###Peter Messeri comments:
Like others who have looked at the 1.0 version of neighborhood level data looks really cool. Here are my immediate reaction.
I also think it would be nice to discussion conversion to higher spatial areas such as zipcodes, CDs borough designations, etc. I do keep some conversion tables, but I think possible for consistency of CPRC research it would be nice to build in a conversion table for higher special aggregation.
As for other variables. Here are some more complex variables that I work with that you could construct I could either build from simpler ACS variables I would have to send you the variable definitions I am working with and we would need some kind of vetting process so that you are only constructing variables that many of us would like as opposed to idiosyncratic variables that I am only interested in. I was suppose to save a research assistance help me with this task.
- % ethnic diversity
- Gentrification I have to some homework on this to tell you share with you definitions. Lance Freeman has a scale that I have used in the past.
- % foreign born
- % Affluence (per income>100k)
- % speaking foreign language.
- Violent crime index
One other idea the above variables refer to one’s I have constructed for 1998-2004 that I would like to update. . I am happen to discuss submitting user defined variables, I have constructed neighborhood scales at zipcode I have developed such as collective efficacy, substandard housing that I would be happy to share, if we can develop protocols for submitting the variables. Right now the scales I have developed come from Irv and Julien SIS surveys cc 1998-2004 as well as City and US data sets. . Although Iplan to update some of these variables even historical variables may have interest for including in the repository.
###Michael Weisner comments:
Hi Andrew,
Very cool! I really like the prototype.
As for hosting the tool I'm not sure if the CPRC's site can support it, at least not without some architecture changes by CUIT. The CPRC site is Drupal based and supposedly there is an optional module to connect Leaflet JavaScript mapping libraries like this, so it should theoretically be possible but I'd have to check with CUIT about what it might take/cost to implement and integrate it. If there is an outside solution for hosting it could be simpler and more cost effective.
I'll write to CUIT now and see what they say and report back.
###Julien Comments:
This looks beautiful Andrew and Dan. Here is my wish list of things to add to portal: A tiered index (first level showing only bold, or even aggregated bold headings) to allow a large increase in variables An easy way to identify and exclude parks An option to select variables for export, maintaining geo-identifier Option to select geo units (e.g., tract, zip, planning district, precinct, school district, borough, etc) A auto-manuscript option that automatically writes up findings and submits to a journal
###Andrew's Email:
One of the deliverables for the Urbanism group was to create a portal through which neighborhood level data for NYC could be mapped and downloaded. Dan Sheehan has built version 1.0, which includes a small tasting menu of data, Tract level mapping capability, data download capability and a data dictionary feature. This version is proof of concept and is designed for you to critique. So please let me know….
· What other user interface features we could include? (note - we also have a pdf print map feature planned already) · What other key variables you would like to include? (note - we have a ton more data to get loaded into this system) · Any other thoughts…
We need input for you all on where we should host this full time – can we do this within the CPRC web site or should we host this externally with links from the CPRC web site? (mostly a question for Michael).
The tool is currently hosted at http://beh-gis.github.io/data/ so check it out.