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RFC: Service Builder Improvements

Status: Accepted

One might characterize smithy-rs as a tool for transforming a Smithy service into a tower::Service builder. A Smithy model defines behavior of the generated service partially - handlers must be passed to the builder before the tower::Service is fully specified. This builder structure is the primary API surface we provide to the customer, as a result, it is important that it meets their needs.

This RFC proposes a new builder, deprecating the existing one, which addresses API deficiencies and takes steps to improve performance.


  • Model: A Smithy Model, usually pertaining to the one in use by the customer.
  • Smithy Service: The entry point of an API that aggregates resources and operations together within a Smithy model. Described in detail here.
  • Service: The tower::Service trait is an interface for writing network applications in a modular and reusable way. Services act on requests to produce responses.
  • Service Builder: A tower::Service builder, generated from a Smithy service, by smithy-rs.
  • Middleware: Broadly speaking, middleware modify requests and responses. Concretely, these are exist as implementations of Layer/a Service wrapping an inner Service.
  • Handler: A closure defining the behavior of a particular request after routing. These are provided to the service builder to complete the description of the service.


To provide context for the proposal we perform a survey of the current state of affairs.

The following is a reference model we will use throughout the RFC:

operation Operation0 {
    input: Input0,
    output: Output0

operation Operation1 {
    input: Input1,
    output: Output1

service Service0 {
    operations: [

We have purposely omitted details from the model that are unimportant to describing the proposal. We also omit distracting details from the Rust snippets. Code generation is linear in the sense that, code snippets can be assumed to extend to multiple operations in a predictable way. In the case where we do want to speak generally about an operation and its associated types, we use {Operation}, for example {Operation}Input is the input type of an unspecified operation.

Here is a quick example of what a customer might write when using the service builder:

async fn handler0(input: Operation0Input) -> Operation0Output {

async fn handler1(input: Operation1Input) -> Operation1Output {

let app: Router = OperationRegistryBuilder::default()
    // Use the setters
    // Convert to `OperationRegistry`
    // Convert to `Router`

During the survey we touch on the major mechanisms used to achieve this API.


A core concept in the service builder is the Handler trait:

pub trait Handler<T, Input> {
    async fn call(self, req: http::Request) -> http::Response;

Its purpose is to provide an even interface over closures of the form FnOnce({Operation}Input) -> impl Future<Output = {Operation}Output> and FnOnce({Operation}Input, State) -> impl Future<Output = {Operation}Output>. It's this abstraction which allows the customers to supply both async fn handler(input: {Operation}Input) -> {Operation}Output and async fn handler(input: {Operation}Input, state: Extension<S>) -> {Operation}Output to the service builder.

We generate Handler implementations for said closures in ServerOperationHandlerGenerator.kt:

impl<Fun, Fut> Handler<(), Operation0Input> for Fun
    Fun: FnOnce(Operation0Input) -> Fut,
    Fut: Future<Output = Operation0Output>,
    async fn call(self, request: http::Request) -> http::Response {
        let input = /* Create `Operation0Input` from `request: http::Request` */;

        // Use closure on the input
        let output = self(input).await;

        let response = /* Create `http::Response` from `output: Operation0Output` */

impl<Fun, Fut> Handler<Extension<S>, Operation0Input> for Fun
    Fun: FnOnce(Operation0Input, Extension<S>) -> Fut,
    Fut: Future<Output = Operation0Output>,
    async fn call(self, request: http::Request) -> http::Response {
        let input = /* Create `Operation0Input` from `request: http::Request` */;

        // Use closure on the input and fetched extension data
        let extension = Extension(request.extensions().get::<T>().clone());
        let output = self(input, extension).await;

        let response = /* Create `http::Response` from `output: Operation0Output` */

Creating {Operation}Input from a http::Request and http::Response from a {Operation}Output involves protocol aware serialization/deserialization, for example, it can involve the HTTP binding traits. The RuntimeError enumerates error cases such as serialization/deserialization failures, extensions().get::<T>() failures, etc. We omit error handling in the snippet above, but, in full, it also involves protocol aware conversions from the RuntimeError to http::Response. The reader should make note of the influence of the model on the different sections of this procedure.

