provide the requested parameters.IAMIdentityCenterARN
: Provide the ARN for your IAM Identity Center Instance. To find the ARN, open the IAM Identity Center console page in the region where you have created your instance, and click Go to Settings to copy the ARN.QBusinessApplicationName
: Provide a friendly name for your Q Business application.S3DataSourceBucket
: Create a bucket in the Data Collection account that contains (or will contain) the support data.
Click through to the last page and check the box to acknowledge IAM creation.
Verify stack status is CREATE_COMPLETE (takes about ~15-20 minutes to deploy and trigger all the GuardDuty findings)
The data source created above is scheduled to synchronize the data stored in provided Amazon S3 bucket every day at midnight UTC.
- Login to AWS Account where the script was executed and navigate to the Amazon Q console and select your Q application with the name that was provided during deployment step.
- Select the datasource qci-insights-datasource and click Sync now.
- Login to AWS Account where script was executed and navigate to the Amazon Q console and select your Q application with name that was provided in previous step.
- Navigate to Groups and users and click on Add Groups and users, select Assign existing users and groups, click Next and click Get Started.
- In the Assign users and groups window, use the search box to find users and groups by name. Click Assign to add the group/users to the application.
- Selected the newly added user/group, click Choose Subscription, select Q Business Pro/Q Business Lite.
At this stage, the Amazon Q Application with web experience is created.
- Login to AWS Account where script was executed and navigate to the Amazon Q console and select your Q application with name that was provided in above Step.
- In the Data sources, check the current sync state status. If the status is "Syncing", you will have to wait until it is completed.
- Click on deployed URL under Web experience settings to launch the deployed web experience.
- Type your query and it should return a response after a few seconds.
To clean up the environment you have setup:
- To delete the Q Application, delete the corresponding Cloudformation Stack.
- Empty and delete the S3 bucket that contains the data that was configured during Amazon Q Business Deployment.
The sample code provided in this solution is for educational purposes only and users should thoroughly test and validate the solution before deploying it in a production environment.