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2001 lines (1276 loc) · 50.9 KB


The Async component brings concurrency into PHP using cooperative multitasking.


The Async component is built on top of RevoltPHP, which makes it compatible with Amphp, and other libraries that use the same event loop.


use Psl\IO;
use Psl\Async;
use Psl\Shell;

Async\main(static function(): int {
  $watcher = Async\Scheduler::onSignal(SIGINT, function (): never {
      IO\write_error_line('SIGINT received, stopping...');


  IO\write_error_line('Press Ctrl+C to stop');

    static fn(): string => Shell\execute('sleep', ['3']),
    static fn(): string => Shell\execute('echo', ['Hello World!']),
    static fn(): string => Shell\execute('echo', ['Hello World!']),


  return 0;



  • main((Closure(): int)|(Closure(): Awaitable<int> $closure): never

    Execute $closure in {main} fiber, then exit with returned exit code.

    If $closure returns an Awaitable, it MUST resolve with an exit code.

    After executing $closure, the event loop will keep running until there's no more callbacks to be executed.

    use Psl\Async;
    use Psl\IO;
    Async\main(static function(): int {
      Async\Scheduler::delay(1.0, static function(): void {
      return 0;
    // Output:
    // hello

  • run<T>((Closure(): T) $closure): Async\Awaitable<T>

    Create a new fiber asynchronously using the given closure, and return an Awaitable that resolves to the result of the closure.

    If the closure throws an exception, the Awaitable will fail with that exception.

    use Psl\Async;
    $awaitable = Async\run(static function (): string {
      return 'Hello world!';
    $result = $awaitable->await(); // 'Hello world!'
    use Psl\Async;
    $awaitable = Async\run(static function (): string {
      throw new Exception('Something went wrong!');
    try {
      $result = $awaitable->await(); // throws Exception
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      // ... handle exception

  • await<T>(Awaitable<T> $awaitable): T

    Await the given Awaitable, and return the result.

    If the Awaitable fails, the exception will be thrown.

    use Psl\Async;
    $awaitable = Async\run(static function (): string {
      return 'Hello world!';
    $result = Async\await($awaitable); // 'Hello world!'

  • all<Tk of array-key, Tv>(iterable<Tk, Awaitable<Tv>> $awaitables): array<Tk, Tv>

    Awaits all Awaitables to complete concurrently.

    If one Awaitable fails, the exception will be thrown immediately, and the result of the Awaitables will be ignored.

    Once the Awaitables have completed, an array containing the results will be returned preserving the original Awaitables order.

    If multiple Awaitables failed at once, Exception\CompositeException will be thrown.

    use Psl\Async;
    use Psl\Shell;
      Async\run(static fn() => Shell\execute('php', ['vendor/bin/phpunit', '-c', 'phpunit.xml.dist'])),
      Async\run(static fn() => Shell\execute('php', ['vendor/bin/psalm', '-c', 'psalm.xml'])),
      Async\run(static fn() => Shell\execute('php', ['vendor/bin/psalm', '-c', 'psalm.xml', '--taint-analysis'])),
      Async\run(static fn() => Shell\execute('php', ['vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer', 'fix', '--config=.php_cs.dist.php', '--dry-run'])),
      Async\run(static fn() => Shell\execute('php', ['vendor/bin/phpcs', '--standard=.phpcs.xml'])),
    try {
      $result = Async\all([
        Async\Awaitable::error(new Exception('Something went wrong!')),
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      // ... handle the exception
    try {
      $result = Async\all([
        Async\Awaitable::error(new Exception('Something went wrong!')),
        Async\Awaitable::error(new Exception('Something else went wrong!')),
    } catch (Async\Exception\CompositeException $e) {
      $reasons = $e->getReasons(); // [Exception, Exception]
      // ... handle the exceptions

  • any<T>(iterable<Awaitable<T>> $awaitables): T

    Return the first successfully completed Awaitable result.

    If you want the first Awaitable completed, successful or not, use first(...) instead.

    If multiple Awaitables completed successfully at once, the first one will be returned.

    If $awaitables is empty, Psl\Exception\InvariantViolationException will be thrown.

    If all Awaitables failed, Exception\CompositeException will be thrown.

    use Psl;
    use Psl\Async;
    $result = Async\any([
      Async\Awaitable::error(new Exception('Something went wrong!')),
    Psl\invariant($result === 'hello', 'Should be hello!');
    try {
      $result = Async\any([]);
    } catch (Psl\Exception\InvariantViolationException $e) {
      // ... handle the exception
    try {
      $result = Async\any([
        Async\Awaitable::error(new Exception('Something went wrong!')),
        Async\Awaitable::error(new Exception('Something else went wrong!')),
    } catch (Async\Exception\CompositeException $e) {
      $reasons = $e->getReasons(); // [Exception, Exception]
      // ... handle the exceptions

  • first<T>(iterable<Awaitable<T>> $awaitables): T

    Return the first completed Awaitable result, or throw an exception if the first Awaitable failed.

