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File metadata and controls

73 lines (61 loc) · 1.95 KB

Kotlin Kafka

A sample Kafka producer and consumer implemented in kotlin.

To start: Open both projects (you may import whole folder as a project into Intelij Idea)

then run:

docker compose up -d


docker exec kafka /bin/kafka-topics --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --create --topic fun-with-kafka-topic --partitions 3 --replication-factor 1

That will configure kafka to use topic named ' fun-with-kafka-topic' with 3 partitions, and replication-factor= 1.
Replication factor must be set to 1, because we have only one broker (kafka service in docker compose is called broker).
If we had more than one brokers, then we could increase the number. Hoverer it doesn't have to be equal to number of brokers

You can find more info in official documentation.

Now run the producer app, and consumer app. then call for example:

POST http://localhost:8083/send
Content-Type: application/json

    "key": "1",
    "value": "The Wither 3"
    "key": "2",
    "value": "Cyberpunk 2077"
    "key": "3",
    "value": "Splinter Cell"
    "key": "4",
    "value": "Settlers"

Now, let's look at the consumer logs:

Partition read:1 Key: 4 Value:Settlers Offset: 1
Partition read:2 Key: 2 Value:Cyberpunk 2077 Offset: 2
Partition read:2 Key: 3 Value:Splinter Cell Offset: 3
Partition read:0 Key: 1 Value:The Wither 3 Offset: 1

The consumer got data from all 3 partitions.

Let's have a look at producer logs:

topic: fun-with-kafka-topic Partition: 1 Offset: 1 timestamp: 1719604072041
topic: fun-with-kafka-topic Partition: 2 Offset: 2 timestamp: 1719604072041
topic: fun-with-kafka-topic Partition: 2 Offset: 3 timestamp: 1719604072041
topic: fun-with-kafka-topic Partition: 0 Offset: 1 timestamp: 1719604072040

Now you can try to add another consumer, just by running consumer app with different port.