- custom: add support for PALM2 API (2f091fc)
- custom: add gpt 3.5 16k model (0881018)
- custom: remove timeout (ddf6f05)
- custom: fix 404 bug after changing model (a262415)
- custom: add requirements (9d9fdc3), closes #3
- custom: fix format error (6ab3952)
- custom: update account requirement (f68486b)
- custom: update instruction for China users to install (fe45629)
- custom: add issue template (4ed5653)
- custom: change default maxTokens from 100 to 400 (dcae188)
- custom: fix token and api key bug (dfb70a2)
- custom: delete china server due to tech issue (16cd6a9)
- custom: update manifest.xml download link (772c1d9)
- custom: add describe for how to get access token (0ec50c1)
- custom: add instruction for how to install (6d4039a)
- custom: fix typos (ef4851e)
- custom: update install instruction (9962ebd)
- custom: add support for chatGPT web API, using accessToken (8768f9e)