    If you want the first Awaitable completed without an error, use any(...) instead.

    If $awaitables is empty, Psl\Exception\InvariantViolationException will be thrown.

    If all Awaitables failed, Exception\CompositeException will be thrown.

    use Psl;
    use Psl\Async;
    $result = Async\first([
      Async\Awaitable::error(new Exception('Something went wrong!')),
    Psl\invariant($result === 'hello', 'Should be hello!');
    try {
      $result = Async\first([
        Async\Awaitable::error(new Exception('Something went wrong!')),
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      // ... handle the exception
    try {
      $result = Async\first([]);
    } catch (Psl\Exception\InvariantViolationException $e) {
      // ... handle the exception
    try {
      $result = Async\first([
        Async\Awaitable::error(new Exception('Something went wrong!')),
        Async\Awaitable::error(new Exception('Something else went wrong!')),
    } catch (Async\Exception\CompositeException $e) {
      $reasons = $e->getReasons(); // [Exception, Exception]
      // ... handle the exceptions

  • series<Tk of array-key, Tv>(iterable<Tk, (Closure(): Tv)> $tasks): array<Tk, Tv>

    Run the functions in the tasks' iterable in series, each one running once the previous function has completed.

    If any functions in the series throws, no more functions are run, and the exception is immediately thrown.

    use Psl\Async;
    $results = Async\series([

  • concurrently<Tk of array-key, Tv>(iterable<Tk, (Closure(): Tv)> $tasks): array<Tk, Tv>

    Run the functions in the tasks' iterable in parallel, without waiting until the previous function has completed.

    If any functions in the tasks' iterable throws, no more functions are run, and the exception is immediately thrown.

    Once the tasks have completed, the results are returned as an array, preserving the original keys, in the order in which the tasks were passed.

    If $tasks is empty, an empty array will be returned.

    If multiple tasks throw at once, Exception\CompositeException will be thrown.

    use Psl\Async;
    $results = Async\concurrently([


    concurrently(...) is about kicking-off I/O functions concurrently, not about concurrently execution of code. If your functions do not use any timers or perform any non-blocking I/O, they will actually be executed in series.

    use Psl\Async;
    use function file_get_contents;
    // the following runs in series, as `file_get_contents` is blocking.
      static fn() => file_get_contents('/etc/hosts'),
      static fn() => file_get_contents('/etc/resolv.conf'),


    use Psl\Result\reflect(...) to continue the execution of other functions when a function fails.

    use Psl;
    use Psl\Async;
    use Psl\Result;
    use Psl\Shell;
    [$version, $foo] = Async\concurrently([
      Result\reflect(static fn() => Shell\execute('php', ['-v'])),
      Result\reflect(static fn() => Shell\execute('php', ['-r', 'foo();'])),
    Psl\invariant($version->isSucceeded(), '`$ php -v` should have succeeded.');
    Psl\invariant($foo->isFailed(), '`$ php -r "foo();"` should have failed.');

  • sleep(float $seconds): void

    Non-blocking sleep for the specified number of seconds.

    use Psl;
    use Psl\Async;
    use function time;
    $time = time();
      static fn() => Async\sleep(2),
      static fn() => Async\sleep(2),
      static fn() => Async\sleep(2),
    $duration = time() - $time;
    Psl\invariant(2 <= $duration < 3, 'Should sleep for 2 seconds.');

  • later(): void

    Reschedule the work of an async function until some other time in the future.

    The common use case for this is if your async function actually has to wait for some blocking call, you can tell other callbacks in the async scheduler that they can work while this one waits for the blocking call to finish (e.g., maybe in a polling situation or something).

    use Psl;
    use Psl\Async;
    $deferred = new Async\Deferred();
    // defer the execution of the callback until the next tick.
    Async\Schedule::defer(static fn() => $deferred->complete('hello'));
    Psl\invariant(!$deferred->isCompleted(), 'Deferred should not be completed yet.');
    Psl\invariant($deferred->isComplete(), 'Deferred should be complete.');


  • final class Awaitable<T> implements Promise\PromiseInterface<T>

    An Awaitable is a promise that can be awaited.

    It can be used to wait for the result of an async function, or to wait for the result of a blocking call.

    It can also be used to wait for the result of a Deferred.

    use Psl\Async;
    $awaitable = Async\run(static fn(): string => 'hello');
    $result = $awaitable->await(); // 'hello'

    • static Awaitable::complete<Tv>(Tv $result): Awaitable<Tv>

      Create an Awaitable that completes with the given value.

      use Psl\Async;
      $awaitable = Async\Awaitable::complete('hello');
      $result = $awaitable->await(); // 'hello'

    • static Awaitable::error(Exception $exception): Awaitable<never>

      Create an Awaitable that fails with the given $exception.

      use Psl\Async;
      $awaitable = Async\Awaitable::error(new Exception('Something went wrong!'));
      try {
      } catch (Exception $e) {
        // handle the exception

