Bug: export command not found in aws ecr image public.ecr.aws/sam/build-python3.10:latest #152
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When my cdk diff command builds a docker to perform the comparison of Cloud formation template it fails .
We think it is because of the latest update to poetry from 1.8.5 to 2.0.0 which has introduced a breaking change in how plugins are used.
Steps to reproduce:
Just create a aws lambda python function in aws-cdk typescript and run npx cdk diff.
Observed result:
**Bundling asset CheckLambdaStack/CheckLambda/Code/Stage...
The command "export" does not exist.
Error: Failed to bundle asset RTCDevCheckLambdaStack/RealTimeCDevCheckLambda/Code/Stage, bundle output is located at /builds/vodafoneziggodi/di/aap/advanced_analytics/telemetry/project-techrootcauses/rt_cdev_check/cdk.out/asset.2cbd48f694c3b903a60424282b7108e20afc54cd86c398776343f10a0967c1cc-error: Error: docker exited with status 1
--> Command: docker run --rm -u "0:0" -v "/builds/vodafoneziggodi/di/aap/advanced_analytics/telemetry/project-techrootcauses/rt_cdev_check/rt_cdev_check_lambda_handler:/asset-input:delegated" -v "/builds/vodafoneziggodi/di/aap/advanced_analytics/telemetry/project-techrootcauses/rt_cdev_check/cdk.out/asset.2cbd48f694c3b903a60424282b7108e20afc54cd86c398776343f10a0967c1cc:/asset-output:delegated" -w "/asset-input" cdk-9f0cf53d290dd98449b12b73c74495f5b6da66d5949995ecccb80d3d9a23433b bash -c "poetry export --with-credentials --format requirements.txt --output requirements.txt && python -m pip install -r requirements.txt -t /asset-output && cp -rT /asset-input/ /asset-output"
Expected result:
It should be able to build the image without issues.
Additional environment details (Ex: Windows, Mac, Amazon Linux etc)
sam --version
: NAThe text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: