Releases: Azure/AKS
Release 2025-02-20
Release 2025-02-20
Monitor the release status by region at AKS-Release-Tracker. This release is titled v20250220
- AKS Kubernetes version 1.32 is rolling out soon and is expected to reach all regions on or before the end of March. Please use the az-aks-get-versions command to accurately capture if Kubernetes version 1.32 is available in your region.
- HTTP Application Routing (preview) is going to be retired on March 3, 2025 and AKS will start to block new cluster creation with HTTP Application Routing (preview) enabled. Affected clusters must migrate to the generally available Application Routing add-on prior to that date. Refer to the migration guide for more information.
- Using the GPU VHD image (preview) to provision GPU-enabled AKS nodes was retired on January 10, 2025 and AKS will block creation of new node pools with the GPU VHD image (preview). Follow the detailed steps to create GPU-enabled node pools using the alternative supported options.
- Extend the AKS security patch release notes in release tracker to include a package comparison with the current - 1 AKS Ubuntu base image.
Release Notes
- Application routing add-on support for configuring the default NGINX ingress controller visibility is now generally available in API 2025-02-01.
- Kubernetes events for monitoring node auto-repair actions are now available for your AKS cluster. You can ingest these events and create alerts following the same process as other Kubernetes events.
- AKS Kubernetes patch versions 1.29.12, 1.29.13, 1.30.8, 1.30.9, 1.31.4, and 1.31.5 are now available.
- The default max surge value for node pool upgrade has been set to 10% for new and existing clusters on Kubernetes versions 1.32.0 and above.
- You can now upgrade from one LTS version to another LTS version on your AKS cluster. If you are running version 1.27 LTS you can directly upgrade to version 1.30 LTS.
Preview Features:
- You can use the
feature in preview to create Cilium node subnet clusters using Azure CNI Powered by Cilium. - Control plane metrics are now available through Azure Monitor platform metrics in preview to monitor critical control plane components such as API server, etcd, scheculer, autoscaler, and controller-manager.
- You can use the
Bug Fixes:
- Resolved an issue with Istio service mesh add-on where having multiple operations with the Lua EnvoyFilter (e.g. adding the Lua filter to call an external service and specifying the cluster referenced by Lua code) was not allowed.
- Fixed a bug in Azure CNI Pod Subnet Static Block Allocation mode with Cilium which caused incorrect iptables rules, leading to pod connectivity failures to DNS and IMDS.
- Resolved an issue in Azure CNI static block IP allocation mode, where the updated Azure Table client mishandled untyped numbers, causing static block node pools to be misidentified as dynamic and leading to operation failures.
- Fixed a bug in Azure Kubernetes Fleet Manager hub cluster resource groups (FL_ prefix resource groups) by truncating the name to avoid issues with long generated managed resource group names breaking the maximum length of resource groups.
Behavior Changes:
- Horizontal Pod Autoscaling introduced for
ama-metrics replicaset pod
in the Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus add-on. More details about the configuration of the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler can be found here. - Starting with Kubernetes v1.32, node subnet mode will be installed via the
DaemonSet, allowing for faster security updates. - By default, in new create operations on supported k8s versions, if you have selected a VM SKU which supports Ephemeral OS disks but have not specified an OS disk size, AKS will provision an Ephemeral OS disk with a size that scales according to the total temp storage of the VM SKU, so long as the temp is at least 128GiB. If you are looking to utilize the temp storage of the VM SKU, you will need to specify the OS disk size during deployment, otherwise it will be consumed by default. See more information here.
is no longer a required parameter in the AKS REST API. For AgentPools created through the SDK without a specifiedvmSize
, AKS will find an appropriate VM SKU for your deployment based on quota and capacity. See more information underproperties.vmSize
- Horizontal Pod Autoscaling introduced for
Component Updates:
- Updated Windows CNS from v1.6.13 to v1.6.21 and Linux CNS from v1.6.18 to v1.6.21.
- Updated Windows CNI and Linux CNI from v1.6.18 to v1.6.21.
- Updated tigera operator to v1.36.3 and calico to v3.29.0.
- Node Auto Provisioning has been upgraded to use Karpenter v0.7.2.
- Updated LTS patch version 1.27.102 for Command Injection affecting Windows nodes to address CVE-2024-9042.
- Updated the Retina basic image to v0.0.25 for Linux and Windows to address CVE-2025-23047 and CVE-2024-45338.
- Updated the cost-analysis-agent image from v0.0.20 to v0.0.21. Upgrades the following dependencies in cost-analysis-agent to fix CVE-2024-45341 and CVE-2024-45336:
- AKS Azure Linux v2 image has been updated to 202502.09.0.
- AKS Ubuntu 22.04 node image has been updated to 202502.09.0.
- AKS Ubuntu 24.04 node image has been updated to 202502.09.0.
- AKS Windows Server 2019 image has been updated to 17763.6775.250117.
- AKS Windows Server 2022 image has been updated to 20348.3091.250117.
- AKS Windows Server 23H2 image has been updated to 25398.1369.250117.
Release 2025-01-30
Release 2025-01-30
Monitor the release status by regions at AKS-Release-Tracker. This release is titled v20250130
- General support for AKS Kubernetes version 1.28 was deprecated on Jan 30, 2025. Upgrade your clusters to version 1.29 or later. Refer to version support policy and upgrading a cluster for more information.
- Azure Kubernetes Service will no longer support the WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) nodepools (preview). Starting on May 5, 2025 you will no longer be able to create new WASI nodepools. If you'd like to run WebAssembly (WASM) workloads, you can deploy SpinKube to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) from Azure Marketplace. For more information on this retirement, see AKS GitHub.
- The open-source project Bridge to Kubernetes will be retired on April 30, 2025. For more information, please see the Bridge to Kubernetes repository.
- The HTTP Application Routing add-on (preview) is going to be retired on March 3, 2025. You will no longer be able to create clusters that enable the add-on. Migrate to the generally available Application Routing add-on now.
Release Notes
- AKS Kubernetes patch versions 1.29.11, 1.30.7 and 1.31.3 are now available.