    • static Awaitable::iterate<Tk, Tv>(iterable<Tk, Awaitable<Tv>> $awaitables): Generator<Tk, Awaitable<Tv>, _, _>

      Iterate over the given Awaitables in completion order.

      use Psl\IO;
      use Psl\Async;
      $handles = [
        Async\run(static function() {
          return 'a';
        Async\run(static function() {
          return 'b';
        Async\run(static function() {
          return 'c';
        Async\run(static function() {
          return 'd';
      foreach(Async\Awaitable::iterate($handles) as $k => $awaitable) {
        $result = $awaitable->await();
        IO\writeLine($k . ': ' . $result);
      // Output:
      // 1: b
      // 3: d
      // 2: c
      // 0: a

    • Awaitable::isComplete(): bool

      Returns true if the Awaitable is complete.

      use Psl\Async;
      $awaitable = Async\Awaitable::complete('hello');
      Psl\invariant($awaitable->isComplete(), 'Should be complete.');
      $awaitable = Async\run(static fn() => Async\sleep(2));
      Psl\invariant(!$awaitable->isComplete(), 'Should not be complete.');

    • Awaitable::await(): T

      Await the result of the awaitable.

      use Psl\Async;
      $awaitable = Async\run(static function(): string {
        return 'hello';
      Psl\invariant($awaitable->await() === 'hello', 'Should be "hello".');

    • Awaitable::then<Ts>((Closure(T): Ts) $success, (Closure(Exception): Ts) $failure): Awaitable<Ts>

      Attaches callbacks that are invoked when this Awaitable is completed.

      The returned Awaitable is resolved with the return value of the callback, or rejected with an exception thrown from the callback.

      use Psl;
      use Psl\Async;
      use Psl\Str;
      $awaitable = Async\run(static function(): string {
        return 'hello';
      $awaitable = $awaitable->then(
        static fn($result) => Str\format('%s world', $result),
        static fn($error) =>  Psl\invariant_violation('Should not throw.'),
      $result = $awaitable->await(); // 'hello world'

    • Awaitable::map<Ts>((Closure(T): Ts) $success): Awaitable<Ts>

      Attaches a callback that is invoked if this Awaitable is completed successfully.

      The returned Awaitable is resolved with the return value of the callback, or rejected with an exception thrown from the callback.

      use Psl\Async;
      use Psl\Str;
      $awaitable = Async\run(static function(): string {
        return 'hello';
      $awaitable = $awaitable
        ->map(static fn($result) => Str\format('%s world', $result));
      $result = $awaitable->await(); // 'hello world'

    • Awaitable::catch<Ts>((Closure(Exception): Ts) $failure): Awaitable<T|Ts>

      Attaches a callback that is invoked if this Awaitable is completed with an error.

      The returned Awaitable is resolved with the return value of the callback, or rejected with an exception thrown from the callback.

      use Psl\Async;
      $awaitable = Async\run(static function(): string {
        throw new Exception('Something went wrong!');
      $awaitable = $awaitable
        ->catch(static fn($error) => $error->getMessage());
      $result = $awaitable->await(); // 'Something went wrong!'

    • Awaitable::always((Closure(): void) $always): Awaitable<T>

      Attaches a callback that is invoked when this Awaitable is completed.

      use Psl\IO;
      use Psl\Async;
      $awaitable = Async\run(static function(): string {
        return 'hello';
      $awaitable = $awaitable->always(static function(): void {
      $result = $awaitable->await(); // 'hello'
      // Output:
      // done

    • Awaitable::ignore(): this

      Do not forward unhandled errors to the event loop handler.

      use Psl\Async;
      Async\run(static function(): string {
        throw new Exception('Something went wrong!');
      // No exception thrown

  • final class Semaphore<Tin, Tout>

    Run an operation with a limit on number of ongoing asynchronous jobs.

    All operations must have the same input type (Tin) and output type (Tout), and be processed by the same function.

    Tin may be a closure invoked by the $operation for maximum flexibility, however this pattern is best avoided in favor of creating semaphores with a more narrow process.

    use Psl\Async;
    use Psl\IO;
    $semaphore = new Async\Semaphore(2, static function(int $input): void {
      IO\write_error_line('> started : %d', $input);
      IO\write_error_line('> finished: %d', $input);
      fn() => $semaphore->waitFor(1),
      fn() => $semaphore->waitFor(2),
      fn() => $semaphore->waitFor(3),
    // Output:
    // > started: 1
    // > started: 2
    // > finished: 1
    // > started: 3
    // > finished: 2
    // > finished: 3

    • Semaphore::waitFor(Tin $input): Tout

      Run the operation using the given $input.

      If the concurrency limit has been reached, this method will wait until one of the ingoing operations has completed.

      use Psl\Async;
      $semaphore = new Async\Semaphore(2, static function(int $input): void {
          return $input + 1;
      $handles = [];
      $handles[] = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor(1));
      $handles[] = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor(2));
      $handles[] = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor(3));
      $results = Async\all($handles); // [2, 3, 4]

    • Semaphore::cancel(Exception $exception): void

      Cancel all pending operations.

