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Workshop | Lab 0

LAB 1 - Asynchronous - Extract text from documents with Textract

Amazon Textract is a service that automatically extract text and data from scanned documents. With Textract, you can quickly automate document workflows and process millions of document pages in hours.


Synchronous Architecture

  1. Upload a document in S3.
  2. S3 triggers the execution of a Lambda function (already done in Lab 0).
  3. The function use the asynchronous Textract API (StartDocumentTextDetection). Textract returns a JobId to the Lambda function .
  4. Textract reads the document in S3 and performs the text extraction.
  5. Textract publishes the result of the extraction in a SNS Topic.
  6. Another Lambda function, registered to the topic, is triggered.
  7. The second Lambda function call the Textract API (GetDocumentTextDetection) with the JobId provided in the SNS message, to get the result of the extraction.

Lambda (step 3-4)

In Lambda console, click on your documentTextract-xyz function, scroll down to edit code inside the browser. Replace the code with the following one and click Save:

import urllib
import boto3
import os

textract = boto3.client('textract')

sns_topic_arn = os.environ["SNS_TOPIC_ARN"]
sns_role_arn = os.environ["SNS_ROLE_ARN"]

def handler(event, context):
	source_bucket = event['Records'][0]['s3']['bucket']['name']
	object_key = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(

	textract_result = textract.start_document_text_detection(
			"S3Object": {
				"Bucket": source_bucket,
				"Name": object_key
			"SNSTopicArn": sns_topic_arn,
			"RoleArn": sns_role_arn

We use the StartDocumentTextDetection API to start asynchronous detection of text in a document (JPG, PNG, PDF). When the text detection is finished, Textract publishes a completion status to the SNS topic specified in NotificationChannel. As you notice, we need to provide the ARN of the SNS Topic and the ARN of a role. This role will be assumed by Textract and will allow Textract to publish in SNS. Let's setup this...

Setup SNS (step 5)

Create the SNS Topic

In Amazon SNS console (Simple Notification Service), click Create Topic.

Choose a name for your topic and leave the details as is, then click Create topic at the bottom of the page:

Create Topic Step 2

More details on the creation of an Amazon SNS Topic.

Copy the Topic ARN in a text document for later use.

Give Textract access to the SNS Topic

In order for Textract to publish messages in the topic, we need to give him the permissions to do so.

In IAM console, choose Roles on the naviagtion page and create a new Role.

In the role creation process (step 1), select AWS service as type of trusted entity and EC2 as the service that will use this role (we'll change that in a minute). Then click Next: Permissions:

Create Role step 1

In step 2, choose Create Policy. In the newly opened window, select the JSON tab and past the following policy, replace the ARN with the Topic ARN previously copied. This policy will allow to publish some messages on the Topic previously created:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:sns:REGION:ACCOUNTID:TOPIC_NAME>"

Click Review Policy. In the "Review Policy" screen, add a name and a description and click Create Policy:

Policy Textract publish in SNS Topic

Back to the role creation screen, hit the refresh button (Refresh) and type the beginning of the policy name in the filter, select the policy and click Next: Tags:

Select Policy in Role

You don't need to add tags, go to Step 4 (click Next: Review), add a name and a description for the role and click Create Role:

Review Role

This role can be assumed by an EC2 instance, not yet by Textract. To change this, we need to update the trust relationship. Select your role to get the details and select the Trust relationships tab, then click on Edit trust relationship:

Role details, Trust relationship tab

In the trust relationship screen, replace ec2 with textract. You should get the following policy:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "Service": ""
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

Once it is done, click Update trust policy button. With this policy, Textract is now able to assume the role. Copy the role ARN for later use.

Update the lambda function

In Lambda, click on your documentTextract-xyz function, scroll down to Environment variables and add the following variables (retrieve the SNS topic ARN and Role ARN previously created) and click Save:

Lambda environment variables


In order to test the process, you need to upload an document in the workshop-textract-xyz S3 bucket. You can take any PDF from this folder and upload it to the bucket. In S3 console, click on your workshop-textract-xyz bucket, and click on Upload.

