- RethinkDB (2.3.1 or later)
- Ruby (2.2.3 or later)
- NodeJS for Bower (1.7.9 or later)
Since the backend is written in Ruby, the dependencies for the backend are installed via Bundler:
$ bundle install
The fronted uses Bower and can be installed via:
$ bower install
To get everything started, you'll need to grab some data from http://atom.io, but there is a convenient way to do that.
$ rake site:bootstrap
This task will download all available packages, parse the downloaded JSON, import the pakcages into the database and create the categories set in config.yml
Once all requirements are met, all dependencies are installed and the site has been bootstrapped, you can start the server with:
$ puma
And the site should be available under http://localhost:9292 in your browser.