      Any pending operation will fail with the given exception.

      Future operations will continue execution as usual.

      use Psl\Async;
      $semaphore = new Async\Semaphore(1, static function(int $input): void {
          return $input + 1;
      $one = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor(1));
      $two = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor(2));
      $semaphore->cancel(new Exception('foo'));
      $one->await(); // 2
      $two->await(); // throws `Exception` with message `foo`

    • Semaphore::getConcurrencyLimit(): positive-int

      Get the concurrency limit of this semaphore.

      use Psl\Async;
      $semaphore = new Async\Semaphore(2, static fn(int $input): void => $input + 1);
      $semaphore->getConcurrencyLimit(); // 2

    • Semaphore::getPendingOperations(): int<0, max>

      Get the number of pending operations.

      use Psl\Async;
      $semaphore = new Async\Semaphore(2, static fn(int $input): void => $input + 1);
      $semaphore->getPendingOperations(); // 0
      $one = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor(1));
      $two = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor(2));
      $three = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor(3));
      $four = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor(4));
      $semaphore->getPendingOperations(); // 2
      $semaphore->getPendingOperations(); // 1
      $semaphore->getPendingOperations(); // 0

    • Semaphore::hasPendingOperations(): bool

      Check if there are any pending operations.

      use Psl\Async;
      $semaphore = new Async\Semaphore(2, static fn(int $input): void => $input + 1);
      $semaphore->hasPendingOperations(); // false
      $one = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor(1));
      $two = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor(2));
      $three = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor(3));
      $four = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor(4));
      $semaphore->hasPendingOperations(); // true
      $semaphore->hasPendingOperations(); // true
      $semaphore->hasPendingOperations(); // false

    • Semaphore::getIngoingOperations(): int<0, max>

      Get the number of ingoing operations.

      use Psl\Async;
      $semaphore = new Async\Semaphore(2, static function(int $input): void {
          return $input + 1;
      $semaphore->getIngoingOperations(); // 0
      $one = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor(1));
      $semaphore->getIngoingOperations(); // 1
      $two = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor(2));
      $semaphore->getIngoingOperations(); // 2
      $semaphore->getIngoingOperations(); // 1
      $semaphore->getIngoingOperations(); // 0

    • Semaphore::hasIngoingOperations(): bool

      Check if there are any ingoing operations.

      use Psl\Async;
      $semaphore = new Async\Semaphore(2, static function(int $input): void {
          return $input + 1;
      $semaphore->hasIngoingOperations(); // false
      $one = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor(1));
      $semaphore->hasIngoingOperations(); // true
      $two = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor(2));
      $semaphore->hasIngoingOperations(); // true
      $semaphore->hasIngoingOperations(); // true
      $semaphore->hasIngoingOperations(); // false

    • Semaphore::waitForPending(): void

      Wait until all pending operations have completed.

      use Psl\Async;
      $semaphore = new Async\Semaphore(1, static function(int $input): void {
          return $input + 1;
      $one = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor(1));
      $two = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor(2));
      $semaphore->hasPendingOperations(); // true
      $semaphore->hasPendingOperations(); // false

  • final class KeyedSemaphore<Tk of array-key, Tin, Tout>

    Run an operation with a limit on number of ongoing asynchronous jobs for a specific key.

    All operations must have the same input type (Tin) and output type (Tout), and be processed by the same function.

    Tin may be a closure invoked by the $operation for maximum flexibility, however this pattern is best avoided in favor of creating semaphores with a more narrow process.

    use Psl\Async;
    use Psl\IO;
    $semaphore = new Async\KeyedSemaphore(2, static function(string $key, int $input): void {
      IO\write_error_line('> started(%s): %d', $key, $input);
      IO\write_error_line('> finished(%s): %d', $key, $input);
      fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('foo', 1),
      fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('foo', 2),
      fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('foo', 3),
      fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('bar', 1),
      fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('bar', 2),
      fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('bar', 3),
    // Output:
    // > started(foo): 1
    // > started(foo): 2
    // > started(bar): 1
    // > started(bar): 2
    // > finished(foo): 1
    // > finished(bar): 1
    // > started(foo): 3
    // > started(bar): 3
    // > finished(foo): 2
    // > finished(bar): 2
    // > finished(foo): 3
    // > finished(bar): 3

    • KeyedSemaphore::waitFor(Tk $key, Tin $input): Tout

      Run the operation using the given $input.

      If the concurrency limit has been reached for the given $key, this method will wait until one of the ingoing operations has completed.

      use Psl\Async;
      $semaphore = new Async\KeyedSemaphore(2, static function(string $key, int $input): void {
          return $input + 1;
      $handles = [];
      $handles[] = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('foo', 1));
      $handles[] = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('foo', 2));
      $handles[] = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('foo', 3));
      $handles[] = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('bar', 4));
      $handles[] = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('bar', 5));
      $handles[] = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('bar', 6));
      $results = Async\all($handles); // [1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6]

    • KeyedSemaphore::cancel(string $key, Exception $exception): void

      Cancel pending operations for the given key.

