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This directory contains files with parameters for PC-SAFT. The files named according to the pattern NameYear.json correspond to published parameters. The corresponding publication is provided in the literature.bib file.

  • We provide regular PC-SAFT parameters, i.e. parameters for substances that are not described via group contribution (GC) methods.
  • Substances that can be described via GC approaches are given in gc_substances.json alongside their segment and bond information.
  • Segment SAFT parameters are given in files denoted as NameYear_homo.json or NameYear_hetero.json for homo-segmented and hetero-segmented GC methods, respectively.

List of Substances with Segment Information

gc_substances.json Chemical structure of substances to be used in group contribution methods

Regular Parameters

file model publication
gross2001.json non-associating and non-polar substances 🔗
gross2002.json associating substances 🔗
gross2005_fit.json quadrupolar substances, quadrupole adjusted in regression 🔗
gross2005_literature.json quadrupolar substances, quadrupole moment taken from literature 🔗
gross2006.json dipolar substances 🔗
loetgeringlin2018.json multiple substance families with viscosity parameters for entropy scaling 🔗
rehner2020.json water and alcohols with surface tension data included in the regression 🔗

Group-Contribution Parameters

file model publication
sauer2014_homo.json GC segment parameters for homo segmented PC-SAFT 🔗
sauer2014_hetero.json GC segment parameters for hetero segmented PC-SAFT 🔗
loetgeringlin2015_homo.json GC segment parameters for homo segmented PC-SAFT including parameters for viscosity for entropy scaling 🔗