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Packages for a multi boson final state analysis

The basic objects and selections are based on the H --> ZZ --> 4l analysis; this set of packages can be seen as an extension of the H --> ZZ --> 4l analysis code. As a matter of fact, the user needs to follow the very same recipe as of the H --> ZZ --> 4l analysis, and on top of that, check-out the code in this repository.

The philosophy is to run the H --> ZZ --> 4l work-flow up to the production of the Z --> ll bosons and deviate from it adding specific objects for the multi boson analyses, e.g., W --> jj object or VVS tag-jets or other vector boson decays.

The Multi Boson work-flow produces a ROOT tree file, filled with objects like muons, electrons, jets, vector bosons, described by relatively simple data formats (step: tree production). The actual analysis is then performed on the TTrees contained in the ROOR files. For this step I implemented a C++ framework that puts the user in the condition of immediately start an analysis, even on a laptop, and provided the samples are stored locally, to work off-line (step: tree analysis).

The current structured of the repository is:

  • VVXAnalysis/DataFormats --> Data formats for the object written in the TTree, used in both step previously described.
  • VVXAnalysis/Producers --> CMSSW code for TTrees production. This code is not used in the tree analysis step.
  • VVXAnalysis/TreeAnalysis --> Framework for the tree analysis. It is CMSSW independent.
  • VVXAnalysis/Commons --> Library that can be used both in TreeAnalysis and in CMSSW.
  • VVXAnalysis/MCDataCards --> Repository for run cards of specific samples.

The code is located in this repository:

Recipe for the tree production step

Recipe for tree analysis step

  • In an environment with ROOT (with RooFit), CMAKE and boost library installed:
    • check-out the code from this repository as done above.
    • Generate the Makefile.
    • Compile the code.
    • Make a soft link to readSampleInfo python module (hack, to be fixed).
    • Make a soft link to the directory containing the sample (optional).
git clone ZZAnalysis
git clone VVXAnalysis
cd VVXAnalysis/TreeAnalysis
cmake CMakeLists.txt
cd python/
ln -s ../../../ZZAnalysis/AnalysisStep/python/
  • In an environment with SCRAM installed:
    • prepare a CMSSW area.
    • Check-out the code.
    • Compile with scram.
    • Link the bin to bin/ dir.
    • Make a soft link to readSampleInfo python module (hack, to be fixed).
    • Make a soft link to the directory containing the sample (optional).
cmsrel CMSSW_X_Y_Z
cd CMSSW_X_Y_Z/src/
git clone VVXAnalysis
scram b
cd VVXAnalysis/TreeAnalysis/bin/
ln -s $CMSSW_BASE/bin/$SCRAM_ARCH/eventAnalyzer
cd ../python/
ln -s ../../../ZZAnalysis/AnalysisStep/python/
cd ..
ln -s <samples-location> samples/

  • To run the code, please use ./python/ and follow the instruction therein written. The normal usage is;

    ./python/ <name of analysis class> <name of the sample/data set type>

    As further option, it can take a bool that forces the analysis to grab the cross-section from the CSV file. The default is False, because normally the tree already contains the cross section from the CSV. This option is meant to be used in case of a more precise cross section is made available, or a bug in the cross section assignment for a specific sample is found, allowing the user to postpone a new tree production.

Of course, here in this step, it is supposed that you implement something. I need to give you more info, then. As said the code is steered by the ./python/ code, that knows how to access the samples and their main characteristics, but the actual code is C++ based. To implement an analysis, you should inherit from the EventAnalyzer class, that sets up all the relevant branches, the loop over the events and some other useful utilities for histogramming. The base class has a pure virtual method (analyze()) that must be implemented in the concrete class (your analysis). As a matter of fact, all the analysis should be doable in the analyze() method (called each event) and in the begin() and end() methods, called before and after the loop over the events starts/ends. Also the cut() function, called each event, is supposed to be possibly overloaded, as it can hold a pre-selection of the analysis.

Your class needs then to be registered to be ran by the eventAnalyzer executable. To do that you have to do two things. First, your class must inherit from RegistrableAnalysis.h, so in the inheritance declaration of your class, make sure you have RegistrableAnalysis<YourClass>. Second, in, more precisely in the constructor of the class, add a line like Register("YourClass", &RegistrableAnalysis<YourClass>::create); To make your code successfully compile on your laptop, you finally need to modify CMakeList.txt to add the source code of your analysis. Add it to the VVXAnalyzer_SRCS variable (scram instead does everything by itself). [No longer needed with the use of GLOB in CMakeLists.txt] To make more clear the procedure I have put an example (that it is not supposed to be modified) in interface/VVXAnalyzer.h and src/

Note that the histogrammer utility (a member of the EventAnalyzer class) allows you to fill plots without bothering about histograms booking or writing (see some examples in the EventAnalyzer class).

Recipe for unfolding step

cd macros/UnfoldingMacros
svn co RooUnfold
cd RooUnfold
  • To test the RooUnfold code try one of the example.
root -l
.x examples/RooUnfoldExample.cxx