- Provide the ability to edit an image to losslessly rotate it while uploading
- Fix a bug in v4.2.0 where the nearby places were not loading
- Fix a bug where editing depictions was showing a progress bar indefinitely
- In the upload screen, use different map icons to indicate if image is being uploaded with location metadata
- For nearby uploads, it is no longer possible to deselect the item's category and depiction
- The Mapbox account key used by the app has been changed
- Category search now shows exact matches without any discrepancies
- Various bug and crash fixes
- Dark mode colour improvements
- Enhancements done to address location metadata loss including the metadata loss that occurs in latest Android versions
- Enhancements done to address the issue where uploads get stuck in queued state
- Fix the inability to upload via the in-app camera option
- Provide the ability to optionally include location metadata for in-app camera uploads in case the device camera app does not provide location metadata
- Use geo location URL that works consistently across all map applications
- Fix crash when clicking on location target icon while trying to edit the location of an upload
- Fix crash that occurs randomly while returning to the app after leaving it in the background
- Fix crash in Sign up activity on Android version 5.0 and 5.1
- Android 13 compatibility changes
- Location of pictures uploaded via custom picture selector are now recognized
- Improvements to the custom picture selector
- Ensure the WLM pictures are associated with the correct templates for each year
- Only show pictures uploaded via app in peer review
- Improve the variety of images show in peer review
- Allow going to current location in location edit dialog while uploading a picture
- Switch to using MapLibre instead of Mapbox and thereby disable telemetry sent to Mapbox
- Fixed various bugs
- Bumped min SDK to 29 to try and solve Google policy issue
- Reverted dialog
- Note: This encompasses versions 1031, 1032, and 1033, due to the Play Store's requirements to overwrite all the tracks with a post-fix version (otherwise no single track can be published)
- Added dialog for Google's location policy
- Added "Report" button for Google UGC policy
- Fixed bug with wrong dates taken from EXIF
- Fixed various crashes
- Fixed bug with no browser found
- Updated Mapbox SDK to fix hamburger crash
- Added map showing nearby Commons pictures
- Added custom SPARQL queries
- Added user profiles
- Added custom picture selector
- Various bugfixes
- Updated target SDK to 30
- Optimized Nearby query
- Added Sweden's property for WLM 2021
- Added link to wiki explaining how to contribute to WLM through app
- Fixed various bugs and crashes
- Added Wiki Loves Monuments integration for WLM 2021
- Fixed crash when uploading high res image
- Fixed crash when viewing images in Explore
- Pre-fill desc in Nearby uploads with Wikidata item's label + description
- Improved ACRA crash reporting
- Fixed various crashes
- Added Structured Data to upload workflow, users can now add depicts
- Added Leaderboard in Achievements screen
- Added to-do system for images with no categories/descriptions or with associated Wikipedia articles that have no pictures
- Users can now modify and add categories to their uploads from the media details view
- New UI for main screen
- Limited connection mode added, users can now pause and resume uploads
- Added OpenStreetMap attribution
- Fixed various crashes
- Fixed SQLite error in Nearby map
- Fixed issue with Nearby uploads not being associated with Wikidata p18
- New media details UI, ability to zoom and pan around image
- Added suggestions for a place that needs photos if user uploads a photo that is near one of them
- Modifications and fixes to Nearby filters based on user feedback
- Multiple crash and bug fixes
- Fixed issue with EXIF data, including coords, being removed from uploads
- Fixed crash on startup
- Fixed issue with Nearby loading in wrong location
- Various crash fixes
- Completed codebase overhaul
- Added filters for place type and place state to Nearby
- Switched to using new data client library, aimed at fixing failed uploads
- Fixed 2FA not working
- Fixed issues with upload date and deletion notifications
- Refactored upload process, explore/media details, and peer review to use MVP architecture
- Refactored all AsyncTasks to use RxAndroid
- Partial migration to Retrofit
- Allow users to remove EXIF tags from their uploads if desired
- Multiple crash and bug fixes
- Fixed remaining issues with date image taken
- Fixed database crash
- Fixed "stuck before category selection screen" bug
- Fixed notification taps
- Fixed crash while uploading images
- Fixed crash while loading contributions
- Fixed sporadic issue with date image was taken
- Added option to search for places that need pictures in any location
- Added coordinate check for images submitted via Nearby
- Added news about ongoing campaigns
- Easy retry for failed uploads
- Javadocs for Nearby package
- Optimized Nearby query for faster loading
- Allow users to dismiss notifications
- Various bugfixes for Explore, Notifications and Nearby
- Fixed uploads getting stuck in "receiving shared content" phase
- Fixed empty notifications bell icon in main screen
- New main screen UI with Nearby tab
- New upload UI and flow
- Multiple uploads
- Send Log File revamp
- Fixed issues with wrong "image taken" date
- Fixed default zoom level in Nearby map
- Incremented target SDK to 27, with corresponding notification channel fix
- Removed several redundant libraries to reduce bloat
- Fixed issues with sporadic upload failures due to wrong mimeType
- Hotfix for constant upload crashes for Oreo users
- Fixed issues with session tokens not being cleared in 2FA, which should reduce p18 edit failures as well
- Fixed crash caused by bug in fetching revert count
- Fixed crash potentially caused by Traceur library
- Fixed bug with uploads sent via Share being given .jpeg extensions and overwriting files of the same name
- Fixed bug with category edits not being sent to server
- Fixed failed uploads by modifying auth token
- Fixed crashes during upload by storing file temporarily
- Added automatic Wikidata p18 edits upon Nearby upload
- Added Explore feature to browse other Commons images, including featured images
- Added Achievements feature to see current level and upload stats
- Added quiz for users with high deletion rates
- Added first run tutorial for Nearby
- Various small improvements to ShareActivity UI
- Modified subtext for "automatically get current location" setting to emphasize that it will reveal user's location
- Fixed UI and permission issues with Nearby
- Fixed issue with My Recent Uploads being empty
- Fixed blank category issue when uploading directly from Nearby
- Various crash fixes
- New Nearby Places UI with direct uploads (and associated category suggestions)
- Added two-factor authentication login
- Added Notifications activity to display user talk messages
- Added real-time location tracking in Nearby
- Added "rate us", "translate", and FB link in About
- Improvements to UI of navigation drawer, tutorial, media details view, login activity and Settings
- Added option to nominate picture for deletion in media details view
- Too many bug and crash fixes to mention!