The request.extensions().get::<T>() present in the Fun: FnOnce(Operation0Input, Extension<S>) -> Fut implementation is the current approach to injecting state into handlers. The customer is required to apply a AddExtensionLayer to the output of the service builder so that, when the request reaches the handler, the extensions().get::<T>() will succeed.

To convert the closures described above into a Service an OperationHandler is used:

pub struct OperationHandler<H, T, Input> {
    handler: H,

impl<H, T, Input> Service<Request<B>> for OperationHandler<H, T, Input>
    H: Handler<T, I>,
    type Response = http::Response;
    type Error = Infallible;

    fn poll_ready(&mut self, _cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {

    async fn call(&mut self, req: Request<B>) -> Result<Self::Response, Self::Error> {


The service builder we provide to the customer is the OperationRegistryBuilder, generated from ServerOperationRegistryGenerator.kt.

Currently, the reference model would generate the following OperationRegistryBuilder and OperationRegistry:

pub struct OperationRegistryBuilder<Op0, In0, Op1, In1> {
    operation1: Option<Op0>,
    operation2: Option<Op1>,

pub struct OperationRegistry<Op0, In0, Op1, In1> {
    operation1: Op0,
    operation2: Op1,

The OperationRegistryBuilder includes a setter per operation, and a fallible build method:

impl<Op0, In0, Op1, In1> OperationRegistryBuilder<Op0, In0, Op1, In1> {
    pub fn operation0(mut self, value: Op0) -> Self {
        self.operation0 = Some(value);
    pub fn operation1(mut self, value: Op1) -> Self {
        self.operation1 = Some(value);
    pub fn build(
    ) -> Result<OperationRegistry<Op0, In0, Op1, In1>, OperationRegistryBuilderError> {
        Ok(OperationRegistry {
            operation0: self.operation0.ok_or(/* OperationRegistryBuilderError */)?,
            operation1: self.operation1.ok_or(/* OperationRegistryBuilderError */)?,

The OperationRegistry does not include any methods of its own, however it does enjoy a From<OperationRegistry> for Router<B> implementation:

impl<B, Op0, In0, Op1, In1> From<OperationRegistry<B, Op0, In0, Op1, In1>> for Router<B>
    Op0: Handler<B, In0, Operation0Input>,
    Op1: Handler<B, In1, Operation1Input>,
    fn from(registry: OperationRegistry<B, Op0, In0, Op1, In1>) -> Self {
        let operation0_request_spec = /* Construct Operation0 routing information */;
        let operation1_request_spec = /* Construct Operation1 routing information */;

        // Convert handlers into boxed services
        let operation0_svc = Box::new(OperationHandler::new(registry.operation0));
        let operation1_svc = Box::new(OperationHandler::new(registry.operation1));

        // Initialize the protocol specific router
        // We demonstrate it here with `new_rest_json_router`, but note that there is a different router constructor
        // for each protocol.


The aws_smithy_http::routing::Router provides the protocol aware routing of requests to their target , it exists as

pub struct Route {
    service: Box<dyn Service<http::Request, Response = http::Response>>,

enum Routes {
    RestXml(Vec<(Route, RequestSpec)>),
    RestJson1(Vec<(Route, RequestSpec)>),
    AwsJson1_0(TinyMap<String, Route>),
    AwsJson11(TinyMap<String, Route>),

pub struct Router {
    routes: Routes,

and enjoys the following Service<http::Request> implementation:

impl Service<http::Request> for Router
    type Response = http::Response;
    type Error = Infallible;

    fn poll_ready(&mut self, _: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {

    async fn call(&mut self, request: http::Request) -> Result<Self::Response, Self::Error> {
        match &self.routes {
            Routes::/* protocol */(routes) => {
                let route: Result<Route, _> = /* perform route matching logic */;
                match route {
                    Ok(ok) => ok.oneshot().await,
                    Err(err) => /* Convert routing error into http::Response */

Along side the protocol specific constructors, Router includes a layer method. This provides a way for the customer to apply a tower::Layer to all routes. For every protocol, Router::layer has the approximately the same behavior:

let new_routes = old_routes
    // Apply the layer
    .map(|route| layer.layer(route))
    // Re-box the service, to restore `Route` type
    .map(|svc| Box::new(svc))
    // Collect the iterator back into a collection (`Vec` or `TinyMap`)

Comparison to Axum

Historically, smithy-rs has borrowed from axum. Despite various divergences the code bases still have much in common:

To identify where the implementations should differ we should classify in what ways the use cases differ. There are two primary areas which we describe below.

