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4.0 Ministry Account

TeresaBia edited this page Jul 11, 2022 · 21 revisions


4.1 Manage Ministry Account

4.1.1 Ministry Login

Ministry user can log in and log off.

Process Description:

This feature includes the capability for a Ministry user to log in and log off of their personalized SIMS account. SIMS maintains all login and logout user history. Ministry user logs in using IDIR authentication. On login, redirect to IDIR identify provider. Create keycloak group "aest-user" and only allow login if user belongs to group. Create a new Keycloak client and use Keycloak client name to determine if user was authenticated using the expected client (on Vue and API). Create a decorator at API to validate if the user is a valid IDIR user that belongs to the expected group.

4.1.2 Ministry Home Page

This is the Ministry user landing page.

Process Description:

Once the user has successfully logged in to SIMS they will be taken to the Home page where they will see a welcome message.

4.2 Manage Student Information

4.2.1 Ministry user can search for students and view details

Process Description:

This feature allows the Ministry user to search for students in the system. Ministry user can search for student using last name, first name, application number and Social Insurance Number (SIN). They can then view a student's profile, their related applications, restrictions, file uploads and notes history and take action as needed.

4.3 Manage Institution Details

4.3.1 Ministry user can search for institutions and view details

Process Description:

This feature allows Ministry user to search for institutions in the system. They can also then view a institution's profile, their programs, locations, users, designations, restrictions, File uploads and Notes history and take action as needed.

4.4 Manage Financial Records

4.4.1 Daily Disbursement Information

A daily disbursement summary report that is sent to FIN every day.

Process Description:

SIMS receives a daily disbursement receipt file from the federal system every day. It then generates a daily disbursement summary report and sends it to the financial system (FIN) to validate.

4.4.2 Generate Disbursement Report

Ministry user can download full-time and/or part-time disbursement reports for a certain time period.

Process Description:

Ministry user has the ability to select a date range to view total expenditure amount for that range broken down by loans and grants and by application number. Ministry viewer can download reports of disbursements for full-time and part-time disbursements. This report will allow SABC's finance team to record expenditures for grants being disbursed via the National Student Loans Service Centre (NSLSC).

4.4.3 Disbursement Forecast Report

Ministry user can view upcoming pending (scheduled) disbursements.

Process Description:

Ministry user has the ability to select a date range to view planned (full-time and/or part-time) disbursements each day within the selected date range. This helps SABC to determine how much will be disbursed in future given the time period. Provincial Treasury and Federal Government also ask for projected disbursement information during peak periods.

4.4.4 T4A

To comply with Canada Revenue Agency taxation requirements, T4As must be issued for applicable grant amounts.

Process Description:

Student may receive one or more grants as part of government financial aid. Some of these grants maybe T4Aable. Grants that are T4Aable are identified and sent to CAS (Corporate Accounting system) to generate T4A slips for applicable grant types.