- Added null checks to prevent frequent crashes in ModificationsSyncAdapter
- Refactored Dagger to fix crashes encountered in production
- Fixed "?" displaying in description of Nearby places
- Database-related cleanup and tests
- Optimized dimens.xml
- Fixed issue where map opens with incorrect coordinates
- Changed "send log" feature to only send logs to private Google group forum
- Switched to using Wikimedia maps server instead of Mapbox for privacy reasons
- Removed event logging from app for privacy reasons
- Fixed crash caused by rapidly switching from Nearby map to list while loading
- Excluded httpclient and commons-logging to fix release build errors
- Fixed crashes caused by Fresco and Dagger
- Same as 2.6.2 except with localizations added for Google Code-In
- Reverted temporarily to last stable version while working on crash fix
- Failed attempt to fix crashes in release build with the previous beta release
- Multiple bugfixes for location updates and list/map loading in Nearby
- Multiple fixes for various crashes and memory leaks
- Added several unit tests
- Modified About page to include WMF disclaimer and modified Privacy Policy link to point to our individual privacy policy
- Added option for users to send logs to developers (has to be manually activated by user)
- Converted PNGs to WebPs
- Improved login screen with new design and privacy policy link
- Improved category display, if a category has an exact name entered, it will be shown first
- New UI for Nearby list
- Added product flavors for production and the beta-cluster Wikimedia servers
- Various improvements to navigation flow and backstack
- Added one-time popup for beta users to provide feedback on IEG renewal proposal
- Added link to Commons policies in ShareActivity
- Various string fixes
- Switched to using vector icons for map markers
- Added filter for irrelevant categories
- Fixed various crashes
- Incremented target SDK to 25
- Improved appearance of navigation drawer
- Replaced proprietary app image in tutorial with one that isn't Telegram
- Fixed camera issue with FileProvider
- Added RxJava library, migrated to Java 8
- Various code and continuous integration optimizations
- Added option to launch tutorial again from nav drawer
- Added marker for current location in Nearby map
- Fixed various strings
- Added check for location permissions when launching Nearby
- Temporary fix for API 25 camera crash
- App should now display accurate upload count
- Updated Gradle from 3.3 to 4.0
- Fixed crash with uploading multiple photos
- Fixed memory leaks
- Fixed issues with Nearby places list and map
- Fixed memory issue with loading contributions on main screen
- Deleted images don't show up on contributions list
- Added Fresco library for image loading and LeakCanary for memory profiling
- Added navigation drawer and overhauled action bar
- Added logout functionality
- Fixed various issues with map of Nearby places
- Add map of Nearby places
- Add overlay dialog when a Nearby place is tapped
- Set default number of uploads to display in Main activity as 100, and add option in Settings to change it
- Detect when 2FA is used for login and display message
- Display date uploaded and image coordinates in image details page
- Display message when GPS is turned off, and when no Nearby items are found
- Hotfix for Nearby localization issue
- Hotfix for Settings crash
- Revamped Nearby to query Wikidata by default instead of Wiki Needs Pictures
- Added action bar to About screen
- Fixed crash related to fragment transaction state loss
- Moved Feedback menu item below Settings
- Various code optimizations and refactoring
- Added beta opt in link to Settings
- Added Codacy and Butterknife support
- Added Light theme for day/outdoor use
- Added Material icons
- Reordered overflow menu items
- Added credits to About page
- Fixed lint issues
- Fixed various crashes
- Make "View in browser" direct to mobile website
- Disabled minify again (reenabling test failed)
- Hotfix for ShareAction bug
- Modified Share button in media details fragment to allow user to choose different apps
- Added CC-BY 4.0 and CC-BY-SA 4.0 to license options
- Added selection pane for licenses on title/desc screen
- Switched to using material design for login form fields
- Added Checkstyle support
- Reenabled minify in Gradle
- Other minor code optimizations
- Attempted fix for GPS suggestions issue
- Added translations for multiple languages
- Minor code optimization
- Fixed language mappings; successful translatewiki integration
- Various translations added
- Bumped min SDK and removed escaped characters for translatewiki.net integration
- Added check for whether file already exists on Commons
- Added new pages to tutorial
- Fix for Korean translations crash
- Various minor fixes
- Added filter for suggested categories containing years (other than current or previous year)
- Attempted fix for issues with categories not being saved