- Security patch releases in release tracker, starting with 20250115T000000Z will contain release notes for the release.
Preview Features:
- You can now monitor your stateful workloads running on AKS with Azure Container Storage using Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus in Preview. You can use Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus to collect Azure Container Storage metrics along with other Prometheus metrics from your AKS cluster. For more information please see (Enable monitoring for Azure Container Storage)[].
- CNI validation for node autoprovisioner now allows all CNI configurations except for Calico and kubenet. See AKS CNI Overview for more information.
- AKS Automatic SKU now supports using a custom virtual network.
- When using NAP, custom subnets can be specified for node use via an update to the AKSNodeClass CRD which adds the vnetSubnetID property.
Behavior change:
- Proper casing will be enforced on PUT of
for theAgentPoolMode
property. See this issue for more detail. - Removed Prometheus port and scrape annotations from Retina Linux and Windows DaemonSets to avoid double scraping of metrics.
- The standard load balancer can now be customized to include
annotations referenced in the documentation. An additional annotation has been added
. See this document for more information.
- Proper casing will be enforced on PUT of
Bug Fix:
- Fixed a bug where some AgentPools with
were not validated. - Fixed a bug when creating a cluster with a private DNS zone may result in an
error. - Fixed a race and potential deadlock condition when a Non-Cilium cluster is updating to ACNS Cilium.
- Added early validation on cluster creation when attempting to use (link local) for pod or service CIDR blocks to prevent later run-time failures.
- Fixed a breaking change between AppArmor and cilium. Starting on K8s 1.30 and Ubuntu 24.04, cilium containers can fail with error Init:CreateContainerError since AppArmor annotations are no longer supported. This change keeps apparmor annotations for k8s versions below 1.30, and adds the new security context field for k8s versions 1.30 and above. Related PR in upstream cilium charts: cilium/cilium#32199.
- Fixed a bug that prevented upgrade from starting if the PDB
count is less than theminAvailable
count. - Fixed an error condition when AKS attempts to remove the taint
on node startup. More details: kubernetes-sigs/azuredisk-csi-driver#2309 - Addressed an issue related to node subnet
IPAM Invoker Add failed with error: Failed to allocate pool
in the CNI logs and the associated agentbaker release. - Added validation when a cluster migrates to CNI Overlay to block migration when there is a custom ip-masq-agent config in the kube-system namespace. This prevents loss of connectivity during migration. See the AKS documentation for more information.
- Fixed a bug where some AgentPools with
Component updates:
- Cilium v1.14 version from v1.14.18-241220 to v1.14.18-250107 (v1.14.18-1) to include a fix for cilium dual stack upgrades. On upgrades, cilium config changes bpf-filter-priority from 1 to 2 but is not cleaning up the old filters at the old priority and as a result impacts connectivity. This patch will fix this bug, see GH issue in cilium repo for more details cilium/cilium#36172
- Update Azure File CSI driver version to v1.29.10 on AKS 1.28
- Update Azure File CSI driver version to v1.30.7 on AKS 1.29 and 1.30
- Update Azure File CSI driver version to v1.31.3 on AKS 1.31
- Update Azure Disk CSI driver to v1.29.12 on AKS 1.28, 1.29
- Update Azure Disk CSI driver to v1.30.7 on AKS 1.30, 1.31
- Update Azure Blob CSI driver to v1.23.10 on AKS 1.28, 1.29
- Update Azure Blob CSI driver to v1.24.6 on AKS 1.30, 1.31
- Update Workload Identity image version to v1.4.0
- CNS/CNI updated to v1.6.18 which includes Cilium nodesubnet support
- Added Multi-Instance GPU support for standard_nc40ads_h100_v5
- Update the OMS image to v3.1.25-1
- Update secret store driver to v1.4.7 and akv provider to v1.6.2.
- Updates the Retina basic image to v0.0.23 on Linux and Windows: release notes
- Update karpenter image version to 0.6.1-aks
- Update Cilium v1.16 from v1.16.5-250108 to v1.16.5-250110 (v1.16.5-1) to include a fix for Cilium dual stack upgrades. This will fix cilium/cilium#36172. Cilium v1.16.5 also contains fix for CVE-2024-52529.
- The following CVEs were patched in Cilium v1.14.15
- Update the cost-analysis-agent image v0.0.19 to v0.0.20. Upgrades the following dependencies in cost-analysis-agent to fix CVE-2024-45337 and CVE-2024-45338
Release 2025-01-06
Release 2025-01-06
Monitor the release status by regions at AKS-Release-Tracker. This release is titled as v20250106
- AKS Kubernetes version 1.28 is deprecated by Jan 30, 2025. Kindly upgrade your clusters to 1.29 version or above. Refer to version support policy and upgrading a cluster for more information.
Release Notes
- AKS Kubernetes version 1.31 is now in GA.
- AKS Kubernetes patch versions 1.29.11, 1.30.7, 1.31.2, and 1.31.3 are now available.
- AKS LTS version 1.27.101 available in all regions since December 2024. This patches the kubelet CVE-2024-10220
- Advanced Container Networking Service (ACNS) is Generally Available.
Preview features:
- SeccompDefault is now an available parameter in custom node configuration. For more information on enabling seccomp profiles, see Secure container access to resources.
Behavior change:
- Invalid values sent to the Azure AKS API for the properties.mode field of AKS AgentPools will now be rejected. Prior to this change, unknown modes were assumed to be User. The only valid values for this field are the (case-sensitive) strings: "User", "System", or "Gateway".
- AKS no longer supports the GPU image (preview) to provision GPU-enabled AKS nodes. Alternative options that are supported today and recommended by AKS include the default experience with manual NVIDIA device plugin installation or the NVIDIA GPU Operator, detailed in AKS GPU node pool documentation.
- Kubernetes version 1.32 is the last version that supports Windows Server 2019. You will not be able to create new or upgrade existing Windows Server 2019 node pools in AKS versions 1.33+. Follow the detailed steps in AKS documentation to transition to Windows Server 2022 or any newly supported Windows Server version by that date. After 1 March 2026, Windows Server 2019 won't be supported.