Extractors and Responses

In axum there is a notion of Extractor, which allows the customer to easily define a decomposition of an incoming http::Request by specifying the arguments to the handlers. For example,

async fn request(Json(payload): Json<Value>, Query(params): Query<HashMap<String, String>>, headers: HeaderMap) {

is a valid handler - each argument satisfies the axum::extract::FromRequest trait, therefore satisfies one of axums blanket Handler implementations:

macro_rules! impl_handler {
    ( $($ty:ident),* $(,)? ) => {
        impl<F, Fut, Res, $($ty,)*> Handler<($($ty,)*)> for F
            F: FnOnce($($ty,)*) -> Fut + Clone + Send + 'static,
            Fut: Future<Output = Res> + Send,
            Res: IntoResponse,
            $( $ty: FromRequest + Send,)*
            fn call(self, req: http::Request) -> Self::Future {
                async {
                    let mut req = RequestParts::new(req);

                        let $ty = match $ty::from_request(&mut req).await {
                            Ok(value) => value,
                            Err(rejection) => return rejection.into_response(),

                    let res = self($($ty,)*).await;


The implementations of Handler in axum and smithy-rs follow a similar pattern - convert http::Request into the closure's input, run the closure, convert the output of the closure to http::Response.

In smithy-rs we do not need a general notion of "extractor" - the http::Request decomposition is specified by the Smithy model, whereas in axum it's defined by the handlers signature. Despite the Smithy specification the customer may still want an "escape hatch" to allow them access to data outside of the Smithy service inputs, for this reason we should continue to support a restricted notion of extractor. This will help support use cases such as passing lambda_http::Context through to the handler despite it not being modeled in the Smithy model.

Dual to FromRequest is the axum::response::IntoResponse trait. This plays the role of converting the output of the handler to http::Response. Again, the difference between axum and smithy-rs is that smithy-rs has the conversion from {Operation}Output to http::Response specified by the Smithy model, whereas in axum the customer is free to specify a return type which implements axum::response::IntoResponse.


The Smithy model not only specifies the http::Request decomposition and http::Response composition for a given service, it also determines the routing. The From<OperationRegistry> implementation, described in Builder, yields a fully formed router based on the protocol and http traits specified.

This is in contrast to axum, where the user specifies the routing by use of various combinators included on the axum::Router, applied to other tower::Services. In an axum application one might encounter the following code:

let user_routes = Router::new().route("/:id", /* service */);

let team_routes = Router::new().route("/", /* service */);

let api_routes = Router::new()
    .nest("/users", user_routes)
    .nest("/teams", team_routes);

let app = Router::new().nest("/api", api_routes);

Note that, in axum handlers are eagerly converted to a tower::Service (via IntoService) before they are passed into the Router. In contrast, in smithy-rs, handlers are passed into a builder and then the conversion to tower::Service is performed (via OperationHandler).

Introducing state to handlers in axum is done in the same way as smithy-rs, described briefly in Handlers - a layer is used to insert state into incoming http::Requests and the Handler implementation pops it out of the type map layer. In axum, if a customer wanted to scope state to all routes within /users/ they are able to do the following:

async fn handler(Extension(state): Extension</* State */>) -> /* Return Type */ {}

let api_routes = Router::new()
    .nest("/users", user_routes.layer(Extension(/* state */)))
    .nest("/teams", team_routes);

In smithy-rs a customer is only able to apply a layer around the aws_smithy_http::routing::Router or around every route via the layer method described above.


