Update constituencies and profile data for active members.
With -all
, update profile data for all members (i.e. active and historic).
Update member portraits/profile photos.
Update division data for the specified House. If no House is specified, both will be updated.
Update bill data.
Should run after bills
to detect/match BillSponsor names with Person instances.
Update election results for all constituencies in all elections.
Imports constituency boundary data from the given .kml file.
The source file can be retrieved from https://geoportal.statistics.gov.uk/search?collection=Dataset&sort=name&tags=all(BDY_PCON) and should be updated at least after every election.
Permenantly delete any DeletionPendingMixin instances that have been marked for deletion and have reached their expiry date.
Update cache of items that are important now, combining content that has been marked as 'featured' with content that has been commented/voted on recently. Should run frequently.