      Any pending operation will fail with the given exception.

      Future operations will continue execution as usual.

      use Psl\Async;
      $semaphore = new Async\KeyedSemaphore(1, static function(string $_key, int $input): void {
          return $input + 1;
      $one = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('foo', 1));
      $two = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('foo', 2));
      $semaphore->cancel('foo', new Exception('foo'));
      $one->await(); // 2
      $two->await(); // throws `Exception` with message `foo`

    • KeyedSemaphore::cancelAll(Exception $exception): void

      Cancel all pending operations.

      Any pending operation will fail with the given exception.

      Future operations will continue execution as usual.

      use Psl\Async;
      $semaphore = new Async\KeyedSemaphore(1, static function(string $_key, int $input): void {
          return $input + 1;
      $one = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('foo', 1));
      $two = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('bar', 2));
      $semaphore->cancelAll(new Exception('foo'));
      $one->await(); // throws `Exception` with message `foo`
      $two->await(); // throws `Exception` with message `foo`

    • KeyedSemaphore::getConcurrencyLimit(): positive-int

      Returns the concurrency limit for the semaphore.

      use Psl\Async;
      $semaphore = new Async\KeyedSemaphore(10, static fn(string $_key, int $input): void => $input + 1);
      $semaphore->getConcurrencyLimit(); // 10

    • KeyedSemaphore::getPendingOperations(Tk $key): int<0, max>

      Returns the number of pending operations for the given key.

      use Psl\Async;
      $semaphore = new Async\KeyedSemaphore(1, static fn(string $_key, int $input): void => $input + 1);
      $semaphore->getPendingOperations('foo'); // 0
      $one = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('foo', 1));
      $two = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('foo', 2));
      $three = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('foo', 3));
      $semaphore->getPendingOperations('foo'); // 2
      $semaphore->getPendingOperations('bar'); // 0
      $one->await(); // 2
      $semaphore->getPendingOperations('foo'); // 1
      $two->await(); // 3
      $semaphore->getPendingOperations('foo'); // 0
      $three->await(); // 4
      $semaphore->getPendingOperations('foo'); // 0

    • KeyedSemaphore::getTotalPendingOperations(): int<0, max>

      Returns the total number of pending operations.

      use Psl\Async;
      $semaphore = new Async\KeyedSemaphore(1, static fn(string $_key, int $input): void => $input + 1);
      $one = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('foo', 1));
      $two = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('foo', 2));
      $three = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('bar', 3));
      $four = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('bar', 4));
      $semaphore->getTotalPendingOperations(); // 2

    • KeyedSemaphore::hasPendingOperations(Tk $key): bool

      Check if there's any operations pending execution for the given key.

      If this method returns true, it means the semaphore has reached it's limits, future calls to waitFor will wait.

      use Psl\Async;
      $semaphore = new Async\KeyedSemaphore(1, static fn(string $_key, int $input): void => $input + 1);
      $semaphore->hasPendingOperations('foo'); // false
      $one = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('foo', 1));
      $two = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('foo', 2));
      $semaphore->hasPendingOperations('foo'); // true

    • KeyedSemaphore::hasAnyPendingOperations(): bool

      Check if there's any operations pending execution.

      use Psl\Async;
      $semaphore = new Async\KeyedSemaphore(1, static fn(string $_key, int $input): void => $input + 1);
      $semaphore->hasAnyPendingOperations(); // false
      $one = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('foo', 1));
      $two = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('foo', 2));
      $semaphore->hasAnyPendingOperations(); // true

    • KeyedSemaphore::getIngoingOperations(Tk $key): int<0, max>

      Returns the number of operations that are currently being executed for the given key.

      The returned number will always be lower, or equal to the concurrency limit.

      use Psl\Async;
      $semaphore = new Async\KeyedSemaphore(1, static fn(string $_key, int $input): void => $input + 1);
      $semaphore->getIngoingOperations('foo'); // 0
      $one = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('foo', 1));
      $two = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('foo', 2));
      $three = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('foo', 3));
      $semaphore->getIngoingOperations('foo'); // 1
      $semaphore->getIngoingOperations('bar'); // 0
      $one->await(); // 2
      $semaphore->getIngoingOperations('foo'); // 1
      $two->await(); // 3
      $semaphore->getIngoingOperations('foo'); // 1
      $three->await(); // 4
      $semaphore->getIngoingOperations('foo'); // 0

    • KeyedSemaphore::getTotalIngoingOperations(): int<0, max>

      Returns the total number of operations that are currently being executed.

      use Psl\Async;
      $semaphore = new Async\KeyedSemaphore(1, static fn(string $_key, int $input): void => $input + 1);
      $semaphore->getTotalIngoingOperations(); // 0
      $one = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('foo', 1));
      $two = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('foo', 2));
      $three = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('bar', 3));
      $four = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('bar', 4));
      $semaphore->getTotalIngoingOperations(); // 2