- New API throttling limit has been added to PutManagedCluster API for AKS. Please see AKS resource provider throttling limits for more details.
Bug Fix:
- GPU bootstrapping issue impacting GPU provisioning with Node Auto Provision has been fixed. Refer Github issue for more details.
- Fixed an issue in v1.31 where Cluster Autoscaler did not respond to external changes in Spot VMSS based nodepool's node count (e.g., evictions), leading to scale-up failures. Refer Github Issue 7373 for more details.
- Resolved an issue (NotFound error message) when querying a VM which has been deleted, which results in the NodeClaim being stuck in notReady state resulting in the NodeClaim not being deleted.
- Fixed the windows nodes CNS pods restarting Github issue observed in clusters running on AKS +v1.27 Kubernetes version.
Component updates:
- Tigera operator image version has been bumped to v1.34.7 with this release, for clusters running Kubernetes version (and including) v1.30.0. This patches the following CVEs detected in the tigera operator - CVE-2021-3999, CVE-2020-1751, CVE-2019-19126, CVE-2021-35942, CVE-2020-1752, CVE-2020-10029, CVE-2019-9169, CVE-2020-6096, CVE-2021-38604, CVE-2018-19591, CVE-2018-20796, CVE-2019-9192, CVE-2021-3326, CVE-2019-6488, CVE-2016-10739, CVE-2019-7309, CVE-2022-23219, CVE-2022-23218, CVE-2019-25013, CVE-2020-27618.
- Azure Disks CSI driver version has been bumped to v1.30.6 for AKS clusters running AKS Kubernetes version +v1.30. This patches the following CVEs - CVE-2024-51744, CVE-2024-50602, CVE-2024-9143, CVE-2019-11255
- Bumping the Azure CNI version from v1.4.56 to v1.4.58. This patches the CVE regarding grpc 1.52.0 dependencies - CVE-2023-2976, CVE-2020-8908
- Cilium container image version bumped to v1.14.15-241024 for AKS clusters running k8s version greater than v1.29.
- AKS Azure Linux v2 image has been updated to 202501.12.0
- AKS Azure Linux v3 image has been updated to 202501.05.0
- AKS Ubuntu 22.04 node image has been updated to 202501.12.0
- AKS Windows Server 2022 image has been updated to v20348.2966.241218
- AKS Windows Server 2019 image has been updated to 17763.6659.241226
- AKS Windows Server 23H2 image has been updated to 25398.1308.241226
- App routing operator updated to 0.2.1-patch-6 for K8s < 1.30 and which upgrades external-dns to version 0.15.0 fixing a number of CVEs (CVE-2023-39325, GHSA-m425-mq94-257g, CVE-2024-24790, CVE-2023-39325, CVE-2023-45283, CVE-2023-45288, CVE-2024-34156)
- App routing operator updated to 0.2.3-patch-3 for K8s +1.30 which fixes an issue where Open Service Mesh would not reload correctly on Nginx deployment updates. The Prometheus metrics endpoint has now been moved to a separate Service called nginx-metrics behind a ClusterIP. Prometheus scraping will continue to work as expected.
- Cost-analysis-agent image upgraded from v0.0.18 to v0.0.19. this upgrades the golang-jwt dependency in cost-analysis-agent to patch CVE-2024-51744
- Promtheus collector for Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus addon version bumped from 6.10.1-main-10-04-2024-77dcfe3d to 6.11.0-main-10-21-2024-91ec49e3. This fixes a bug where the minimal ingestion profile keep list was not being honored.
- Application Gateway ingress controller addon version bumped from 1.7.4 to 1.7.6 for clusters with AKS Kubernetes version greater than or equal to 1.27. please find more details here
- Retina enterprise and operator image version bumped to v0.1.3. This resolves the following CVEs - CVE-2024-37307, CVE-2024-42486, CVE-2024-42487, CVE-2024-42488, CVE-2024-47825, and CVE-2023-45288 and changes for high-level filtering of some metric labels. This results in less irrelevant metric collection which can affect clusters at a large scale.
- Retina basic image version bumped to [v0.0.17](
Release 2024-10-25
Release 2024-10-25
Monitor the release status by regions at AKS-Release-Tracker. This release is titled as v20241025
- AKS version 1.28 End of Life is Jan, 15 2025.
- AKS will be upgrading the KEDA addon to more recent KEDA versions. The AKS team has added KEDA 2.15 on AKS clusters with K8s versions >=1.32, KEDA 2.14 for Kubernetes v1.30 and v1.31. KEDA 2.15 and KEDA 2.14 will introduce multiple breaking changes. View the troubleshooting guide to learn how to mitigate these breaking changes.
- AKS will no longer support the GPU image (preview) to provision GPU-enabled AKS nodes. Starting on Jan 10, 2025 you will no longer be able to create new GPU-enabled node pools with the GPU image. Alternative options that are supported today and recommended by AKS include the default experience with manual NVIDIA device plugin installation or the NVIDIA GPU Operator, detailed in AKS GPU node pool documentation.
- Starting on January 1, 2025, invalid values sent to the Azure AKS API for the properties.mode field of AKS AgentPools will be rejected. Prior to this change, unknown modes were assumed to be User. The only valid values for this field are the (case-sensitive) strings:"User", "System", or "Gateway".
- AKS will start to block new cluster creation with basic load balancer in January 2025. Basic Load Balancer will be deprecated September 31 2025 and affected clusters must be migrated to the Standard Load Balancer prior to that date. Refer to BLB deprecation announcement for more information.
- As of November 30th, 2024, new AKS clusters created with Kubernetes versions 1.28 and 1.29 will no longer enable beta Kubernetes APIs. This matches the behavior of AKS 1.27 LTS and AKS 1.30+ clusters, which no longer enable beta APIs.
Release Notes
- AKS patch versions 1.28.14, 1.29.9, 1.30.5 are now available. Refer to version support policy and upgrading a cluster for more information.
- AKS version
is now generally available. Please check the release tracker for when your region will receive the GA update. Some regions may not receive this update until later in November. - The first official patch version of AKS LTS 1.27, 1.27.100, is being released.
