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176 lines (136 loc) · 4.81 KB

File metadata and controls

176 lines (136 loc) · 4.81 KB


diagflow.nvim is a Neovim plugin that provides a neat and distraction-free way to display LSP diagnostics. It shows diagnostics in virtual text at the top-right corner of your screen, only when the cursor is positioned over the problematic code or across an entire line, according to your preference. This provides a clean and focused coding environment. This approach to diagnostics management is inspired by the Helix editor.


  1. Opening a file with multiple diagnostics but no issues under the cursor:


  1. An error under the cursor:


  1. A hint under the cursor:



To install diagflow.nvim, use your preferred Neovim package manager. If you're using packer.nvim, add the following line to your plugin list:

-- Packer
use {'dgagn/diagflow.nvim'}

If you're using lazy.nvim, add the following line to your plugin list:

-- Lazy
    -- event = 'LspAttach', This is what I use personnally and it works great
    opts = {}


Note if you are using the opts with lazy.nvim, you don't need to run the setup, it does it for you.

The scope option determines the context of diagnostics display: 'cursor' (default) shows diagnostics only under the cursor, while 'line' shows diagnostics for the entire line where the cursor is positioned.

    enable = true,
    max_width = 60,  -- The maximum width of the diagnostic messages
    max_height = 10, -- the maximum height per diagnostics
    severity_colors = {  -- The highlight groups to use for each diagnostic severity level
        error = "DiagnosticFloatingError",
        warning = "DiagnosticFloatingWarn",
        info = "DiagnosticFloatingInfo",
        hint = "DiagnosticFloatingHint",
    format = function(diagnostic)
      return diagnostic.message
    gap_size = 1,
    scope = 'cursor', -- 'cursor', 'line' this changes the scope, so instead of showing errors under the cursor, it shows errors on the entire line.
    padding_top = 0,
    padding_right = 0,
    text_align = 'right', -- 'left', 'right'
    placement = 'top', -- 'top', 'inline'
    inline_padding_left = 0, -- the padding left when the placement is inline
    update_event = { 'DiagnosticChanged', 'BufReadPost' }, -- the event that updates the diagnostics cache
    toggle_event = { }, -- if InsertEnter, can toggle the diagnostics on inserts
    show_sign = false, -- set to true if you want to render the diagnostic sign before the diagnostic message
    render_event = { 'DiagnosticChanged', 'CursorMoved' },
    border_chars = {
      top_left = "",
      top_right = "",
      bottom_left = "",
      bottom_right = "",
      horizontal = "",
      vertical = ""
    show_borders = false,

Or simply use the default configuration:



  1. How do I change the colors of the virtual text?

You can set up custom colors by changing the highlight group in the configuration. For instance, in the default configuration, :hi Hint determines the color of the hints. You can change the hint color to blue with :hi Hint guifg=blue.

  1. Can I still have the diagnostics inline?

Yes, with the new option placement, you can set the diagnostics inline instead of at the top right.

Here is a example :


Here is the example config used in this screenshot :

  opts = {
    placement = 'inline',
    inline_padding_left = 3,
  1. How can I disable the cursor when I enter insert mode and reenable it when I go in normal mode?
  opts = {
    toggle_event = { 'InsertEnter' },
  1. Something doesn't update when X or Y happens.

You can setup when the diagnostic is cached with this option :

  opts = {
    update_event = { 'DiagnosticChanged', ... },
  1. I want to customize my diagnostic messages

You can set a diagnostic message by supplying the format option.

  opts = {
    format = function(diagnostic)
      return '[LSP] ' .. diagnostic.message
  1. How do I disable this for certain filetypes?
  opts = {
    enable = function()
      return ~= "lazy"
  1. How do I show borders?
  opts = {
    show_borders = true,