The proposal is presented as a series of compatible transforms to the existing service builder, each paired with a motivation. Most of these can be independently implemented, and it is stated in the cases where an interdependency exists.

Although presented as a mutation to the existing service builder, the actual implementation should exist as an entirely separate builder, living in a separate namespace, reusing code generation from the old builder, while exposing a new Rust API. Preserving the old API surface will prevent breakage and make it easier to perform comparative benchmarks and testing.

Remove two-step build procedure

As described in Builder, the customer is required to perform two conversions. One from OperationRegistryBuilder via OperationRegistryBuilder::build, the second from OperationRegistryBuilder to Router via the From<OperationRegistry> for Router implementation. The intermediary stop at OperationRegistry is not required and can be removed.

Statically check for missing Handlers

As described in Builder, the OperationRegistryBuilder::build method is fallible - it yields a runtime error when one of the handlers has not been set.

    pub fn build(
    ) -> Result<OperationRegistry<Op0, In0, Op1, In1>, OperationRegistryBuilderError> {
        Ok(OperationRegistry {
            operation0: self.operation0.ok_or(/* OperationRegistryBuilderError */)?,
            operation1: self.operation1.ok_or(/* OperationRegistryBuilderError */)?,

We can do away with fallibility if we allow for on Op0, Op1 to switch types during build and remove the Option from around the fields. The OperationRegistryBuilder then becomes

struct OperationRegistryBuilder<Op0, Op1> {
    operation_0: Op0,
    operation_1: Op1

impl OperationRegistryBuilder<Op0, In0, Op1, In1> {
    pub fn operation0<NewOp0>(mut self, value: NewOp0) -> OperationRegistryBuilder<NewOp0, In0, Op1, In1> {
        OperationRegistryBuilder {
            operation0: value,
            operation1: self.operation1
    pub fn operation1<NewOp1>(mut self, value: NewOp1) -> OperationRegistryBuilder<Op0, In0, NewOp1, In1> {
        OperationRegistryBuilder {
            operation0: self.operation0,
            operation1: value

impl OperationRegistryBuilder<Op0, In0, Op1, In1>
    Op0: Handler<B, In0, Operation0Input>,
    Op1: Handler<B, In1, Operation1Input>,
    pub fn build(self) -> OperationRegistry<Op0, In0, Op1, In1> {
        OperationRegistry {
            operation0: self.operation0,
            operation1: self.operation1,

The customer will now get a compile time error rather than a runtime error when they fail to specify a handler.

Switch From<OperationRegistry> for Router to an OperationRegistry::build method

To construct a Router, the customer must either give a type ascription

let app: Router = /* Service builder */.into();

or be explicit about the Router namespace

let app = Router::from(/* Service builder */);

If we switch from a From<OperationRegistry> for Router to a build method on OperationRegistry the customer may simply

let app = /* Service builder */.build();

There already exists a build method taking OperationRegistryBuilder to OperationRegistry, this is removed in Remove two-step build procedure. These two transforms pair well together for this reason.

Operations as Middleware Constructors

As mentioned in Comparison to Axum: Routing and Handlers, the smithy-rs service builder accepts handlers and only converts them into a tower::Service during the final conversion into a Router. There are downsides to this:

  1. The customer has no opportunity to apply middleware to a specific operation before they are all collected into Router. The Router does have a layer method, described in Router, but this applies the middleware uniformly across all operations.
  2. The builder has no way to apply middleware around customer applied middleware. A concrete example of where this would be useful is described in the Middleware Position section of RFC: Logging in the Presence of Sensitive Data.
  3. The customer has no way of expressing readiness of the underlying operation - all handlers are converted to services with Service::poll_ready returning Poll::Ready(Ok(())).

The three use cases described above are supported by axum by virtue of the Router::route method accepting a tower::Service. The reader should consider a similar approach where the service builder setters accept a tower::Service<http::Request, Response = http::Response> rather than the Handler.

Throughout this section we purposely ignore the existence of handlers accepting state alongside the {Operation}Input, this class of handlers serve as a distraction and can be accommodated with small perturbations from each approach.