- GitHub Copilot for Azure now supports AKS commands.
- You can now skip one release while upgrading Azure Service Mesh as long as the destination release is a supported revision - for example, asm-1-21 can upgrade directly to asm-1-23.
- You can now fine-tune supported models on KAITO version 0.3.1 with the AI toolchain operator add-on on your AKS cluster.
- Advanced Container Networking Services (ACNS) is now Generally Available. To earn more please see the ACNS Documentation.
Preview features:
- We've added a new way to optimize your upgrade process drain behavior. By default, a node drain failure causes the upgrade operation to fail, leaving the undrained nodes in a schedulable state, this behavior is called
. Alternatively, you can select theCordon
behavior, which skips nodes that fail to drain by placing them in a quarantined state, labeling
and proceeds with upgrading the remaining nodes. This ensures that all nodes are either upgraded or quarantined. This approach allows you to troubleshoot drain failures and gracefully manage the quarantined nodes. - You can now block pod access to the Azure Instance Metadata Service (IMDS) endpoint to enhance security.
- Azure Linux v3 is now in preview for AKS 1.31 clusters. After registering the preview flag
newly created AzureLinux node pools will receive the v3 image. Existing Azure Linux v2 node pools will not upgrade to v3 and must be recreated to upgrade.- NOTE: Azure Linux v3 changes the cryptographic provider to OpenSSL + SymCrypt. The SymCrypt library will operate in FIPS mode but is still in the final stages of the validation process and thus is not considered to be FIPS-validated at this time. Do not use this preview with FIPS-enabled node pools if you must use a FIPS-validated cryptographic library.
- We've added a new way to optimize your upgrade process drain behavior. By default, a node drain failure causes the upgrade operation to fail, leaving the undrained nodes in a schedulable state, this behavior is called
Behavior change:
- Virtual Machine node pools creation will be blocked if the cluster is using system-assigned identity and bring-your-own virtual network, as this combination does not function properly. To utilize virtual machine node pools, migrate the cluster to a user-assigned managed identity with the required permissions on the virtual network. Virtual Machine Scale Set pools are unaffected by this change.
- Enabling long term support no longer changes the default cluster upgrade channel to
. - AKS CoreDNS configuration will now block all queries ending in
and some queries ending
from being forwarded to upstream DNS when they are the result of improper search domain completion. See the documentation for more details. - Azure NPM's CPU request has been lowered from 250m to 50m.
- Azure CNI Overlay now checks that the pod CIDR does not conflict with any subnet in the virtual network, rather than checking if it conflicts with the virtual network address space as a whole.
- Azure CNI Overlay is now the default networking configuration for AKS clusters. This means, when running
az aks create --name TestCluster --Resource-Group TestGroup
, by default, Azure CNI Overlay will be the CNI for the cluster. Other networking configurations are still available with definition.
Component updates:
- gMSA support is updated to version v0.10.0, adding support for random hostnames and fixing an issue with multiple containers invalidating domain trusts.
- Image Cleaner has been upgraded to v1.4.0-1.
- The following Azure CSI drivers have been updated:
- Azure Blob CSI Driver: v1.22.9 for AKS 1.27, v1.23.9 for AKS 1.28 and 1.29, and v1.24.5 for AKS 1.30+
- starting from v1.23.9 and v1.24.5, blobfuse mount would respect
environment variables
- starting from v1.23.9 and v1.24.5, blobfuse mount would respect
- Azure Disk CSI Driver: v1.28.11 for AKS 1.27, v1.19.10 for AKS 1.28 and 1.29, and v1.30.5 for AKS 1.30+
- Azure Files CSI Driver: v1.28.13 for AKS 1.27, v1.29.9 for AKS 1.28, v1.30.6 for AKS 1.29+
- Azure Blob CSI Driver: v1.22.9 for AKS 1.27, v1.23.9 for AKS 1.28 and 1.29, and v1.24.5 for AKS 1.30+
- Azure Monitor for Containers has been upgraded to 3.1.24.
- AKS Windows Server 2019 image has been updated to AKSWindows-2019-17763.6414.241010.
- AKS Windows Server 2022 image has been updated to AKSWindows-20348.2762.241009.
- AKS Azure Linux image has been updated to 202410.27.0.
- AKS Ubuntu image has been updated to 202410.27.0.
- cost-analysis-agent image has been updated to v0.0.18
- ip-masq-agent image has been updated to v0.1.14
- Components in the AKS run-command image have been added and upgraded
- New components: jq, awk, grep, xargs
- Upgraded: kubectl to v1.30.5, helm to 3.15.4
Release 2024-10-06
Monitor the release status by regions at AKS-Release-Tracker. This release is titled as v20241006
- AKS version 1.30 is now available as a Long term support version and AKS version 1.28 End of Life is Jan, 15 2025.
- Upgrade from LTS 1.27 to LTS 1.30 is now supported.
- AKS will be upgrading the KEDA addon to more recent KEDA versions. The AKS team has added KEDA 2.15 on AKS clusters with K8s versions >=1.31, KEDA 2.14 for Kubernetes v1.30. KEDA 2.15 and KEDA 2.14 will introduce multiple breaking changes. View the troubleshooting guide to learn how to mitigate these breaking changes.
- AKS will no longer support the GPU image (preview) to provision GPU-enabled AKS nodes. Starting on Jan 10, 2025 you will no longer be able to create new GPU-enabled node pools with the GPU image. Alternative options that are supported today and recommended by AKS include the default experience with manual NVIDIA device plugin installation or the NVIDIA GPU Operator, detailed in AKS GPU node pool documentation.
- Starting on January 1, 2025, invalid values sent to the Azure AKS API for the properties.mode field of AKS AgentPools will be rejected. Prior to this change, unknown modes were assumed to be User. The only valid values for this field are the (case-sensitive) strings:"User", "System", or "Gateway".
Release Notes
Preview features:
- AKS version
is now available in preview. - You can now specify the GPU driver type when creating a new AKS Windows GPU Nodepool using the
flag. - You can now assign a static egress gateway node pool to provide a stable egress IP for your pods.
