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This article describes how to use the Pointy Castle package, an implementation of cryptographic algorithms for use with the Dart programming language, to use the RSA algorithm to:

  • generate a key pair;
  • create a signature and to verify a signature;
  • encrypt and decrypt.


The RSA (Rivest Shamir Adleman) algorithm is an asymmetric cryptographic algorithm (also known as a public-key algorithm). It uses two keys: a public key that is used for encrypting data and verifying signatures, and a private key that is used for decrypting data and creating signatures.

Generating RSA key pairs

To generate a pair of RSA keys:

  1. Obtain a SecureRandom number generator.
  2. Instantiate an RSAKeyGenrator object.
  3. Initialize the key generator object with the secure random number generator and other parameters.
  4. Invoke the object's generateKeyPair method.

This is a function to generate an RSA key pair:

import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:pointycastle/src/platform_check/platform_check.dart';
import "package:pointycastle/export.dart";

AsymmetricKeyPair<RSAPublicKey, RSAPrivateKey> generateRSAkeyPair(
    SecureRandom secureRandom,
    {int bitLength = 2048}) {
  // Create an RSA key generator and initialize it

  // final keyGen = KeyGenerator('RSA'); // Get using registry
  final keyGen = RSAKeyGenerator();

      RSAKeyGeneratorParameters(BigInt.parse('65537'), bitLength, 64),

  // Use the generator

  final pair = keyGen.generateKeyPair();

  // Cast the generated key pair into the RSA key types

  final myPublic = pair.publicKey as RSAPublicKey;
  final myPrivate = pair.privateKey as RSAPrivateKey;

  return AsymmetricKeyPair<RSAPublicKey, RSAPrivateKey>(myPublic, myPrivate);

SecureRandom exampleSecureRandom() {

  final secureRandom = SecureRandom('Fortuna')
  return secureRandom;


final pair = generateRSAkeyPair(exampleSecureRandom());
final public = pair.publicKey;
final private = pair.privateKey;

The key generator requires an instance of SecureRandom. The above example shows the use of the Fortuna random number generator (initialized with a less-secure random seed), but other methods can be used too.


Using the registry

If using the registry, invoke the KeyGenerator factory with the algorithm name of "RSA".

final keyGen = KeyGenerator('RSA');

Without the registry

If the registry is not used, invoke the RSAKeyGenerator constructor.

final keyGen = RSAKeyGenerator();


The RSA key generator must be initialized with both an RSAKeyGeneratorParameters and the SecureRandom number generator. This is done by creating a ParametersWithRandom with the two, and passing that to the key generator init method.

SecureRandom mySecureRandom = ...

final rsaParams = RSAKeyGeneratorParameters(BigInt.parse('65537'), 2048, 64);
final paramsWithRnd = ParametersWithRandom(rsaParams, mySecureRandom);

The RSAKeyGeneratorParameters has:

  • the public exponent to use (must be an odd number)

  • bit strength (e.g. 2048 or 4096)

  • a certainty factor (the maximum number of rounds used by the Miller-Rabin primality test: larger numbers increase the probability a non-prime is correctly identified as being non-prime).


Invoke the generateKeyPair method on the RSAKeyGenrator to generate the key pair.

final pair = keyGen.generateKeyPair();

final myPublic = pair.publicKey as RSAPublicKey;
final myPrivate = pair.privateKey as RSAPrivateKey;

It returns an AsymmetricKeyPair<PublicKey,PrivateKey>, so the type for the publicKey and privateKey members are the abstract classes PublicKey and PrivateKey. The members will need to be cast into an RSAPublicKey and RSAPrivateKey to use them as RSA keys.

Signing and verifying

To create a signature:

  1. Obtain an RSAPrivateKey.

  2. Instantiate an RSASigner with the desired Digest algorithm object and an algorithm identifier.

  3. Initialize the object for signing with the private key.

  4. Invoke the object's generateSignature method with the data being signed.

To verify a signature:

  1. Obtain an RSAPublicKey.

  2. Instantiate an RSASigner with the desired Digest algorithm object and algorithm identifier.

  3. Initialize the object for verification with the public key.

  4. Invoke the object's verifySignature method with the data that was supposedly signed and the signature.

The following functions creates a signature and verifies a signature using SHA-256 as the digest algorithm:

import "package:pointycastle/export.dart";

Uint8List rsaSign(RSAPrivateKey privateKey, Uint8List dataToSign) {
  //final signer = Signer('SHA-256/RSA'); // Get using registry
  final signer = RSASigner(SHA256Digest(), '0609608648016503040201');

  // initialize with true, which means sign
  signer.init(true, PrivateKeyParameter<RSAPrivateKey>(privateKey));

  final sig = signer.generateSignature(dataToSign);

  return sig.bytes;

bool rsaVerify(
    RSAPublicKey publicKey, Uint8List signedData, Uint8List signature) {
  //final signer = Signer('SHA-256/RSA'); // Get using registry
  final sig = RSASignature(signature);

  final verifier = RSASigner(SHA256Digest(), '0609608648016503040201');