Approach A: Customer uses OperationHandler::new

It's possible to make progress with a small changeset, by requiring the customer eagerly uses OperationHandler::new rather than it being applied internally within From<OperationRegistry> for Router (see Handlers). The setter would then become:

pub struct OperationRegistryBuilder<Op0, Op1> {
    operation1: Option<Op0>,
    operation2: Option<Op1>

impl<Op0, Op1> OperationRegistryBuilder<Op0, Op1> {
    pub fn operation0(self, value: Op0) -> Self {
        self.operation1 = Some(value);

The API usage would then become

async fn handler0(input: Operation0Input) -> Operation0Output {

// Create a `Service<http::Request, Response = http::Response, Error = Infallible>` eagerly
let svc = OperationHandler::new(handler0);

// Middleware can be applied at this point
let operation0 = /* A HTTP `tower::Layer` */.layer(op1_svc);

    /* ... */

Note that this requires that the OperationRegistryBuilder stores services, rather than Handlers. An unintended and superficial benefit of this is that we are able to drop In{n} from the OperationRegistryBuilder<Op0, In0, Op1, In1> - only Op{n} remains and it parametrizes each operation's tower::Service.

It is still possible to retain the original API which accepts Handler by introducing the following setters:

impl<Op1, Op2> OperationRegistryBuilder<Op1, Op2> {
    fn operation0_handler<H: Handler>(self, handler: H) -> OperationRegistryBuilder<OperationHandler<H>, Op2> {
        OperationRegistryBuilder {
            operation0: OperationHandler::new(handler),
            operation1: self.operation1

There are two points at which the customer might want to apply middleware: around tower::Service<{Operation}Input, Response = {Operation}Output> and tower::Service<http::Request, Response = http::Response>, that is, before and after the serialization/deserialization is performed. The change described only succeeds in the latter, and therefore is only a partial solution to (1).

This solves (2), the service builder may apply additional middleware around the service.

This does not solve (3), as the customer is not able to provide a tower::Service<{Operation}Input, Response = {Operation}Output>.

Approach B: Operations as Middleware

In order to achieve all three we model operations as middleware:

pub struct Operation0<S> {
    inner: S,

impl<S> Service<http::Request> for Operation0<S>
    S: Service<Operation0Input, Response = Operation0Output, Error = Infallible>
    type Response = http::Response;
    type Error = Infallible;

    fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
        // We defer to the inner service for readiness

    async fn call(&mut self, request: http::Request) -> Result<Self::Response, Self::Error> {
        let input = /* Create `Operation0Input` from `request: http::Request` */;;

        let response = /* Create `http::Response` from `output: Operation0Output` */

Notice the similarity between this and the OperationHandler, the only real difference being that we hold an inner service rather than a closure. In this way we have separated all model aware serialization/deserialization, we noted in Handlers, into this middleware.

A consequence of this is that the user Operation0 must have two constructors:

  • from_service, which takes a tower::Service<Operation0Input, Response = Operation0Output>.
  • from_handler, which takes an async Operation0Input -> Operation0Output.

A brief example of how this might look:

use tower::util::{ServiceFn, service_fn};

impl<S> Operation0<S> {
    pub fn from_service(inner: S) -> Self {
        Self {

impl<F> Operation0<ServiceFn<F>> {
    pub fn from_handler(inner: F) -> Self {
        // Using `service_fn` here isn't strictly correct - there is slight misalignment of closure signatures. This
        // still serves to illustrate the proposal.

The API usage then becomes:

async fn handler(input: Operation0Input) -> Operation0Output {

// These are both `tower::Service` and hence can have middleware applied to them
let operation_0 = Operation0::from_handler(handler);
let operation_1 = Operation1::from_service(/* some service */);

    /* ... */

Approach C: Operations as Middleware Constructors

While Attempt B solves all three problems, it fails to adequately model the Smithy semantics. An operation cannot uniquely define a tower::Service without reference to a parent Smithy service - information concerning the serialization/deserialization, error modes are all inherited from the Smithy service an operation is used within. In this way, Operation0 should not be a standalone middleware, but become middleware once accepted by the service builder.