- AKS version
Bug fixes:
- Bug fix to address an issue where Calico pods were stuck in Terminating state.
- Fixed a race condition in Azure Network Policy when editing or deleting then re-adding a network policy without a CIDR handle.
- Fixed a race condition between Cilium and Retina CRDs for Cilium (when Retina is updating to Cilium).
- Bug fix for certificate rotation in the gMSA webhook.
- Bug fix for Advanced Network Observability where the Retina operator didn't have proper permissions.
- Bug fix to address an issue where the Retina operator was not reading the configuration from the ConfigMap.
Behavior change:
- Deprecated API detection will now only show usage on non-readonly verbs (ie: not GET/LIST/WATCH).
- Starting with AKS version 1.31, nodes will now pull container images in a parallel by default. In versions prior to 1.31, the pull type will remain serialized.
- When cloud-node-manager-windows enables Windows HostProcess containers, a Windows DaemonSet will be deployed to initialize kube-proxy.
Component updates:
- Updated CNI and CNS versions to
. - Updated Azure Network Policy Manager (NPM) to
. - Updated Azure Policy addon to
. - Updated konnectivity-agent image version to
. - Updated containerd-spin-shim to
. - Updated Istio-based service mesh add-on revision
to patchv1.23.1
is now unsupported. Users can restart the workload pods to trigger re-injection of the newer patch version of istio-proxy. More information can be found here. - Updated Cilium to
. - Updated Calico to
. - Updated ama-logs to
. - Updated azure-cloud-controller-manager to versions
. - Updated overlay-vpa to
for Kubernetes 1.31.0+ andv1.0.0
for Kubernetes 1.27.0+. - Azure Linux image has been updated to
Azure Linux-202403.25.0
. - Azure Linux image has been updated to
Azure Linux-202409.30.0
. - AKS Ubuntu 22.04 image has been updated to
- Updated CNI and CNS versions to
Release 2024-09-18
Release 2024-09-18
Monitor the release status by regions at AKS-Release-Tracker. This release is titled as v20240918.
- AKS version 1.30 is now available as a Long term support version and AKS version 1.28 End of Life is Jan, 15 2025.
- AKS will be upgrading the KEDA addon to more recent KEDA versions. The AKS team has added KEDA 2.15 on AKS clusters with K8s versions >=1.31, KEDA 2.14 for Kubernetes v1.30. KEDA 2.15 and KEDA 2.14 will introduce multiple breaking changes which are listed below:
- KEDA 2.15 for Kubernetes >=1.31: The removal of Pod Identity support. If you use pod identity, we recommend you move over to workload identity for your authentication.
- KEDA 2.14 for Kubernetes = 1.30: The removal of Azure Data Explorer 'metadata.clientSecret' as it was not safe for managing secrets.
- KEDA 2.14 for Kubernetes = 1.30: Removal of the deprecated metricName from trigger metadata section. The two impacted Azure Scalers are Azure Blob Scaler and Azure Log Analytics Scaler. If you are using
today, please movemetricName
outside of trigger metadata section
in the trigger section to optionally name your trigger. To view an example of what this would look like, please view the open GitHub issue.
- AKS will no longer support the GPU image (preview) to provision GPU-enabled AKS nodes. Starting on Jan 10, 2025 you will no longer be able to create new GPU-enabled node pools with the GPU image. Alternative options that are supported today and recommended by AKS include the default experience with manual NVIDIA device plugin installation or the NVIDIA GPU Operator, detailed in AKS GPU node pool documentation.
- Starting on January 1, 2025, invalid values sent to the Azure AKS API for the properties.mode field of AKS AgentPools will be rejected. Prior to this change, unknown modes were assumed to be User. The only valid values for this field are the (case-sensitive) strings:"User", "System", or "Gateway".
Release Notes
- AKS patch versions 1.28.13, 1.29.8, 1.30.4 are now available. Refer to version support policy and upgrading a cluster for more information.
Bug fixes:
- Bug fix to address the issue where the OSDiskSize validator throws an error if the existing agent pool does not have a default value set
- Bug fix causing cluster creation to fail when creating a new cluster with multiple agent pools using the Dynamic Pod IP Allocation feature (podsubnet)
- Resolved a race condition that could occur when deleting a CNI Overlay cluster with auto-scaler enabled, ensuring smoother cluster deletion.
Behavior change:
- Abandoned cluster will be deallocated with status
instead ofSucceeded (Stopped)
. - PDB drain errors will now include additional PDB debug message and appropriate original error instead of generic "API call to Kubernetes API Server failed" error message. Example - "PDB debug info: myNode/myPod1 blocked by pdb myPDB (MaxUnavailable: 1) with 1 unready pods: myNode/myPod2".
- Updated Azure NPM version to v1.5.36 to address race condition in Azure NPM Linux which can occur when editing/deleting a NetworkPolicy with "enough" rules. The race can result in unexpected connectivity for traffic to/from Pods on the impacted Node. NPM will now auto-restart to mitigate the issue ~15 seconds after if it enters a broken state caused by the race.
- Lowering Linux Azure NPM's CPU request from 250m to 50m. This addresses [Github Issue 2792](#2792.
*Clusters using the Key Management Service (KMS) plugin based on Azure Key Vault with a private endpoint and konnectivity tunnel may run into a deadlock issue resulting inapiserver
becoming unreachable. Clusters using this configuration will not be allowed starting Kubernetes version >= 1.31. - Allow Istio add-on users to add the customizations to the Ingress gateway.
- Busybox will be removed from kube-proxy init container. This will eliminate the need for security updates on busybox.
- Abandoned cluster will be deallocated with status
Component updates:
- All revisions of Azure Service Mesh use zipkin as the default tracer config.
- Cost-analysis-agent image upgraded from v0.0.16 to v0.0.17.
- Updated retina linux to v0.0.15.
- Updated ip-masq-agent to v0.1.13 to address CVE-2024-24790, CVE-2023-45288, CVE-2023-45289, CVE-2023-45290, CVE-2024-24783, CVE-2024-24784, CVE-2024-24785, CVE-2024-24789, CVE-2024-24791, CVE-2024-5321.