  // initialize with false, which means verify
  verifier.init(false, PublicKeyParameter<RSAPublicKey>(publicKey));

  try {
    return verifier.verifySignature(signedData, sig);
  } on ArgumentError {
	return false; // for Pointy Castle 1.0.2 when signature has been modified

Standards supported

Pointy Castle implements PKCS #1 version 2.0 signature and verification. Specifically, it implements the RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 signature scheme with appendix from section 8.1 of RFC 2437: which defines how the digest algorithm identifier and digest value are both encoded, and how that encoding is then signed using RSA.


Using the registry

If using the registry, invoke the Signer factory with the name of the digest algorithm and signing algorithm (e.g. "SHA-256/RSA" or "SHA-1/RSA").

final signer = Signer('SHA-256/RSA');

Without the registry

If the registry is not used, instantiate the RSASigner constructor, passing in a digest implemenetation object and the identifier for that digest algorithm.

final signer = RSASigner(SHA256Digest(), '0609608648016503040201');

The second parameter identifies the signing algorithm being used, and will be incorporated into the signature. It must be the correct value corresponding to the algorithm of the first parameter.

Its value is the hexadecimal string representation of the DER encoding of an ASN.1 Object Identifier (OID).

For example, "0609608648016503040201" is the value for 2.16.840., which is the OID for SHA-256 (specifically: joint-iso-itu-t(2) country(16) us(840) organization(1) gov(101) csor(3) nistAlgorithm(4) hashAlgs(2) sha256(1)). Note: that hex encoding must includes a tag byte (0x06 as the first byte in this example) and the length (0x09 in the second byte), as well as the actual bytes representing the OID.

If the registry was used, the correct algorithm identifier is automatically used. But when creating the objects directly, the correct value must be found and entered into the code. The following values were found in the source code for the RSASigner (the lib/signers/rsa_signer.dart file), in the _DIGEST_IDENTIFIER_HEXES private member.

Algorithm Object Identifier Hexadecimal encoding of DER
MD2 1.2.840.113549.2.2 06082a864886f70d0202
MD4 1.2.840.113549.2.4 06082a864886f70d0204
MD5 1.2.840.113549.2.5 06082a864886f70d0205
RIPEMD-128 06052b24030202
RIPEMD-160 06052b24030201
RIPEMD-256 06052b24030203
SHA-1 06052b0e03021a
SHA-224 2.16.840. 0609608648016503040204
SHA-256 2.16.840. 0609608648016503040201
SHA-384 2.16.840. 0609608648016503040202
SHA-512 2.16.840. 0609608648016503040203

Important: both the signer and verifier must use the same value, otherwise the signature will not validate.


Use the init method to initialize the signer. The first parameter determines whether it can be used for signing, and the second parameter is an RSA key.

For signing, use true and the private key.

  signer.init(true, PrivateKeyParameter<RSAPrivateKey>(privateKey));

For verifying, use false and the public key.

  verifier.init(false, PublicKeyParameter<RSAPublicKey>(publicKey));


To generate a signature, pass the data being signed to the generateSignature method.

It returns an RSASignature, from which the bytes making up the signature can be obtained using the bytes getter.

Uint8List dataToSign = ...

final sig = signer.generateSignature(dataToSign);

final signatureBytes = sig.bytes;


To verify a signature, pass the data that was supposedly signed and the signature (as a RSASignature object) to the verifySignature method.

It returns true if the signature is valid, otherwise it should return false.

final sig = RSASignature(signatureBytes);

final sigOk = verifier.verifySignature(signedData, sig);

Note: in Pointy Castle 1.0.2 and earlier, verifySignature returns false if the data had been modified, but will usually throw an ArgumentError if the signature had been modified. The exception should be caught and treated as the signature failed to verify.

final sig = RSASignature(signatureBytes);

bool sigOk;
try {
  sigOk = verifier.verifySignature(signedData, sig);
} on ArgumentError {
  sigOk = false; // required for Pointy Castle 1.0.2 and earlier

RSA encryption and decryption

To encrypt using RSA and an asymmetric block cipher:

  1. Instantiate an AsymmetricalBlockCipher object with an RSAEngine object.
  2. Initialize the asymmetrical block cipher for encryption and with the public key.
  3. Invoke the object's processBlock method with the plaintext blocks to produce the ciphertext blocks.

To decrypt using RSA and an asymmetric block cipher:

  1. Instantiate an AsymmetricalBlockCipher object with an RSAEngine object.
  2. Initialize the asymmetrical block cipher for decryption and with the private key.
  3. Invoke the object's processBlock method with the ciphertext blocks to produce the plaintext blocks.