Any solution which provides an {Operation} structure and wishes it to be accepted by multiple service builders must deal with this problem. We currently build one library per service and hence have duplicate structures when service closures overlap. This means we wouldn't run into this problem today, but it would be a future obstruction if we wanted to reduce the amount of generated code.

use tower::layer::util::{Stack, Identity};
use tower::util::{ServiceFn, service_fn};

// This takes the same form as `Operation0` defined in the previous attempt. The difference being that this is now
// private.
struct Service0Operation0<S> {
    inner: S

impl<S> Service<http::Request> for ServiceOperation0<S>
    S: Service<Operation0Input, Response = Operation0Output, Error = Infallible>
    /* Same as above */

pub struct Operation0<S, L> {
    inner: S,
    layer: L

impl<S> Operation0<S, Identity> {
    pub fn from_service(inner: S) -> Self {
        Self {
            layer: Identity

impl<F> Operation0<ServiceFn<F>, Identity> {
    pub fn from_handler(inner: F) -> Self {

impl<S, L> Operation0<S, L> {
    pub fn layer<NewL>(self, layer: L) -> Operation0<S, Stack<L, NewL>> {
        Operation0 {
            inner: self.inner,
            layer: Stack::new(self.layer, layer)

    pub fn logging(self, /* args */) -> Operation0<S, Stack<L, LoggingLayer>> {
        Operation0 {
            inner: self.inner,
            layer: Stack::new(self.layer, LoggingLayer::new(/* args */))

    pub fn auth(self, /* args */) -> Operation0<S, Stack<L, AuthLayer>> {
        Operation0 {
            inner: self.inner,
            layer: Stack::new(self.layer, /* Construct auth middleware */)


impl<Op1, Op2> OperationRegistryBuilder<Op1, Op2> {
    pub fn operation0<S, L>(self, operation: Operation0<S, L>) -> OperationRegistryBuilder<<L as Layer<Service0Operation0<S>>::Service, Op2>
        L: Layer<Service0Operation0<S>>
        // Convert `Operation0` to a `tower::Service`.
        let http_svc = Service0Operation0 { inner: operation.inner };
        // Apply the layers

Notice that we get some additional type safety here when compared to Approach A and Approach B - operation0 accepts a Operation0 rather than a general tower::Service. We also get a namespace to include utility methods - notice the logging and auth methods.

The RFC favours this approach out of all those presented.

Approach D: Add more methods to the Service Builder

An alternative to Approach C is to simply add more methods to the service builder while internally storing a tower::Service:

  • operation0_from_service, accepts a tower::Service<Operation0Input, Response = Operation0Output>.
  • operation0_from_handler, accepts an async Fn(Operation0Input) -> Operation0Output.
  • operation0_layer, accepts a tower::Layer<Op0>.

This is functionally similar to Attempt C except that all composition is done internal to the service builder and the namespace exists in the method name, rather than the {Operation} struct.

Service parameterized Routers

Currently the Router stores Box<dyn tower::Service<http::Request, Response = http::Response>. As a result the Router::layer method, seen in Router, must re-box a service after every tower::Layer applied. The heap allocation Box::new itself is not cause for concern because Routers are typically constructed once at startup, however one might expect the indirection to regress performance when the server is running.

Having the service type parameterized as Router<S>, allows us to write:

impl<S> Router<S> {
    fn layer<L>(self, layer: &L) -> Router<L::Service>
        L: Layer<S>
        /* Same internal implementation without boxing */

Protocol specific Routers

Currently there is a single Router structure, described in Router, situated in the rust-runtime/aws-smithy-http-server crate, which is output by the service builder. This, roughly, takes the form of an enum listing the different protocols.

enum Routes {
    RestXml(/* Container */),
    RestJson1(/* Container */),
    AwsJson1_0(/* Container */),
    AwsJson1_1(/* Container */),

Recall the form of the Service::call method, given in Router, which involved matching on the protocol and then performing protocol specific logic.

Two downsides of modelling Router in this way are:

  • Router is larger and has more branches than a protocol specific implementation.
  • If a third-party wanted to extend smithy-rs to additional protocols Routes would have to be extended. A synopsis of this obstruction is presented in Should we generate the Router type issue.

