See Github Milestones for more details
This doc could be converted into user stories with format the
As a
< type of user >
, I want< some goal >
so that< some reason >
- Create a new project
- Create transcripts and paper-edits within a project
- View list of projects
skip this For details see Transcript Editor - Features Ideas brainstorm - draft, @bbc/react-transcript-editor component and demo
- search one or multiple transcript at once
- search a word or sentence
- see results in context (eg coloured in the original text)
- see only paragraph containing the searched word or sentence
- - option to go back to in context transcript (?)
- Highlight text selection
Highlight colour that can be uncategorised - so that categorising into labels is optional - add a label to text selection- with optional note/description for that text selection highlight
- each label can have a colour, name, description
- eg can use a colour randomizer (similar to github labels to avoid choice paralyses)
- Should be able to see a list of labels while reading through the transcript for things to highlight
- filter text content (paragraphs) by one or multiple speaker
- filter content by one or multiple labels
- combine filtering by speakers and labels to narrow down results even further
- combine filtering (see above) with search - across one or more transcript
- Outline (eg bullet points for story structure)
- constitutes a conceptual sections (eg story act or sequence?) of the program script
- titles elements - eg for video text titles
- In a program script a user can add a voice over (narration) script text element to help crafting the story
- a user can write down the “placeholder” text they would then read out for a voice over
- This could also estimate duration of the voice over script to help with overall planning
- Add a text selection, from the transcripts text, to the program script
- this can be
- a highlight
- a text selection including whole or parts off a hiliglight
- a text selection not previously hiliglighted
- this can be
- Text selections can be added to “outline points/sections” of the program script
- Text selection should have
- a speaker label - they belong to in original transcript
- some reference to the original transcript (eg transcript title/name)
- Indications of any labels, that might be part of the text hilights contained in the text selection?
- A way to go back to the original transcript and see the text selection in context?
- should be able to preview audio/video version off a program script (based on “paper-cuts” in “paper-edit”)
- Should be able to export a programme script (with “paper-cuts”) into a video or audio editing software.
TBC - stretch goal
Overarching goal of the milestone is to support being able to add multiple users to a project. This might not equal to collaborative editing (google docs style). Needs further investigation on how to handle multi user permissions, eg as an option blocking access to a transcript if a user is already correcting it, and signalling to the project who has got it currently open etc.