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File metadata and controls

181 lines (130 loc) · 11.1 KB

How to Create new puzzle type

Each type is identified by type code. This code is used as the name of checker file js-module and as a key when defining UI properties. Use lower case with underscore string for type code.

1. Setup puzzle UI

To set up a UI, the description of the new type should be added to the corresponding js file.

There are 4 puzzle categories (and js files):

  • General square puzzles - grids having square cells (squarepuzzle.js)
  • Area division square puzzles - grids with square cells which allow to using "connectors" to determine areas while solving (areapuzzle.js)
  • Classic sudoku grids - grids having Standard sudoku areas - 6x6, 8x8, 9x9 (sudokupuzzle.js)
  • General hexagonal grids - grids with hexagonal cells (hexapuzzle.js)

New puzzle categories also can be added, but this requires more coding.

Each of the files above contains UI definitions for the list of puzzle types. See the corresponding section below about the fields on this definition.

2. Implement solution checker

Solution check is executed at the server side and checks that, solution data provided by the user corresponds to puzzle rules and given clues.

The checker is a separate node module located in puzzle_types directory which should export an object which has check function accepting three parameters

  1. String dimensions - the string contains three elements
    • number of rows
    • number of columns separated with "x" from number of rows
    • optional additional data separated with "-" from the number of columns. Meaning of this part depends on the puzzle type. This can be a list of allowed letters (for example "Easy as ABC" puzzle), list of allowed elements ("Pentomino" puzzle) and so on.
  2. JSON object clueData
  3. JSON object solutionData

And returns an object with two fields

  1. String status "OK" if solution is correct, user visible message if it's wrong
  2. Array errorList list of coordinate of cells which should be marked in the grid to show where the solution is incorrect

3. Test manually

To test locally files localedit.html and localrun.html can be used. It allows to set puzzle type, dimension, grid data and specify js file which is used for rendering.

localedit.html allows you to see how the author's UI is working. Save button dumps the clue data to a console.

localrun.hrml shows solving UI. Check button runs the corresponding checker.

4. Automatic testing

Add automatic tests for UI definition and solution checker.

5. Add type to the storage

New puzzle type should be registered in the database collection puzzletypes:

6. Test on server

After adding a new type to the storage collection it appears at the author's page. Run server with new changes in js files and test the new puzzle created correctly and can be solved.

7. Add localization

While testing on the server it automatically adds error messages to localization files which are located in locales directory. Error messages should be translated to corresponding languages.

8. Create example puzzle with the answer image

An example puzzle has to be created for the new puzzle type. This can be done the same way as adding a regular puzzle using the author's page. Put estimated solving difficulty in seconds for the puzzle. The puzzle id should be put to the example.puzzleId field of the puzzle type.

The puzzle should be solved and the answer image captured (preferable without additional marks in it) and saved into /images/answers directory using .png format. Then the puzzle should be found in the storage collection. Field tag should be set to ‘example’, field answerImg should be set to the path of answer image like ‘/images/answers/puzzleid.png’

9. Commit everything and deploy

All changes in local files should be committed this includes:

  • type UI description in js/ directory
  • type checker in puzzle_types/ directory
  • example answer image in images/answers/
  • localization files in locales/ directory

Puzzle type UI definition

Grids contains the next elements:

  • Cells
    • Outer cells - currently only bottom and right outer cells are supported
  • Edges
  • Nodes
  • Connectors - lines which connect centers of the cells.

Each element can have next properties (can be used simultaneously):

  • Color - background color for the cell, color of the line for edges and connectors, color of a small circle for nodes.
  • Image - some picture which is shown at the element (for edges it is shown at the middle point of the edge). This is not supported for connectors.
  • Text - one or two symbols (letters so digits) which are shown at the element (for edges it is shown at the middle). This is not supported for connectors.
  • TextColor - color for the text. The default value is black and this may need replacement if cell color is dark.