If you go to CloudWatch logs, you will be able to display the output of your lambda execution. You should get a json containing a JobId (see documentation for details on the result). Copy that JobId, we will use it later for another test.

As for now, we don't have any subscription to the SNS Topic. Let's arrange that...

Setup the 2nd Lambda function (step 6-7)

Create the function that will process the result of Textract

In Lambda, click on Create function, select Author from scratch and fill the basic information as follow, leave the permissions as is and click on Create function when it's done:

Create Function

Configure the timeout and memory

Within the Lambda function screen, if you scroll down, you should be able to see the Basic Settings of the function. Adjust the memory slider to 256 MB and Timeout to 5 minutes. Don't forget to hit Save:

Basic Settings

Add permissions to the function

The function needs persmissions to invoke Textract. Let's update the role automatically created during the function creation. Click on the documentAnalysis function:

documentAnalysis function

Then scroll down to the Execution Role and click View the documentAnalysis-role-xyz:

Execution role for documentAnalysis function

In the new window, click on Attach policies, search for "Textract". You should have the following screen. Select the AmazonTextractFullAccess policy and click Attach policy:

Textract permission for documentAnalysis function

Back to the lambda function screen, refresh the page, you should now see Amazon Textract in the Permissions tab. Our lambda function is able to call Textract APIs:

Textract for documentAnalysis function

Subscribe the Lambda function to the SNS Topic

Now we need to trigger the function when a message is published in the SNS topic previously created. To do that, click Add a trigger:

Trigger documentAnalysis function

Choose SNS and select the SNS topic to subscribe to, then click Add:

Trigger details

The lambda function is now ready to receive the notification events from SNS.

Update the lambda code to get Textract result

We will now edit the lambda code to call Textract and retrieve the content of the document. In Lambda, click on your documentAnalysis-xyz function, scroll down to edit code and replace the code with the following one:

import json
import boto3

textract = boto3.client('textract')

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    message = json.loads(event['Records'][0]['Sns']['Message'])

    jobId = message['JobId']

    status = message['Status']

    if status != "SUCCEEDED":
        return {
            # TODO (not in this workshop): handle error with Dead letter queue
            "status": status

    result = textract.get_document_text_detection(


We retrieve the SNS message from the lambda event and then use the GetDocumentTextDetection API (get_document_text_detectionin python), passing the JobId as parameter, to get Textract result.


In order to test the process, we will create a Test Event and simulate a SNS notification. On the top right of the screen, click Configure test events:

Configure test events

Give a name and paste the following json, replace the JobId placeholder with the one you copied before and hit Create when it's done:

  "Records": [
      "EventSource": "aws:sns",
      "EventVersion": "1.0",
      "Sns": {
        "Type": "Notification",
        "MessageId": "b4755b6e-f9df-53c5-8b16-0e57fe4af33a",
        "Subject": "",
        "Message": "{\"JobId\":\"<PLACE YOUR JOBID HERE>\",\"Status\":\"SUCCEEDED\",\"API\":\"StartDocumentTextDetection\",\"JobTag\":\"\",\"Timestamp\":1556022612893,\"DocumentLocation\":{\"S3ObjectName\":\"document.pdf\",\"S3Bucket\":\"workshop-textract-xyz\"}}",
        "Timestamp": "2019-04-23T12:30:13.249Z"

Click on Test button, you should get a green panel with a success result.

If you go to CloudWatch logs, you will be able to display the output of your lambda execution. You should get a json in the following form (details here):

   "Blocks": [ 
         "BlockType": "PAGE | LINE | WORD",
         "Confidence": 99.9523696899414,
         "Geometry": { 
            "BoundingBox": { 
               "Height": 0.02243288792669773,
               "Left": 0.42624378204345703,
               "Top": 0.04024827480316162,
               "Width": 0.41624754667282104
            }, ...
         "Id": "a0730187-e3e5-46c5-973a-fb0c09c6ba00",
         "Page": 1,
         "Text": "part of the text detected",
      }, ...
   "DocumentMetadata": { 
      "Pages": 1

It contains a list of Blocks, each Block representing an item recognized in the document (can either be a page, a line or a simple word). For each block you will retrieve its hierarchy in the document, its geometry (position and size), ... and obviously a text and the confidence score that Textract has in the accuracy of the recognized text.

