Releases: bcgov/registry-schemas
Releases · bcgov/registry-schemas
Release 1.7.3
PPR API schema updates:
- Update the financingStatement schema to add transitionDescription, transitionDate, and transitionNumber.
- Update the searchQuery schema to increase individual debtor name lengths from 30 to 50.
Release 1.7.2
MHR - Add deathCertificateNumber and deathDateTime to the mhr owner schema.
Release 1.7.1
- MHR transfer schema add new transfer due to death scenario registration types.
- MHR transfer schema remove deathOfOwner flag (replaced by registration types).
Release 1.7.0
- MHR add NA tenancy type to the MHR ownerGroup schema type enum set.
Release 1.6.9
- MHR owner schema add partyType, description to support transfer due to death.
- MHR searchSummary schema add activeCount, exemptCount, historicalCount.
- PPR searchSummary schema add missing registration types "MD", "PT", "SC", "TO", "SV".
Release 1.6.8
- MHR add transport permit registration schema (transportPermit), example data and unit tests.
- MHR update note schema increase documentType max length to 10.
Release 1.6.7
MHR API schema changes:
- MHR registrationSummary schema add lienRegistrationType.
- MHR location schema add bandName, reserveNumber.
Release 1.6.6
MHR API schema changes to support exemptions:
- Add exemption schema, example, test.
- Change clientReferenceId length from 40 to 50.
- Update note schema required properties: remove documentId and createDateTime, add remarks.
- Add attentionReference to transfer
Release 1.6.5
MHR api schema updates to support UI requirements:
- registrationType add DECAL_REPLACE, PERMIT_EXTENSION (future).
- registrationSummary schema add documentRegistrationNumber
- transfer schema add documentRegistrationNumber, registrationType
- registration schema add documentRegistrationNumber, registrationType
- owner schema add ownerId
- ownerGroup schema add interestDenominator, update description
Release 1.6.4
- MHR API add declaredValue, consideration, transferDate, and ownLand to transfer schema.