- id
- join, car and cdr
- type
- xar and xdr
- sym
- nom
- wrb and rdb
- ops and cls
- stat
- coin
- sys
- quote
- if
- where
- dyn
- after
- ccc
- thread
- (apply)
no, atom, uvar, in, idfn, is, wait
car, cdr, cadr, cddr, caddr, caris
all, some, reduce, map, proper, string, mem, find, begins, hug, keep, rem, rev, snap, udrop, foldl, foldr, pairwise, fuse, match, split, pos, len, runs, dups, tail, dock, last, drop, nth, first, cut, adjoin, dedup, insert, sort, max, min
cons, append, snoc, list, consif
get, put, gets
i<, i+, i-, i*, i/, i^, factor, common
r+, r-, r*, r/
sr+, sr-, srinv, sr*, sr/, srrecip, sr<, srnum, srden, simplify
c+, c*
litnum, number, numr, numi, rpart, ipart, real, inv, abs, buildnum, recip, +, -, *, /, inc, dec, floor, ceil, mod, ^w, clog2, randlen, rand, even, odd, round
charn, nchar, whitec, digit, breakc, signc, intrac
tokens, prs
newq, enq, deq
array, aref
table, tabref, tabloc, tabrem
inst, readas
=, ~=, <, >, list<, bin<, >=, <=
symbol, pair, char, stream, proper, string, isa, function, real, int, whole, pint, whitec, simple, digit, breakc, signc, intrac, source, even, odd
isa, con, compose, combine, cand, cor, of, upon, yc, flip, part, trap, only
open, close, stat, peek, rdc, bitc, readall, load, readas
literal, variable, bel, mev, sched, ev, vref, inwhere, lookup, binding, sigerr, evmark, formfn, parameters, if2, dyn2, evcall, evcall2, applym, applyf, applylit, okenv, okstack, okparms, oktoparm, applyprim, applyclo, pass, typecheck, destructure, applycont, protected
read, saferead, rdex, eatwhite, charstil, rdlist, rddot, hard-rdex, rdwrap, rddelim, rdtarget, rdword, parseword, parsenum, validi, validr, validd, parsei, parsesr, parsed, parseint, charint, parset, parseslist, parsecom, parseno
bqex, bqthru, bqexpair, spa, spd
print, namedups, cells, prc, ustring, prstring, presc, prsimple, prsymbol, prnum, rrep, irep, intchar, prpair, prelts, prn, pr, prnice
fn, macro, fu, atomic, accum, record, make
do, or, and, case, eif, onerr, safe, pcase, when, unless, rfn, do1, check, catch, whenlet
let, with, iflet, aif, letu, afn, withs, bind, whenlet, awhen
each, whilet, loop, while, til, for, repeat, poll, nof, drain
def, mac, form, vir, loc, syn, tem
set, zap, ++, --, push, pull, wipe, pop, clean, swap, pushnew
withfile, from, to
bquote, comma, comma-at, splice
The four fundamental types:
- symbol
- pair
- char
- stream
Also the following predefined predicates:
- pair
- proper
- string
- function
- number
- real
- int
- whole
- pint
- even
- odd
- int
- real
- proper
- char
- digit
- breakc
- signc
- intrac
- simple
vmark, smark, i0, i1, i2, i10, i16, srzero, srone
cbuf, bbuf
forms, virfns, locfns, prims, comfns, syntax, namecs, templates
- opening parenthesis (
) - closing parenthesis (
) - opening bracket (
) - closing bracket (
) - backslash (
) - single quote (
) - backtick (```)
- comma (
) - double quote (
) - broken pipe (
) - octothorpe (