    • KeyedSemaphore::hasIngoingOperations(Tk $key): bool

      Check if there's any operations currently being executed for the given key.

      use Psl\Async;
      $semaphore = new Async\KeyedSemaphore(1, static fn(string $_key, int $input): void => $input + 1);
      $semaphore->hasIngoingOperations('foo'); // false
      $one = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('foo', 1));
      $two = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('foo', 2));
      $semaphore->hasIngoingOperations('foo'); // true

    • KeyedSemaphore::hasAnyIngoingOperations(): bool

      Returns true if there's any operations currently being executed, false otherwise.

      use Psl\Async;
      $semaphore = new Async\KeyedSemaphore(1, static fn(string $_key, int $input): void => $input + 1);
      $semaphore->hasAnyIngoingOperations(); // false
      $one = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('foo', 1));
      $semaphore->hasAnyIngoingOperations(); // true

    • KeyedSemaphore::waitForPending(Tk $key): void

      Wait for all pending operations for the given key to complete.

      use Psl\Async;
      $semaphore = new Async\KeyedSemaphore(1, static fn(string $_key, int $input): void => $input + 1);
      $one = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('foo', 1));
      $two = Async\run(fn() => $semaphore->waitFor('foo', 2));
      $semaphore->waitForPending('foo'); // waits for $one and $two to complete.

  • final class Sequence<Tin, Tout>

    Run an operation with a limit on number of ongoing asynchronous jobs of 1.

    Just like Semaphore, all operations must have the same input type Tin and output type Tout, and be processed by the same function.

    use Psl\Async;
    use Psl\IO;
    $sequence = new Async\Sequence(static function(int $input): void {
      IO\write_error_line('> started : %d', $input);
      IO\write_error_line('> finished: %d', $input);
      fn() => $sequence->waitFor(1),
      fn() => $sequence->waitFor(2),
      fn() => $sequence->waitFor(3),
    // Output:
    // > started: 1
    // > finished: 1
    // > started: 2
    // > finished: 2
    // > started: 3
    // > finished: 3

    • Sequence::waitFor(Tin $input): Tout

      Run the operation using the given $input, after all previous operations have completed.

      use Psl\Async;
      $s = new Async\Sequence(static function(int $input): void {
          return $input + 1;
      $results = Async\concurrently([fn() => $s->waitFor(1), fn() => $s->waitFor(2), fn() => $s->waitFor(3)]); // [2, 3, 4]

    • Sequence::cancel(Exception $exception): void

      Cancel all pending operations.

      Any pending operation will fail with the given exception.

      Future operations will continue execution as usual.

      use Psl\Async;
      $s = new Async\Sequence(static function(int $input): void {
          return $input + 1;
      $one = Async\run(fn() => $s->waitFor(1));
      $two = Async\run(fn() => $s->waitFor(2));
      $s->cancel(new Exception('foo'));
      $one->await(); // 2
      $two->await(); // throws `Exception` with message `foo`

    • Sequence::getPendingOperations(): int<0, max>

      Returns the number of operations that are currently pending.

      use Psl\Async;
      $s = new Async\Sequence(static function(int $input): void {
          return $input + 1;
      $s->getPendingOperations(); // 0
      $one = Async\run(fn() => $s->waitFor(1));
      $two = Async\run(fn() => $s->waitFor(2));
      $s->getPendingOperations(); // 1

    • Sequence::hasPendingOperations(): bool

      Returns true if there's any operations currently pending, false otherwise.

      If this method returns true, it means future calls to waitFor will wait.

      use Psl\Async;
      $s = new Async\Sequence(static function(int $input): void {
          return $input + 1;
      $s->hasPendingOperations(); // false
      $one = Async\run(fn() => $s->waitFor(1));
      $s->hasPendingOperations(); // true

    • Sequence::hasIngoingOperations(): bool

      Check if the sequence has any ingoing operations.

      If this method returns true, it means future calls to waitFor will wait. If this method returns false, it means future calls to waitFor will execute immediately.

      use Psl\Async;
      $s = new Async\Sequence(static function(int $input): void {
          return $input + 1;
      $s->hasIngoingOperations(); // false
      $one = Async\run(fn() => $s->waitFor(1));
      $s->hasIngoingOperations(); // true
      $one->await(); // 2
      $s->hasIngoingOperations(); // false

    • Sequence::waitForPending(): void

      Wait for all pending operations to complete.

      use Psl\Async;
      $s = new Async\Sequence(static function(int $input): void {
          return $input + 1;
      $one = Async\run(fn() => $s->waitFor(1));
      $two = Async\run(fn() => $s->waitFor(2));
      $s->waitForPending(); // waits for $one and $two to complete.

  • final class KeyedSequence<Tk of array-key, Tin, Tout>

    Run an operation with a limit on number of ongoing asynchronous jobs of 1.