Puzzle type UI definition contains the next properties (all are optional)

  • boolean needNodes (default false) - should nodes be created. Required if nodes should change property or used as a drag start point when drawing edges.
  • boolean needConnectors (default false) - should connectors be created
  • boolean thickEdges (default false) - should edges be drawin with thick lines (needed for fence puzzles)
  • boolean outerEdges (default true) - should outer grid edges be drawn bold
  • boolean collectAreas (default false) - collect list of areas which formed by thick edges
  • boolean cellMultiPencil (default false) - allows multiple pencil marks for a cell (as in sudokus)
  • boolean usePlus10 (default false) - use +10 element in the value chooser
  • function cellController - function which creates controls for a cell in solving mode
  • function cellEditController - function which creates controls for a cell in editing mode
  • function edgeController - function which creates controls for an edge in solving mode
  • function edgeEditController - function which creates controls for an edge in editing mode
  • function nodeController - function which creates controls for a node in solving mode
  • function nodeEditController - function which creates controls for a node in editing mode
  • function connectorController - function which creates controls for a connector in solving mode
  • function decodeClue - function which converts value of clue to elemnt properties.

controller_helper.js allows to describe these properties in a declarative way. The description looks like:


Each added controller defines a rule to interract with the grid element and elements to which the rule applies. see controller_helper.js for a full list of method which can be applied for controller. Some examples are below:

  • controller().forAuthor().cell().chooser().addNumbers(1,10) - all cell in puzzle edit mode will have value chooser with numbers from 1 to 10.
  • controller().forSolver().cell().inner().noClue().clickSwitch().addItem(StdItem.BLACK).addItem(StdItem.CROSS.doNotSubmit()) - inner cells without clues in solving mode will switch the state on click between two possibilities - blackened cell or cell with a cross. Crossed out cells are not used for solution submission.
  • controller().forAuthor().edge().toAreas().clickSwitch().withDrag().addItem(StdItem.BLACK.asAreaBorder()) - in puzzle edit mode edges will switch on click or drag to blackened and these edegs will be used as an area definition.

Puzzle types collection in storage

Database contains collection puzzletypes which has the following attributes

  • code - unique code for the puzzle type
  • name - user visible name of the type
  • rules - English text for puzzle rules (can include tags, which are replaced by puzzle dimension data - see rules tags section)
  • gridControl - English text explaining which user action can be provided for the grid
  • puzzleJs - name of .js file containing UI description
  • puzzleObj - name of javascript object in the file which renders the type
  • translation - object containing translations to different languages
    • language code - ru for Russian language
      • rules - translated text for puzzle rules
      • gridControl - translated test for grid control description
  • example - object describing example puzzle for the type
    • puzzleId - code of the example puzzle
  • properties - object containing additional properties describing type behavior
    • squared - the grid is squares (authors page shows only one dimension)
    • rows - number of rows is fixed (authors page hides this field)
    • cols - number of columns is fixed (authors page hides this field)
    • needQuantity - authors page should show a field to define “quantity” attribute
    • needLetters - authors page should show a field to define “letter” attribute
    • needPentoset - authors page should show a field to define used pentomino/tetromino set
    • needShipset - authors page should show a field to define used battleships set
    • _figuresAttribute - solvers page should show the element with a figure set for the puzzle (battleships, pentomino and so on). The property can include tag which are replaced by puzzle dimension data - see rules tags section
    • activationDate - date when puzzle type becomes visible for regular users

Rules tags

Rules (gridControl and figureAttribute) text can contain tags which are replaced by dimension properties. Tag is surrounded by brackets “{“ and “}” and can contain a javascript expression which is evaluated for each specific puzzle. The expression can refer the next variables:

  • dimensions - the string containing rows and columns numbers divided by “x” (for example, 5x7)
  • rows - integer number of rows
  • columns - integer number of column
  • quantity - value from the quantity attribute
  • letters - array of letters

Examples of valid tags:

  • {rows-2} - used for double block and fuzili puzzle
  • {letters} - list of available letters in the puzzle
  • {quantity=="pento12"?"pento12":("pento\" set=\""+quantity)} - used for pentomino puzzles

Test automation

For each puzzle type developer can add the next tests:

  • Controllers definition tests - checks that definition made using controller_helper.js converted to correct controller information for different cells. The test includes puzzle initialization and assertion that chooserValues, clickSwitch, dragSwitch attributes for some puzzle elements contain correct values.
  • Mouse reaction tests - checks that mouse events processed correctly. The test includes puzzle initialization, emulation of few mouse actions and assertion that grid state changed correspondingly.
  • Data collector tests - checks that submission data collected from the grid correctly. The test includes type puzzle initialization, emulation of few mouse actions and assertion for the result of collectData method.
  • Checkers tests - checks that puzzle type checker processes different solvers mistakes correctly. The test execution of corresponding checker for different submission data and assertion for the result.

See tests/yin_yang.test.js for examples.