When we want to make a significant change to our process, architecture, codestyle or techniques, we require to go through the Proposal process.
- Create a copy of the proposal template
- Fill all the fields and paragraphs, describing your proposal the best you can.
- Be sure to be clear in your explanation of the problem to solve, the proposed solutions, but also potential limitations and the alternatives considered
- Describe in a few words the purpose of the proposal in the PR body. Also mention any previous discussion (e.g. Slack) on the topic.
- Copy-paste the template dedicated to proposal PRs at the end and fill it
- Add the "Proposal" label to it
- When all is ready, also add the "Ready for Review" label
After the proposal PR has been posted, your coworkers have two weeks to read it and make comments on it and get the discussion started before we have a zoom meeting to discuss it and decide if it's accepted or rejected.
- Create a new Outlook invite using the meeting invitation template to fill the body, replacing the placeholder fields accordingly
- Schedule that meeting for 2 weeks from now
- Send the invite to our
mailing list
- Don't forget to create the zoom meeting and update the Outlook invite with the Zoom link before the meeting
- Your coworkers are supposed to have given feedback on the PR up to 2 hours before the meeting
- The proposal author is responsible for driving the meeting, taking notes, and draft a plan to implement the change if the proposal gets accepted
- If the proposal was accepted, merge the PR and create the JIRA tickets for the scheduled actions. A final comment on the PR with the meeting conclusions and links to the tickets is also appreciated, especially for people that could not attend said meeting.
- If the proposal was rejected, add a comment to explain the meeting conclusions (i.e. why it was rejected) and close the PR