- Updated CNI versions to v1.5.35 and v1.6.5. Updated CNS versions to v1.5.35 and v1.6.5.
- Updated Azure Container Instances (ACI) connector addon to v1.6.2 and init-validation to v0.3.0.
- Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus images updated to 09-16-2024 release.
- Updated Azure Disk CSI driver version to v1.29.9 on AKS 1.28, 1.29, and to v1.30.4 on AKS 1.30.
- Updated Azure File CSI driver to v1.29.8 on AKS 1.28.
- Updated tigera operator to v1.30.11 and calico to v3.26.5 for versions running on k8s 1.29 and 1.30 to address CVE patches.
- Updated the Advanced Container Networking Services Image tag for fixing the bug that causes cilium pods to crash in Advanced Container Networking Service enabled AKS clusters.
- Retina Enterprise and Operator image update [v0.1.0].
- Updated the Windows containerd version from v1.6.21 to v1.6.35 for Kubernetes version < 1.28.
- AKS Windows Server 2022 image has been updated to AKSWindows-2022-20348.2700.240911.
- AKS Windows Server 2019 image has been updated to AKSWindows-2019-17763.6293.240911.
- Azure Linux image has been updated to Azure Linux-202409.09.0.
- AKS Ubuntu 22.04 image has been updated to AKSUbuntu-202409.09.0.
Release 2024-08-27
Release 2024-08-27
Monitor the release status by regions at AKS-Release-Tracker. This release is titled as v20240827.
- AKS version 1.27 is now deprecated. Enable long-term support for AKS versions if you still need to operate on 1.27.
- The attestation report for CIS Kubernetes V1.9.0 Benchmark is published which covers AKS 1.27.x through AKS 1.29.x.
- AKS will be upgrading the KEDA addon to more recent KEDA versions. The AKS team has added KEDA 2.15 on AKS clusters with K8s versions >=1.31, KEDA 2.14 for Kubernetes v1.30. KEDA 2.15 and KEDA 2.14 will introduce multiple breaking changes which are listed below:
- KEDA 2.15 for Kubernetes >=1.31: The removal of Pod Identity support. If you use pod identity, we recommend you move over to workload identity for your authentication.
- KEDA 2.14 for Kubernetes = 1.30: The removal of Azure Data Explorer 'metadata.clientSecret' as it was not safe for managing secrets.
- KEDA 2.14 for Kubernetes = 1.30: Removal of the deprecated metricName from trigger metadata section. The two impacted Azure Scalers are Azure Blob Scaler and Azure Log Analytics Scaler. If you are using
today, please movemetricName
outside of trigger metadata section
in the trigger section to optionally name your trigger. To view an example of what this would look like, please view the open GitHub issue.
Release Notes
- Existing Linux node pools can now be updated to enable or disable Federal Information Process Standard (FIPS). See documentation for more information.
Bug fixes:
- Fix an Azure NPM issue that user could meet unexpected connectivity for Pods on the Node when editing a NetworkPolicy with a CIDR "except" field.
- Fix bug to block non-VMSS (VirtualMachineScaleSets) agent pools in the Automatic SKU validation process.
- Fix bug to ensure correct default network plugin settings for Kubernetes clusters using VMAS.
- Fix bug for intermittent precondition failures when applying an AKS Bicep deployment on the pod subnet delegation.
- Fix bug of public IP on VMSS dropped after upgrade node image or reset service principal operation.
- Fix bug #4282 to remove duplicated toleration from Calico components.
- Fix bug to ensure
is correctly populated by default when creating AKS clusters with app routing enabled, and to ensureAnnotationControlled
is an accepted value for the default nginx ingress controller config for AKS clusters with K8s versions <1.30. - Fix bug for Cluster Autoscaler that requires an implementation of the
method on AKS. This implementation prevents the Cluster Autoscaler from stalling during scale-up due to node scale-down issues. - Fix bug Azure/azure-service-operator#3220 to allow creation of AgentPools without
field specified if autoscaler enabled. - Fix bug to accept user to set the
field for API versions that do not support the filed. Impacted API versions are 2020-09-01, 2020-11-01, 2020-12-01, 2021-02-01 and 2021-03-01.
Behavior change:
- For non-host network pods running on AKS nodes, they cannot access wireserver( port 32526. Before this change user cannot access wireserver port 80, but port 32526 is accessible.
- When deploying an AKS Automatic (preview) cluster, user do not need to register extra feature flags for related preview features, such as APIServerVnetIntegration, NRGLockdown, NodeAutoProvisioning, and Safeguards.
- CBL-Mariner 1.0 is end of life, creation of new nodepools with OSSKU cblmariner is disabled.
- Application Gateway Ingress Controller addon has been assigned the network contributor role.
Component updates:
- AKS Ubuntu 22.04 image has been updated to AKSUbuntu-202408.27.0.
- Azure Linux image has been updated to AzureLinux-202408.27.0.
- Azure Disk CSI driver has been upgraded to v1.30.3 on AKS 1.30, V1.29.8 on AKS 1.28, 1.28.1 on AKS 1.27.
- Azure Blob Disk CSI driver has been upgraded to v1.24.3 on AKS 1.30, v1.23.7 on AKS 1.29 and 1.28.
- Azure File CSI driver has been upgraded to v1.30.5 on AKS 1.30 and 1.29, v1.29.7 on AKS 1.28.
- AKS Windows Server 2019 image has been updated to AKSWindows-2019-17763.6189.240814.
- AKS Windows Server 2022 image has been updated to AKSWindows-2022-20348.2655.240814.
- AKS App Routing operator image has been updated to v0.2.3-patch-2 for AKS cluster with K8s versions >=1.30, v0.2.1-patch-4 for AKS cluster with K8s versions <1.30 to address CVEs.
- Windows containerd has been updated to v1.7.20 in AKS cluster with K8s versions >= v1.28.
- Kubernetes Secrets Store CSI Driver has been updated to v1.4.4 and Azure Key Vault Provider for Secrets Store CSI Driver to v1.5.3
- Application Gateway Ingress Controller add-on image has been updated to v1.7.5.
