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Azure AD B2C currently supports 36 languages out of the box. However if you language is not currently supported you have the ability to upload your own languages files, giving Azure AD B2C the ability to support any language. for more information on Azure AD B2C Language customisation see the B2C Documetation pages - Language customization in Azure Active Directory B2C
This Powershell script uses Azure Cognative API to translate the language file values from english to the specified language. The example sets the language to New Zealand Māori (mi) as the language to convert to. Samples of the output can also be seen under the Māori folder
- First download the default language files from B2C (See documentation)
- Store the lange files in a single directory with the json file name prefix (eg DefaultLocalizedResources_api.selfasserted1.1_en.json)
- There are 2 settings in the powershell file you need to change;
- $global:lan - Set this to your desired language to convert to (eg mi = Mauori)
- $global:APIKey - This is the Azure cognative services key. Form more information see their documentation
- Thats it
Then just run the sciript and it will allend the chosen language code to the new file names.