See for details. Run yarn add react-helmet
in your client
directory to add this package to your application.
Here is what you need to do in order to configure your Rails application to work with ReactHelmet.
Create generator function for server rendering like this:
export default (props, _railsContext) => {
const componentHtml = renderToString(<App {...props} />);
const helmet = Helmet.renderStatic();
const renderedHtml = {
title: helmet.title.toString(),
return { renderedHtml };
You can add more helmet properties to result, e.g. meta, base and so on. See
Use regular component or generator function for client-side:
export default (props, _railsContext) => (
<App {...props} />
Put ReactHelmet component somewhere in your <App>
import { Helmet } from 'react-helmet';
const App = (props) => (
<title>Custom page title</title>
export default App;
Register your generators for client and server sides:
import ReactHelmetApp from '../ReactHelmetClientApp';
import ReactHelmetApp from '../ReactHelmetServerApp';
Now when the react_component_hash
helper is called with "ReactHelmetApp" as a first argument it will return a hash instead of HTML string:
<% react_helmet_app = react_component_hash("ReactHelmetApp", prerender: true, props: { hello: "world" }, trace: true) %>
<% content_for :title do %>
<%= react_helmet_app['title'] %>
<% end %>
<%= react_helmet_app["componentHtml"] %>
So now we're able to insert received title tag to our application layout:
<%= yield(:title) if content_for?(:title) %>
Note: Use of react_component
for this functionality is deprecated. Please use react_component_hash