    Just like KeyedSemaphore, all operations must have the same input type Tin and output type Tout, and be processed by the same function.

    use Psl\Async;
    use Psl\IO;
    $sequence = new Async\KeyedSequence(1, static function(string $key, int $input): void {
      IO\write_error_line('> started(%s): %d', $key, $input);
      IO\write_error_line('> finished(%s): %d', $key, $input);
      fn() => $sequence->waitFor('foo', 1),
      fn() => $sequence->waitFor('foo', 2),
      fn() => $sequence->waitFor('foo', 3),
      fn() => $sequence->waitFor('bar', 1),
    // Output:
    // > started(foo): 1
    // > started(bar): 1
    // > finished(foo): 1
    // > finished(bar): 1
    // > started(foo): 2
    // > finished(foo): 2
    // > started(foo): 3
    // > finished(foo): 3

    • KeyedSequence::waitFor(Tk $key, Tin $input): Tout

      Run the operation using the given $input, after all previous operations have completed.

      If the given $key is already in use, the operation will wait until the previous operation with the same $key has completed.

      use Psl\Async;
      $s = new Async\KeyedSequence(1, static function(string $_key, int $input): void {
          return $input + 1;
      $results = Async\concurrently([fn() => $s->waitFor('foo', 1), fn() => $s->waitFor('foo', 2), fn() => $s->waitFor('foo', 3)]); // [2, 3, 4]

    • KeyedSequence::cancel(Tk $key, Exception $exception): void

      Cancel all pending operations.

      Any pending operation will fail with the given exception.

      Future operations will continue execution as usual.

      use Psl\Async;
      $s = new Async\KeyedSequence(1, static function(string $_key, int $input): void {
          return $input + 1;
      $one = Async\run(fn() => $s->waitFor('foo', 1));
      $two = Async\run(fn() => $s->waitFor('foo', 2));
      $s->cancel(new Exception('foo'));
      $one->await(); // 2
      try {
      } catch (Exception $e) {
          echo $e->getMessage(); // foo

    • KeyedSequence::cancelAll(Exception $exception): void

      Cancel all pending operations.

      Pending operation will fail with the given exception.

      Future operations will continue execution as usual.

    • KeyedSequence::getPendingOperations(Tk $key): int<0, max>

      Get the number of operations pending execution for the given key.

    • KeyedSequence::getTotalPendingOperations(): int<0, max>

      Get the total number of operations pending execution.

    • KeyedSequence::hasPendingOperations(Tk $key): bool

      Check if there's any operations pending execution for the given key.

      If this method returns true, it means the sequence is busy, future calls to waitFor will wait.

    • KeyedSequence::hasAnyPendingOperations(): bool

      Check if there's any operations pending execution.

    • KeyedSequence::hasIngoingOperations(Tk $key): bool

      Check if the sequence has any ingoing operations for the given key.

      If this method returns true, it means future calls to waitFor will wait. If this method returns false, it means future calls to waitFor will execute immediately.

    • KeyedSequence::hasAnyIngoingOperations(): bool

      Check if the sequence has any ingoing operations.

    • KeyedSequence::getTotalIngoingOperations(): int<0, max>

      Get the number of total ingoing operations.

    • KeyedSequence::waitForPending(Tk $key): void

      Wait for all pending operations for the given key to complete.

  • final class Deferred<T>


    The Deferred API described below is an advanced API that many applications probably don’t need. Use run(...), and other Async combinators when possible.

    Deferred is the abstraction responsible for resolving future values once they become available.

    A library that completes values asynchronously creates an Deferred and uses it to return an Awaitable to API consumers.

    Once the async library determines that the value is ready it completes the Awaitable held by the API consumer using methods on the linked Deferred.

    use Psl;
    use Psl\Async;
    use Psl\IO;
    $deferred = new Async\Deferred();
      static fn($result) => Psl\invariant($result === 'hello', 'Should be "hello".'),
      static fn($error) => Psl\invariant(false, 'Should not have failed.'),

    • Deferred::getAwaitable()

      Returns the Awaitable that will be completed when the value is available.

      Deferred and Awaitable are separated, so the consumer of the Awaitable can’t complete it. You should always return $deferred->getAwaitable() to API consumers. If you’re passing Deferred objects around, you’re probably doing something wrong.

      use Psl\Async;
       * @return Async\Awaitable<'hello'>
      function get_message(): Async\Awaitable
        $deferred = new Async\Deferred();
        // Complete the deferred with 'hello' after 2 second.
        Async\Scheduler::delay(2, static fn() => $deferred->complete('hello'));
        return $deferred->getAwaitable();
      get_message()->await(); // 'hello'

    • Deferred::complete(T $value)

      Completes the Awaitable with the given value.

      use Psl\Async;
      $deferred = new Async\Deferred();
      $result = $deferred->getAwaitable()->await(); // 'hello'

    • Deferred::error(Exception $exception): void

      Makes the Awaitable fail with the given $exception.

      use Psl\Async;
      $deferred = new Async\Deferred();
      $deferred->error(new Exception('Something went wrong!'));
      try {
      } catch (Exception $e) {
        // handle the exception...

