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Releases: aws/aws-sdk-php

Version 3.339.10

10 Feb 19:29
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  • Aws\Connect - Updated the CreateContact API documentation to indicate that it only applies to EMAIL contacts.
  • Aws\DatabaseMigrationService - New vendors for DMS Data Providers: DB2 LUW and DB2 for z/OS
  • Aws\CloudFront - Doc-only update that adds defaults for CloudFront VpcOriginEndpointConfig values.
  • Aws\ApiGatewayV2 - Documentation updates for Amazon API Gateway

Version 3.339.9

07 Feb 19:22
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  • Aws\ - Remove paragonie/random_compat dev dependency.
  • Aws\MediaConvert - This release adds support for Animated GIF output, forced chroma sample positioning metadata, and Extensible Wave Container format
  • Aws\EKS - Introduce versionStatus field to take place of status field in EKS DescribeClusterVersions API
  • Aws\PI - Adds documentation for dimension groups and dimensions to analyze locks for Database Insights.
  • Aws\TranscribeService - This release adds support for the Clinical Note Template Customization feature for the AWS HealthScribe APIs within Amazon Transcribe.
  • Aws\ECR - Adds support to handle the new basic scanning daily quota.

Version 3.339.8

06 Feb 19:08
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  • Aws\Signature - Adds transfer-encoding to list of headers to be removed prior to sigv4a signing
  • Aws\ConnectCases - This release adds the ability to conditionally require fields on a template. Check public documentation for more information.
  • Aws\CostOptimizationHub - This release enables AWS Cost Optimization Hub to show cost optimization recommendations for Amazon Auto Scaling Groups, including those with single and mixed instance types.
  • Aws\S3 - Updated list of the valid AWS Region values for the LocationConstraint parameter for general purpose buckets.
  • Aws\CloudFormation - We added 5 new stack refactoring APIs: CreateStackRefactor, ExecuteStackRefactor, ListStackRefactors, DescribeStackRefactor, ListStackRefactorActions.

Version 3.339.7

05 Feb 19:11
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  • Aws\RDS - Documentation updates to clarify the description for the parameter AllocatedStorage for the DB cluster data type, the description for the parameter DeleteAutomatedBackups for the DeleteDBCluster API operation, and removing an outdated note for the CreateDBParameterGroup API operation.

Version 3.339.6

04 Feb 19:09
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  • Aws\Credentials - Updates to sso provider expiration time handling
  • Aws\DataSync - Doc-only update to provide more information on using Kerberos authentication with SMB locations.
  • Aws\QBusiness - Adds functionality to enable/disable a new Q Business Chat orchestration feature. If enabled, Q Business can orchestrate over datasources and plugins without the need for customers to select specific chat modes.
  • Aws\SageMaker - IPv6 support for Hyperpod clusters
  • Aws\IAM - This release adds support for accepting encrypted SAML assertions. Customers can now configure their identity provider to encrypt the SAML assertions it sends to IAM.
  • Aws\DatabaseMigrationService - Introduces TargetDataSettings with the TablePreparationMode option available for data migrations.
  • Aws\NeptuneGraph - Added argument to list-export to filter by graph ID

Version 3.339.5

03 Feb 19:09
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  • Aws\MediaTailor - Add support for CloudWatch Vended Logs which allows for delivery of customer logs to CloudWatch Logs, S3, or Firehose.

Version 3.339.4

31 Jan 19:10
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  • Aws\PrometheusService - Add support for sending metrics to cross account and CMCK AMP workspaces through RoleConfiguration on Create/Update Scraper.
  • Aws\CodeBuild - Added support for CodeBuild self-hosted Buildkite runner builds
  • Aws\SageMaker - This release introduces a new valid value in InstanceType parameter: p5en.48xlarge, in ProductionVariant.
  • Aws\RDS - Updates to Aurora MySQL and Aurora PostgreSQL API pages with instance log type in the create and modify DB Cluster.
  • Aws\GeoRoutes - The OptimizeWaypoints API now supports 50 waypoints per request (20 with constraints like AccessHours or AppointmentTime). It adds waypoint clustering via Clustering and ClusteringIndex for better optimization. Also, total distance validation is removed for greater flexibility.
  • Aws\BedrockAgentRuntime - This change is to deprecate the existing citation field under RetrieveAndGenerateStream API response in lieu of GeneratedResponsePart and RetrievedReferences

Version 3.339.3

30 Jan 19:24
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  • Aws\QBusiness - Added APIs to manage QBusiness user subscriptions
  • Aws\AppStream - Add support for managing admin consent requirement on selected domains for OneDrive Storage Connectors in AppStream2.0.
  • Aws\ECR - Temporarily updating dualstack endpoint support
  • Aws\VerifiedPermissions - Adds Cedar JSON format support for entities and context data in authorization requests
  • Aws\MediaTailor - Adds options for configuring how MediaTailor conditions ads before inserting them into the content stream. Based on the new settings, MediaTailor will either transcode ads to match the content stream as it has in the past, or it will insert ads without first transcoding them.
  • Aws\S3Tables - You can now use the CreateTable API operation to create tables with schemas by adding an optional metadata argument.
  • Aws\BedrockAgentRuntime - Add a 'reason' field to InternalServerException
  • Aws\ECRPublic - Temporarily updating dualstack endpoint support

Version 3.339.2

29 Jan 19:59
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  • Aws\ECR - Add support for Dualstack and Dualstack-with-FIPS Endpoints
  • Aws\S3 - Change the type of MpuObjectSize in CompleteMultipartUploadRequest from int to long.
  • Aws\ECRPublic - Add support for Dualstack Endpoints
  • Aws\BCMPricingCalculator - Added ConflictException error type in DeleteBillScenario, BatchDeleteBillScenarioCommitmentModification, BatchDeleteBillScenarioUsageModification, BatchUpdateBillScenarioUsageModification, and BatchUpdateBillScenarioCommitmentModification API operations.
  • Aws\MailManager - This release includes a new feature for Amazon SES Mail Manager which allows customers to specify known addresses and domains and make use of those in traffic policies and rules actions to distinguish between known and unknown entries.

Version 3.339.1

28 Jan 19:11
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  • Aws\DSQL - Updates default AuthTokenGenerator token expiration time from 700 to 900 seconds.
  • Aws\Firehose - For AppendOnly streams, Firehose will automatically scale to match your throughput.
  • Aws\AppSync - Add stash and outErrors to EvaluateCode/EvaluateMappingTemplate response
  • Aws\Deadline - feature: Deadline: Add support for limiting the concurrent usage of external resources, like floating licenses, using limits and the ability to constrain the maximum number of workers that work on a job
  • Aws\DataSync - AWS DataSync now supports the Kerberos authentication protocol for SMB locations.
  • Aws\TimestreamInfluxDB - Adds 'allocatedStorage' parameter to UpdateDbInstance API that allows increasing the database instance storage size and 'dbStorageType' parameter to UpdateDbInstance API that allows changing the storage type of the database instance
  • Aws\EC2 - This release changes the CreateFleet CLI and SDK's such that if you do not specify a client token, a randomly generated token is used for the request to ensure idempotency.