Revisions made based on supervisor feedback.
Main changes made:
- Update citation entries in Zotero to fix in-text citations where there were discrepancies in how authors were entered, resulting in the generated in-text citations thinking identical authors were different.
- Issue with chapter 4 article (sections rendering as chapters) fixed.
- No major changes to the actual content
- Title pages added to article-chapters
All modifications to content can be seen in commit
First draft of dissertation submitted to supervisors.
Final preprint published ( This preprint is the first article-chapter in the dissertation, but took the longest to complete. Hence the last article to be published.
Second preprint published ( This preprint is the third article-chapter in the dissertation.
First article published in journal Frontiers in Earth Science ( The article is the second article-chapter in the dissertation.
Project converted from R Markdown to Quarto.
Website goes live!