- Retina Enterprise and Operator image has been updated to v0.0.9.
- azure-cloud-controller-manager has been updated to version v1.30.5, v1.29.9, v1.28.11, v1.27.19.
- KEDA addon has been updated to v2.14.1 for Kubernetes = 1.30.
- Azure Policy addon has been updated to v1.7.0.
- Istio-based service mesh add-on revision asm-1-20 has been upgraded to patch v1.20.8, revision asm-1-21 has been upgraded to patch v1.21.5, and revision asm-1-22 has been upgraded to patch v1.22.3. Users can restart the workload pods to trigger re-injection of the newer patch version of istio-proxy. More information can be found here.
- Calico v3.28.1 is supported for AKS cluster with K8s versions 1.31.
Release 2024-08-05
Release 2024-08-05
Monitor the release status by regions at AKS-Release-Tracker. This release is titled as v20240805.
- AKS will be upgrading the KEDA addon to more recent KEDA versions. The AKS team has added KEDA 2.15 on AKS clusters with K8s versions >=1.31, KEDA 2.14 for Kubernetes v1.30. KEDA 2.15 and KEDA 2.14 will introduce multiple breaking changes which are listed below:
- KEDA 2.15 for Kubernetes >=1.31: The removal of Pod Identity support. If you use pod identity, we recommend you move over to workload identity for your authentication.
- KEDA 2.14 for Kubernetes = 1.30: The removal of Azure Data Explorer 'metadata.clientSecret' as it was not safe for managing secrets.
- KEDA 2.14 for Kubernetes = 1.30: Removal of the deprecated metricName from trigger metadata section. The two impacted Azure Scalers are Azure Blob Scaler and Azure Log Analytics Scaler. If you are using
today, please movemetricName
outside of trigger metadata section
in the trigger section to optionally name your trigger. To view an example of what this would look like, please view the open GitHub issue.
Release Notes
- AKS version 1.30 is now available and will be the next LTS version of AKS. You can now upgrade your 1.27 clusters to 1.30 during the LTS period.
- Updating an existing node pool to enable or disable FIPS is now Generally Available.
- AKS patch versions 1.30.3, 1.29.7, 1.28.12, 1.27.16 are now available. Refer to version support policy and upgrading a cluster for more information.
- Istio add-on now only allows
s of the types Lua, local rate limiting, and gzip compression. - Telemetry API v1 is now available for the Istio based service mesh add-on.
- The AKS extension for Visual Studio Code now supports the ability to attach an ACR to your cluster, generate Kubernetes deployment files, generate Dockerfiles, and generate GitHub Actions.
- The ignore-daemonsets-utilization, daemonset-eviction-for-empty-nodes, and daemonset-eviction-for-occupied-nodes parameters on the cluster autoscaler profile are GA from API version 2024-05-01 onwards. If you are using the CLI to update these flags, please ensure you are using version 2.63 or later.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where sometimes
could show unset on a cluster even though it was set. - Previously, as part of Istio addon canary upgrade, users had to manually copy their edits to HorizontalPodAutoscaler from old revision to new revision. This has been fixed so that changes done to Horizontal Pod Autoscaler will be automatically copied for the newer revision.
- Added validation that if a LTS cluster has a node pool on non-LTS version, upgrade to the next LTS version is blocked.
- Fixed a bug where sometimes
Behavior change:
- When Advanced Networking Observability is enabled, increased memory limit of 700Mi (from 400Mi) is used for retina-agent.
for coredns has been set to equal CPU limit to avoid throttling.- In Azure CNI,
initContainer has been renamed tocni-installer
. - Validation for minimum 5 minutes has been introduced for drain timeout value to prevent drain issues during upgrade.
label removed fromdns
metrics in Advanced Network Observability.- Control plane only AKS upgrades will now reconcile node pools to desired state. For example, previously let's say a user did did a Kubernetes upgrade and network plugin mode transition to overlay where a reimaging of the nodes was required, but it wasn't done as nodes were skipped. Going ahead nodes will be reconciled in these circumstances.
Component updates:
- To address scheduler issues fixed in this upstream change, 1.27.15, 1.28.11, 1.29.6 schedulers versions will be used for Kubernetes versions 1.27.14, 1.28.10, 1.29.5 respectively.
- Updated Azure Blob CSI driver to v1.22.7 on AKS version 1.27.
- For Node Auto Provisioning, Azure provider of Karpenter is upgraded to v0.5.1.
- Updated Azure Monitor Container Insights image to v3.1.23.
- Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus images updated to 07-19-2024 release.
- Updated Eraser version to v1.3.1 for Image Cleaner.
- Updated Azure Disk CSI driver to v1.28.9 on AKS 1.27 and to v1.29.7 on AKS 1.28 and 1.29.
- Updated Azure File CSI driver to v1.28.11 on AKS 1.27, to v1.29.6 on AKS 1.28, and to v1.30.3 on AKS 1.29.
- Updated Ratify image used in Image Integrity to v1.2.0.
- Updated Cilium version has been updated to 1.14.12 for AKS cluster with versions >= 1.29 and Advanced Network Observability enabled.
- Istio-based service mesh add-on revision asm-1-21 has been upgraded to patch v1.21.4 and revision asm-1-22 has been upgraded to patch v1.22.2. Users can restart the workload pods to trigger re-injection of the newer patch version of istio-proxy. More information can be found here.
- Updated Windows Kubernetes packages in all AKS versions to address CVE-2024-5321.
- AKS Ubuntu 22.04 image has been updated to AKSUbuntu-202407.29.0.
- Azure Linux image has been updated to AzureLinux-202407.29.0.
- AKS Windows Server 2019 image has been updated to AKSWindows-2019-17763.6054.240716.
- AKS Windows Server 2022 image has been updated to AKSWindows-2022-20348.2582.240716.
Release 2024-07-16
Release 2024-07-16
Monitor the release status by regions at AKS-Release-Tracker. This release is titled as v20240716.
- 1.30 is the next LTS version after 1.27. Upgrade from 1.27 LTS to 1.30 LTS will be possible starting August 2024. More information about AKS LTS is available here.