For example,

import "package:pointycastle/export.dart";

Uint8List rsaEncrypt(RSAPublicKey myPublic, Uint8List dataToEncrypt) {
  final encryptor = OAEPEncoding(RSAEngine())
    ..init(true, PublicKeyParameter<RSAPublicKey>(myPublic)); // true=encrypt

  return _processInBlocks(encryptor, dataToEncrypt);

Uint8List rsaDecrypt(RSAPrivateKey myPrivate, Uint8List cipherText) {
  final decryptor = OAEPEncoding(RSAEngine())
    ..init(false, PrivateKeyParameter<RSAPrivateKey>(myPrivate)); // false=decrypt

  return _processInBlocks(decryptor, cipherText);

Uint8List _processInBlocks(AsymmetricBlockCipher engine, Uint8List input) {
  final numBlocks = input.length ~/ engine.inputBlockSize +
      ((input.length % engine.inputBlockSize != 0) ? 1 : 0);

  final output = Uint8List(numBlocks * engine.outputBlockSize);

  var inputOffset = 0;
  var outputOffset = 0;
  while (inputOffset < input.length) {
    final chunkSize = (inputOffset + engine.inputBlockSize <= input.length)
        ? engine.inputBlockSize
        : input.length - inputOffset;

    outputOffset += engine.processBlock(
        input, inputOffset, chunkSize, output, outputOffset);

    inputOffset += chunkSize;

  return (output.length == outputOffset)
      ? output
      : output.sublist(0, outputOffset);

Standards supported

Pointy Castle implements PKCS #1 version 2.0 encryption and decryption. Specifically, it implements the RSAES-OAEP and RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5 encryption schemes from section 7 of RFC 2437: which defines how the plaintext data is encoded, and how that encoding is then encrypted using RSA.

  • RSA Encryption Scheme Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (RSAES-OAEP) is implemented by the OAEPEncoding class.

  • RSA Encryption Scheme from PKCS #1 version 1.5 (RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5), is implemented by the PKCS1Encoding class.

Important: RSAES-OAEP was changed in PKCS #1 version 2.1, in a way that is not compatible with it in version 2.0. Therefore, Pointy Castle's implementation of OAEP cannot interoperate with programs that expect OAEP from PKCS #1 version 2.1 or later.

RFC 2437 says, "RSAES-OAEP is recommended for new applications; RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5 is included only for compatibility with existing applications, and is not recommended for new applications."


Using the registry

If using the registry, invoke the AsymmetricBlockCipher factory with the name of the asymmetric block cipher: "RSA/OAEP" or "RSA/PKCS1".

final p = AsymmetricBlockCipher('RSA/OAEP');

// final p = AsymmetricBlockCipher('RSA/PKCS1);

Without the registry

If the registry is not used, invoke the constructor for PKCS1Encoding or OAEPEncoding, providing an instance of the RSAEngine as a parameter.

final p = OAEPEncoding(RSAEngine());

// final p = PKCS1Encoding(RSAEngine());


Use the init method to initialize the asymmetric block cipher. The first parameter determines whether it is used for encryption, and the second parameter is an RSA key.

For encrypting, use true and the public key.

p.init(true, PublicKeyParameter<RSAPublicKey>(myPublic));

For decrypting, use false and the private key.

p.init(false, PrivateKeyParameter<RSAPrivateKey>(myPrivate));

Providing the data

Using processBlock

The data being encrypted/decrypted must be processed in blocks. Each input block is processed into an output block.

The maximum size of a block can be obtained from the inputBlockSize and outputBlockSize getters. They usually have different values, so care must be taken to use the correct size when stepping through the input and output.

The values are a maximum, so the input blocks can be smaller. But it usually only makes sense for the final block to be smaller, and all the other blocks to be the maximum size.

The processBlock method has five arguments:

  • the Uint8List where the input block is read from
  • offset into the input where the block starts
  • length of the input block
  • the output Uint8List where the calculated block will be written to
  • offset into the output where the block starts writing from

It returns the number of bytes written. Which is especially important when the last block is smaller than the maximum size. Always use the returned output size to know how much of the output is valid.

Using process

The process method can also be used instead of processBlock. It is simpler, because it creates and returns the output block. However, it requires the input to be no larger than inputBlockSize. And the inputBlockSize depends on the bit-length of the key.

If process is used, the program needs to ensure the size of the data and the bit-length of the key are both suitable.

Decryption errors

If the ciphertext cannot be decrypted, an ArgumentError is thrown. The message associated with the ArgumentError can be ignored, since it only describes the symptoms and not the cause: it does not help in diagnosing why it failed.

Even if the ciphertext was successfully decrypted (i.e. no exception was thrown), it does not guarantee the result is the same as the plaintext that was encrypted. Encryption is designed to provides confidentiality, and not integrity. If data integrity is important, additional mechanisms -- such as digests, HMACs or signatures -- should used in conjunction with encryption.