- df -h
- listid
- ls -l
- blkid
- discretionary access control system permissions layered over standard Linux permissions
- mandatory access control system permissions layered over standard Linux permissions
- a type of firewall for Linux
- the same as standard Linux permissions
- route -ipv6
- route
- ip -6 route show
- ip route show
find / -size +10M -exec ls -l {} ;
- It finds all files using ls -l and hands them off to the find command to display.
- It finds all files older than 10 minutes and long lists them using the ls command.
- It finds all files larger than 10 MB and long lists them using the ls command.
- It uses the ls command to find all files in the filesystem matching the {} wildcard.
locate --regexp '^/usr.*pixmaps.*jpg$'
- all files in a directory named pixmaps
- all files ending in ".jpg"
- all file paths that start with "/usr", include the word "pixmaps", and end with ".jpg"
- all file paths that include "/usr/pixmaps" and end with ".jpg"
- wireshark
- ethtool
- netstat
- tcpdump
- log
- uptime
- runtime
- access
- It is an application testing suite used to profile programming code.
- It is a local command used for monitoring local system resources in real time.
- It is a set of tools, services, and libraries for gathering and analyzing performance measures.
- It is a tool designed to change system configuration for purposes of optimization.
- Create a text file including all names and use the -f option of dig.
- Type in each query manually.
- Write a shell script to send multiple dig queries to the DNS server.
- Save the DNS names in an SQL database and process it with dig.
ps -e --format uid,pid,ppid,%cpu,cmd
- the user ID, process ID, parent process ID, CPU usage, and command name of a process
- the user ID, group ID, parent process ID, CPU usage, and command name of a process
- the UUID, process ID, parent process ID, CPU usage, and command name of a process
- all of these answers
- !
- !!
- !*
- !ls
- both private and public keys
- the ssh public key
- the ssh private key
- a fingerprint file
- find
- fdisk
- du
- df
Q14. A backup drive was created using dd to make a bit-for-bit copy. When the drive is inserted into an iSCSI target before it is booted up, the data appears to be missing. What happened?
- The backup drive is corrupted and needs to be re-created.
- When the backup drive was duplicated, the label was as well. When booted, the system mounted the old duplicated drive by its identical label.
- There is a conflict between the physical location of the backup drive and the original drive.
- The backup process went wrong, and the old drive was duplicated over the original drive.
- The tee command sends output only to STDOUT and STDERR.
- A redirect sends output to STDOUT and a file, whereas a tee sends output only to STDOUT.
- Nothing, they are the same.
- The tee command sends output to STDOUT and a file, whereas a redirect sends output only to a file.
- priority of one DNS server over another
- per network interface DNS server configuration
- alternative DNS services
- sources for name service information
Q17. Assume the variable myNumber holds a string consisting of 10 digits. What will this command output?
echo \$myNumber | sed -e 's/^[[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]]/(&)/g'
- It will only match digits—and since the string has only digits, the command will output the same number without changes.
- It will output the same 10-digit number, but every digit will be inside parentheses.
- It will output the entire 10-digit number inside parentheses.
- It will output the same 10-digit number, but the first 3 digits will be inside parentheses.
- None of these answers. yum does not support downloading packages without installing them.
- --downloaddir
- -d
- --downloadonly
- [[:alnum:]]
- [[:digit:]]
- [[:alpha:]]
- [[:num:]]
Q20. When archiving files, which command will preserve all file attributes including ACLs and SELinux security context?
- zip
- tar
- archive
- gzip
Q21. In a systemd-based OS, you can change the system hostname by editing /etc/hostname manually and then doing what?
- Restart dhcpd.
- Run /etc/hostname.
- Nothing, the system notices automatically.
- Notify systemd to update it by restarting the systemd-hostnamed service.
Q22. What command would you use to resize an LVM volume group to include an additional physical volume?
- vgadd
- vgresize
- vgappend
- vgextend
0 1 * * *
- every minute of the hour
- every hour of every day
- every day at 1:00 AM
- only on Mondays
Q24. ifconfig has been deprecated. What command is now recommended for changing IP addresses in the live config?
- netconf
- ipconfig
- ipman
- ip
Q25. You are managing an Apache web server on a system using SELinux. By default it cannot read personal webpages in users' home directories. What SELinux boolean would you set to allow this?
- apache_enable_homedirs
- httpd_enable_userdirs
- httpd_enable_homedirs
- httpd_enable_userhome_dirs
- The passwd command is not used for locking passwords.
- There is no password -l option.
- It locks only the password, not the account, so users can still authenticate with keys or other methods.
- It does lock the account, keeping users from logging in even if they are using other authentication methods.
- Piping into | pipes both stdout and stderr. Piping into |& pipes only stderr.
- Piping into | pipes stdout. Piping into |& pipes stdout and stderr.
- Piping into | pipes both stdout and stderr. Piping into |& pipes only stdout.
- Piping into | pipes stdout. Piping into |& pipes all open file descriptors.
- The kernel identifies it as one of the names of extended commands.
- It has the same name as the file it modifies.
- It has the SUID permission mode and is owned by root.
- It is a system administration command.
- always ask for confirmation
- back up the file before it deletes the file
- ask for confirmation if configured to do so
- never ask for confirmation
- Access to a drive is faster than with standard partitions.
- Volumes can be resized smaller without unmounting them.
- Repairing filesystem errors is easier than with standard partitions.
- Volumes can be resized even if the free space is not contiguous.
- Globs create a list; brace expansion matches pattern.
- Brace expansion requires files to exist; globs do not.
- Brace expansion creates a list; globs mart the list of pathnames.
- Globs get processes first and brace expansion later.
- -d
- -k
- -b
- -x
- [x]
myVar = 5
[[ $myVar -lt 10 ]] && echo " Hello World"
- [ ]
myVar = 5
[[ $myVar -lt 10 ]] || echo " Hello World"
- []
myVar = 5
[[ $myVar -gt 10 ]] && echo " Hello World"
- [x]
myVar = 5
[[ $myVar -gt 10 ]] || echo " Hello World"
- shell aliases
- userid
- environmental variables
- scheduling priority
- no_admin_squash
- no_root_squash
- allow_root_access
- all_squash
Q36. You send an email to a remote client using the following syntax. What will be in the body of the email?
date | mail -s "This is a remote test" user1@rhhost1.localnet.com
- "This is a remote test"
- the date, the time, and the words "This is a remote test"
- The email subject shows "This is a remote test" but the body of the email will be empty.
- the current date and time
- resolving the local name
- blocking sites using iptables
- setting the hostname
- configuring DNS name servers
Q38. In an extended regular expression, you would use (pattern){3} to match three instances of the pattern. How would you match the same thing with an extended glob?
- 3(pattern)
- {0,3}(pattern}
- OccurRence quantifiers are not supported in Bash's version of extended globs, so this is not possible.
- {3}(pattern})