- 1.27 community supported has ended. To exit Long-Term Support (LTS) upgrade to 1.28 and disable LTS with the
az aks upgrade
command. - A new tutorial has been released on how to securely scale your applications using the KEDA add-on and workload identity.
- Running
az aks get-versions
now returns all patch versions for an AKS version. Each supported minor version can support any number of patches at a given time. AKS reserves the right to deprecate patches if a critical CVE or security vulnerability is detected. To learn more about AKS versioning, please read the official documentation. - Currently 1.25 + clusters which are running Microsoft Defender for Containers are running v1, and 1.29 + clusters which are running Microsoft Defender for Containers are running v2. Starting in mid-September 2024 all 1.25 + clusters which are running Microsoft Defender for Containers v1 will be migrated to Microsoft Defender for Containers v2.
Release Notes
- AKS version 1.30 is now GA.
- AKS patch versions 1.30.2, 1.30.1, 1.29.6, 1.28.11, 1.27.15, are now available. Refer to version support policy and upgrading a cluster for more information.
- Istio add-on for AKS now supports EnvoyFilter of the type Lua
. While thisEnvoyFilter
is allowed, any issue arising from the Lua script itself is not supported. OtherEnvoyFilter
types currently remain blocked. - The ability to migrate your existing Ubuntu node pools to Azure Linux by changing the OS SKU of the node pool is now GA.
Preview features:
- CNI Overlay dual-stack (IPv4/IPv6) is now available on Windows Agent Pools.
- Existing node pools can now be updated to enable or disable Federal Information Process Standard (FIPS). See for more information.
Bug Fixes:
- Updated iptables rules in clusters with Azure Network Policy Manager to block pod access to wireserver.
- A bug regarding App Routing's placeholderPod not properly cleaning up has been fixed.
- A regression in kube-scheduler impacting Kubernetes versions 1.27.14, 1.28.10, 1.29.5 has been fixed in new patch versions 1.30.2, 1.30.1, 1.29.6, 1.28.11, 1.27.15. If you are on the affected patch versions. Please follow release v20240716 and upgrade your AKS version once the release is in your region.
Behavior Change:
- AKS Automatic clusters now use Azure Linux for Node Auto Provision dynamic nodes.
Component Updates:
- AKS has released new patches v1.29.5 and v1.30.4 for Cluster Autoscaler to fix a bug which prevents scaling from zero of selected SKUs.
- coreDNS has been updated to use image v1.9.4-hotfix.20240704 to fix CVE vulnerabilities.
- Istio add-on has been bumped to include v1.21.3-hotfix.20240626 and v1.22.1-hotfix.20240626 to fix datadog tracer zero-day crash.
- KEDA add-on has been updated to v2.14.0 on AKS v1.30.
- AKS Ubuntu 22.04 image has been updated to AKSUbuntu-202407.08.0.
- Azure Linux image has been updated to AzureLinux-202407.08.0.
Release 2024-06-27
Release 2024-06-27
Monitor the release status by regions at AKS-Release-Tracker. This release is titled as v20240627.
- Starting 1.30 Kubernetes version and 1.27 LTS versions, beta APIs will be disabled by default, when you upgrade to them. There will be an option provided to explicitly enable beta APIs closer to the 1.30 release.
- 1.30 is the next LTS version after 1.27. Upgrade from 1.27 LTS to 1.30 LTS will be possible starting August 2024. More information about AKS LTS is available here.
Release Notes
- AKS patch versions 1.27.14, 1.28.10, and 1.29.5, are now available. 1.27.9, 1.28.5, and 1.29.2 patch versions are deprecated. Refer to version support policy and upgrading a cluster for more information.
- Cost Analysis views for AKS are now available under AKS resource blade in Azure portal. More information can be found in this document.
Preview feature:
- Windows Server Annual Channel for Containers is now in public preview on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). More information can be found here.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug that previously didn't allow switching from non-LTS K8s version to LTS K8s version when upgrading the cluster. For example, you can now upgrade from 1.26 to 1.27 while switching to LTS.
- Related to the above, also fixed a bug where previously it was not possible to upgrade from an LTS K8s version to non-LTS K8s version. For example, you can now upgrade from 1.27 LTS to 1.28.
Behavior Change
- The memory limit for Azure Key Vault provider for Secrets Store CSI Driver has been updated from 300Mi to 500Mi.
- Base CPU and memory for metrics-server container are updated from 44M to 150M and 51Mi to 100Mi respectively on clusters with K8s version >= 1.30.0. More information on metrics server scaling can be found here.
- Creation of clusters with konnectivity and private Key Management Service (KMS) plugin based encryption of etcd using Azure Key Vault is no longer supported. Only clusters with API Server VNet Integration (preview) tunnel are allowed to be used along with KMS encrypted etcd clusters based on private Azure Key Vault.
Component Updates:
- Linux Network Policy Manager has been upgraded from v1.5.23 to v.1.5.29 to address CVE-2024-28085.
- Upgraded Azure workload identity to v1.3.0.
- Upgraded ip-masq-agent-v2 to v0.1.11 having fixes for CVE-2024-2961 and CVE-2024-33599.
- Upgraded Azure Monitor Container Insights image to v3.1.22
- Upgraded Azure CNS to v1.6.0 for 1.30 version clusters.
- Istio-based service mesh add-on revision asm-1-19 has been upgraded to patch v1.19.10-hotfix.20240528, asm-1-20 has been upgraded to patch v1.20.7, and asm-1-21 has been upgraded to patch v1.21.3. These contain fixes for CVE-2024-34362, CVE-2024-32974, CVE-2024-32975, CVE-2024-34363, CVE-2024-34364, CVE-2024-32976, CVE-2024-23326.
Users can restart the workload pods to trigger re-injection of the newer patch version of istio-proxy. More information can be found here. - AKS Ubuntu 22.04 image has been updated to AKSUbuntu-202406.19.0.
- Azure Linux image has been updated to AzureLinux-202406.19.0.
- AKS Windows Server 2022 image has been updated to AKSWindows-2022-20348.2529.240621.