This guide tells how to run the acceptance tests of SSHLibrary. Acceptance tests basically require an SSH server (OpenSSH recommended) installed and running and two user accounts to be created for the tests.
Because SSHLibrary is primary used on Linux, tests should be ran at least on it. If developing on OS X or Windows, setting up a virtual machine with Linux and SSHLibrary installed is the recommended approach.
- Install openSSH server (using apt-get on Debian variants):
sudo apt-get install openssh-server
- Create a new user test:
sudo useradd test -m -s /bin/bash
- With password test:
sudo passwd test (input `test` as the new password)
- Log in as test
sudo su test
- Set prompt in .bashrc
export PS1='\u@\h \W \$ '
- exit
- Create a new user testkey:
sudo useradd -m testkey -s /bin/bash
- Log in as testkey:
sudo su testkey
- Set prompt in .bashrc
export PS1='\u@\h \W \$ '
- Generate a new SSH key pair:
ssh-keygen -t rsa (input empty password)
- Add the public key to user's authorized keys:
cp ~/.ssh/ ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
- Log out, back to your normal user account:
- Finally, copy id_rsa of user testkey into directory atest/testdata/keyfiles:
sudo cp ~testkey/.ssh/id_rsa <path_to_sshlibrary>/atest/testdata/keyfiles/
- Change the rights for that file so that you can read it.
The acceptance tests can also be run on windows against a ssh server running on Cygwin.
You will need to install Cygwin with SSH server. Then add users test and testkey and follow the same steps as in linux to setup their bash accounts on Cygwin. After that you can execute the acceptance tests on Windows.
The tests assume that Cygwin is installed to c:/cygwin64. If the installation irectory is different, it can be overridden with commadnline option --variable CYGWIN_HOME:<the real path>
Tests also require robotstatuschecker:
pip install robotstatuschecker
Tests are ran using Bash script python atest/ The script prints help when ran without parameters.