After taking the Switch From<OperationRegistry> for Router to an OperationRegistry::build method transform, code generation is free to switch between return types based on the model. This allows for a scenario where a @restJson1 causes the service builder to output a specific RestJson1Router.

Protocol specific Errors

Currently, protocol specific routing errors are either:

  • Converted to RuntimeErrors and then http::Response (see unknown_operation).
  • Converted directly to a http::Response (see method_not_allowed). This is an outlier to the common pattern.

The from_request functions yield protocol specific errors which are converted to RequestRejections then RuntimeErrors (see ServerHttpBoundProtocolGenerator.kt).

In these scenarios protocol specific errors are converted into RuntimeError before being converted to a http::Response via into_response method.

Two downsides of this are:

  • RuntimeError enumerates all possible errors across all existing protocols, so is larger than modelling the errors for a specific protocol.
  • If a third-party wanted to extend smithy-rs to additional protocols with differing failure modes RuntimeError would have to be extended. As in Protocol specific Errors, a synopsis of this obstruction is presented in Should we generate the Router type issue.

Switching from using RuntimeError to protocol specific errors which satisfy a common interface, IntoResponse, would resolve these problem.

Type erasure with the name of the Smithy service

Currently the service builder is named OperationRegistryBuilder. Despite the name being model agnostic, the OperationRegistryBuilder mutates when the associated service mutates. Renaming OperationRegistryBuilder to {Service}Builder would reflect the relationship between the builder and the Smithy service and prevent naming conflicts if multiple service builders are to exist in the same namespace.

Similarly, the output of the service builder is Router. This ties the output of the service builder to a structure in rust-runtime. Introducing a type erasure here around Router using a newtype named {Service} would:

  • Ensure we are free to change the implementation of {Service} without changing the Router implementation.
  • Hide the router type, which is determined by the protocol specified in the model.
  • Allow us to put a builder method on {Service} which returns {Service}Builder.

This is compatible with Protocol specific Routers, we simply newtype the protocol specific router rather than Router.

With both of these changes the API would take the form:

let service_0: Service0 = Service0::builder()
    /* use the setters */

With Remove two-step build procedure, Switch From<OperationRegistry> for Router to a OperationRegistry::build method, and Statically check for missing Handlers we obtain the following API:

let service_0: Service0 = Service0::builder()
    /* use the setters */

Combined Proposal

A combination of all the proposed transformations results in the following API:

struct Context {
    /* fields */

async fn handler(input: Operation0Input) -> Operation0Output {

async fn handler_with_ext(input: Operation0Input, extension: Extension<Context>) -> Operation0Output {

struct Operation1Service {
    /* fields */

impl Service<Operation1Input> for Operation1Service {
    type Response = Operation1Output;

    /* implementation */

struct Operation1ServiceWithExt {
    /* fields */

impl Service<(Operation1Input, Extension<Context>)> for Operation1Service {
    type Response = Operation1Output;

    /* implementation */

// Create an operation from a handler
let operation_0 = Operation0::from_handler(handler);

// Create an operation from a handler with extension
let operation_0 = Operation::from_handler(handler_with_ext);

// Create an operation from a `tower::Service`
let operation_1_svc = Operation1Service { /* initialize */ };
let operation_1 = Operation::from_service(operation_1_svc);

// Create an operation from a `tower::Service` with extension
let operation_1_svc = Operation1ServiceWithExtension { /* initialize */ };
let operation_1 = Operation::from_service(operation_1_svc);

// Apply a layer
let operation_0 = operation_0.layer(/* layer */);

// Use the service builder
let service_0 = Service0::builder()

A toy implementation of the combined proposal is presented in this PR.

Changes Checklist

  • Add protocol specific routers to rust-runtime/aws-smithy-http-server.
  • Add middleware primitives and error types to rust-runtime/aws-smithy-http-server.
  • Add code generation which outputs new service builder.
  • Deprecate OperationRegistryBuilder, OperationRegistry and Router.