- Added category suggestions based on entered title
- Fixed Ukranian translations
- Fixed issues with GPS category suggestions
- Added button to use previous title/desc
- Fixed crash when back button pressed before Nearby list is loaded
- Fixed crash when Nearby list is loaded without network connection
- Added no args constructor for GPS category suggestions
- Use Quadtree source instead of JAR, for F-Droid compatibility
- Fixed GPS extractor not being called
- Fixed bug with geolocation category suggestions not being displayed
- Fixed bug with (0,0) being recorded as image location occasionally
- Fixed {{Location|null}} template bug
- Added new icons to Nearby
- Added link to website on About
- Added geocoding template from GPS data stored in image
- Fixed bug with doubled list view in Nearby
- Further attempts to reduce overwrites
- New feature: List of nearby places without photos
- Fixed bug with overwriting files when multiple images selected
- Added in-app signup feature for new users
- Fixed crash when reading GPS coordinates
- Moved from bits/event.gif to wikimedia/beacon
- Fixed issue with needing to tap gallery again after giving permissions
- Added warning if image is submitted without categories
- Added check if back button is pressed at category selection screen
- Fixed various crashes
- Crash reports now go to private mailing list to protect user info
- Fixed Google Photos multiple share crash
- Hotfix for data=null crash
- Fixed adapter crash
- Attempt at fixing Google Photos crash
- Fixed various crashes
- Fixed camera and gallery for API 23
- Fixed various crashes
- Fixed 'Desc/license/categories empty' bug
- Fixed various crashes
- Reduced APK size
- Fixed 'waiting for first sync' bug
- Added material design logo
- Migrated to Gradle
- Fixed API 23 permission crash
- Fixed "Template:According to EXIF data" analyzing EXIF data incorrectly
- Fixed prettyLicense and mediaUri crashes
- Further bug fixes for Polish language
- Added Javadocs
- Bugfix for Polish language crash
- Bugfix for null location crash
- Bugfix for null pages array crash
- New feature: Added option to use GPS to find nearby categories if picture is not geotagged
- New feature: Improved category search function (not limited to prefix search now)
- Fixed bug with uploading images in Marshmallow
- Fixed links in About page
- Bugfix for invalid images
- Caches area and associated categories
- Increased search radius for nearby categories
- New feature: Suggests nearby Commons categories
- Removed 'send usage reports' setting
- Fixed package naming issue
- Added 'sign up' button
- Removed unused 'campaigns' shortcut
- New Launcher Icon
- Fix bug with licensing templates
- i18n updates
- Successfully reached double digit beta number
- Honeycomb fixes
- Fix crash when uploading multiple files
- Make thumbnail loading faster
- i18n updates
- Sharper, higher resolution image thumbnails used
- Better caching mechanism in place for image thumbnails
- Allow users to pick between various CC licenses
- Display tutorial on first use explaining Commons
- Experimental checks to avoid filename duplication
- Experimental support for RTL flipping with Android 4.2
- Add option to download full resolution image to phone
- Fix 'flickering' on Android 2.3
- Various minor bug fixes
- i18n updates
- Disable menu items for share and open browser when upload incomplete
- Show recently-used categories
- Prevent upload status from overlapping with the title of upload
- Make template removal work properly
- Relicense to Apache License
- i18n updates
- Added opt out from EventLogging
- Remove {{Uncategorized}} template after adding categories
- Be more consistent and proactive in syncing modifications (adding categories)
- Add a minimal About page
- Add option to send feedback via email from within the app
- i18n updates
- Add categorization
- Add a 'Modifications Sync' framework for doing eventual-consistent page edits
- More consistent designb between single and multiple upload
- i18n updates
- Emergency release, since beta5 uploaded to testwiki
- Fix bug setting descriptions and author info on multiple image uploads to 'null'
- Switched properly to Holo Dark theme
- Multiple uploads support! Select multiple images from gallery and send 'em here!
- Reduce naming related upload errors
- Update UIL
- General refactoring for a slightly cleaner codebase
- i18n updates
- Fix reported crashes
- i18n updates
- Fix bug with non-ASCII characters
- Preserve user and description information across upload restarts
- Rudimentary OGG uploading support (when shared from another app only)
- Transparent images now have a white background
- UI improvements for Login
- Upload images to commons by taking a picture, picking from Gallery, or sharing from another application
- Queue up and upload multiple images to commons at the same time
- View all your contributions to commons