Once we have the full details, we need to parse the result to extract the important data.

Update the lambda code to extract content

In the inline code editor, click File, New file and paste the following code:

import time
import boto3

textract = boto3.client('textract')

class TextExtractor():
    def extract_text(self, jobId):
        """ Extract text from document corresponding to jobId and
        generate a list of pages containing the text

        textract_result = self.__get_textract_result(jobId)
        pages = {}
        self.__extract_all_pages(jobId, textract_result, pages, [])
        return pages

    def __get_textract_result(self, jobId):
        """ retrieve textract result with job Id """

        result = textract.get_document_text_detection(
        return result

    def __extract_all_pages(self, jobId, textract_result, pages, page_numbers):
        """ extract page content: build the pages array,
        recurse if response is too big (when NextToken is provided by textract)

        blocks = [x for x in textract_result['Blocks']
                  if x['BlockType'] == "LINE"]
        for block in blocks:
            if block['Page'] not in page_numbers:
                pages[block['Page']] = {
                    "Number": block['Page'],
                    "Content": block['Text']
                pages[block['Page']]['Content'] += " " + block['Text']

        nextToken = textract_result.get("NextToken", "")
        if nextToken != '':
            textract_result = textract.get_document_text_detection(

Take a moment to analyse the code:

  • This is a class, dedicated to the extraction of the text. We will use it in a moment in the handler of the function.
  • Same as before, we use the GetDocumentTextDetection API (get_document_text_detectionin python), passing the JobId as parameter, to get Textract result.
  • Then we use a recursive function to extract all pages from the document. Indeed, the GetDocumentTextDetection API returns a maximum of 1000 Blocks, and provide a NextToken if there are more to retrieve. With this pagination mechanism, you can call the method again, passing the JobId and the NextToken from the previous call, until there is no more NextToken in the result.

Once you're comfortable with the code, click File, Save (

Text extractor class

In the file, replace the code with the following in order to use the class we've just created:

import json
from text_extractor import TextExtractor

text_extractor = TextExtractor()

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    message = json.loads(event['Records'][0]['Sns']['Message'])

    jobId = message['JobId']

    status = message['Status']

    if status != "SUCCEEDED":
        return {
            # TODO : handle error with Dead letter queue (not in this workshop)
            "status": status

    pages = text_extractor.extract_text(jobId)

Hit Save in the top right corner of the screen and then click Test. Observe the result in CloudWatch logs.

In this asynchronous version, we could have used Amazon SQS (Queue) to poll the SNS Topic to deal with the load when you need to scale up agressively (thousands of documents uploaded on S3 within seconds). Indeed, when dealing with such a quantity of documents, Lambda will start many Textract jobs concurrently and that could result in errors (LimitExceededException) and untreated documents. To avoid this, using SQS will decouple the SNS Topic from the Lambda and provide a buffer. Thus, if a document cannot be treated immediatly, it remain in the queue until the number of concurrent Textract jobs is below the service limit. See documentation for more details.

! TIPS ! Instead of parsing the result of textract on your own, you can use textract-extractor or textract-response-parser.

! Note ! In this workshop, we only extracted plain text from the documents, but Amazon Textract is able to do more: You can extract key-value pairs from forms (such as regristration forms). Textract also detects and extract structured data, for example in tables, and keep this tabular format so that you can store it directly in a database. See for details.


In this lab, we used Amazon Textract to extract text from a scanned document. In Lab 2, we will use Amazon Comprehend to extract information from the extracted text.

Goto to Lab 2 >>>