    • Deferred::isComplete(): bool

      Returns true if the Awaitable has been completed.

      use Psl\Async;
      $deferred = new Async\Deferred();
      Psl\invariant(false === $deferred->isComplete(), 'Should be pending.');
      Psl\invariant(true === $deferred->isComplete(), 'Should be complete.');

  • final class Scheduler

    Psl wrapper around Revolt event-loop.

    See for more information.

    • static Scheduler::createSuspension(): Revolt\EventLoop\Suspension

      Create an object used to suspend and resume execution, either within a fiber or from {main}.

      use Psl\Async;
      $suspension = Async\Scheduler::createSuspension();
      // schedule the resume of the suspension 2 seconds from now.
      Async\Scheduler::delay(2.0, static fn() => $suspension->resume());
      // suspend the suspension until it is resumed.

    • static Scheduler::onSignal(int $signal_number, (Closure(string, int): void) $callback): non-empty-string

      Register a callback to be called when the given signal is received.

      Returns a unique identifier that can be used to cancel, enable or disable the callback.

      see revolt documentation for more information.

    • static Scheduler::onReadable(object|resource $stream, (Closure(string, object|resource): void) $callback): non-empty-string

      Execute a callback when a stream resource becomes readable or is closed for reading.

      Returns a unique identifier that can be used to cancel, enable or disable the callback.

      see revolt documentation for more information.

    • static Scheduler::onWritable(object|resource $stream, (Closure(string, object|resource): void) $callback): non-empty-string

      Execute a callback when a stream resource becomes writable or is closed for writing.

      Returns a unique identifier that can be used to cancel, enable or disable the callback.

      see revolt documentation for more information.

    • static Scheduler::defer((Closure(): void) $callback): non-empty-string

      Defer the execution of a callback.

      Returns a unique identifier that can be used to cancel, enable or disable the callback.

      see revolt documentation for more information.

    • static Scheduler::delay(float $seconds, (Closure(): void) $callback): non-empty-string

      Delay the execution of a callback.

      Returns a unique identifier that can be used to cancel, enable or disable the callback.

      see revolt documentation for more information.

    • static Scheduler::repeat(float $interval, (Closure(): void) $callback): non-empty-string

      Repeatedly execute a callback.

      Returns a unique identifier that can be used to cancel, enable or disable the callback.

      see revolt documentation for more information.

    • static Scheduler::cancel(string $id): void

      Cancel a callback.

      see revolt documentation for more information.

    • static Scheduler::enable(string $id): void

      Enable a callback.

      see revolt documentation for more information.

    • static Scheduler::disable(string $id): void

      Disable a callback.

      see revolt documentation for more information.

    • static Scheduler::reference(string $id): void

      Reference a callback.

      see revolt documentation for more information.

    • static Scheduler::unreference(string $id): void

      Remove a reference to a callback.

      see revolt documentation for more information.

    • static Scheduler::queue((Closure(): void) $callback): void

      Queue a microtask.

    • static Scheduler::run(): void

      Run the event loop.

      This method will wait until there's no more callbacks to execute.

      If a signal callback is registered, this method will block until the signal is received.

      see revolt documentation for more information.


  • final class Exception\ComositeException

    A Exception\CompositeException that can be used to wrap multiple Exceptions.

    • CompositeException::__construct(non-empty-array<array-key, Exception> $reasons)

      Constructs a new Exception\CompositeException with the given $reasons.

      use Psl\Async;
      $exception = new Async\Exception\CompositeException([
        new Exception('Something went wrong!'),
        new Exception('Something else went wrong!'),

    • CompositeException::getReasons(): non-empty-array<array-key, Exception>

      Returns the $reasons that were wrapped.

      use Psl\Async;
      $exception = new Async\Exception\CompositeException([
        new Exception('Something went wrong!'),
        new Exception('Something else went wrong!'),
      $exceptions = $exception->getReasons();

  • final class Exception\TimeoutException

    A Exception\TimeoutException is thrown when a task is not completed within the given $timeout.

    use Psl\Async;
    use Psl\IO;
    $awaitable = Async\run(static function(): void {
    }, timeout: 1.0);
    try {
    } catch (Async\Exception\TimeoutException $exception) {
      IO\write_error_line('Task timed out!');

  • final class Exception\UnhandledAwaitableException

    A Exception\UnhandledAwaitableException is thrown from the scheduler when a failed Awaitable is not handled.

    use Psl\Async;
    Async\run(static function(): void {
      throw new Exception('Something went wrong!');
    try {
    } catch (Async\Exception\UnhandledAwaitableException $exception) {
      IO\write_error_line('Unhandled awaitable!');
      IO\write_error_line('Previous exception: %s', $exception->getPrevious()->getMessage());
    // Output:
    // Unhandled awaitable!
    // Previous exception: Something went wrong!