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Configuration Examples

Martin Bartlett edited this page Sep 27, 2022 · 27 revisions

How to install these examples

You can add these examples to your configuration by:

  • Opening the configurator
  • Opening the embedded JSON source editor (the JSON button in the top button row)
  • Copying the JSON source from the desired example (all of it!)
  • Pasting that into the top-level actions JSON array in the configurator source editor, after the last existing action
  • Clicking on the source editor's Save button
  • Clicking on the configurator's Save button

A less annoying New Document action

Would it REALLY be so hard to prompt for the file name of the New Document when you use the Files built-in menu item for that??? And how many times have you forgotten to hit F2 to do the rename (especially if you came from a previous version of Nautilus where they did prompt for the name)?

Well, here-goes (albeit without the "template" feature, but that would actually be pretty easy to add too):

  , {
        "type": "command",
        "label": "New Document...",
        "command_line": "FN=$(zenity --entry --text \"Enter file name\"  --width 300) && touch ${FN}",
        "cwd": "%f",
        "use_shell": true,
        "max_items": 1,
        "filetypes": [

An advanced example

Another missing feature from at least POP OS is the old feature of being able to execute the meld comparison tool on a multi-select, or being able to save off a single selection and compare to it later.

A4N to the rescue again! And this really shows off the "no script required" features of the extension:

, {
        "type": "command",
        "label": "Compare",
        "command_line": "meld %F",
        "min_items": 2,
        "max_items": 2,
        "filetypes": ["standard"]
    }, {
        "type": "menu",
        "label": "Compare...",
        "actions": [{
            "type": "command",
            "label": "Compare later...",
            "command_line": "echo -n %f > /tmp/${USER}-a4n-compare-later.txt",
            "use_shell": true,
            "max_items": 1,
            "filetypes": ["standard"]
        }, {
            "type": "command",
            "label": "Compare to previous",
            "command_line": "if [ -e /tmp/${USER}-a4n-compare-later.txt ]; then meld %f \"$(cat /tmp/${USER}-a4n-compare-later.txt)\"; else zenity --title \"Cannot compare\" --error --text \"No previously saved selection\"; fi ",
            "use_shell": true,
            "max_items": 1,
            "filetypes": ["standard"]

Note obviously you must install the meld comparison tool for this to work as-is - but, of course, you can adapt it to your preferred UI comparison tool - e.g. xxdiff.

Compressing video files generated from a camera

(Contributed by @biokomiker)

	"type": "command",
	"label": "encode video with H.265",
	"command_line": "ffmpeg -y -hide_banner -i %b -vf yadif -c:v hevc %w.mp4 ; exiftool -ee -overwrite_original_in_place -tagsFromFile %b %w.mp4",
	"cwd": "%d",
	"use_shell": true,
	"mimetypes": [
	"filetypes": [

Works with MTS files (Sony) and MOV files (Canon ?) which have H264 codec. Compression is ~ 10x. The exiftool command copies the tag of the recorded time stamp.

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