- XMLBeanDefinitionParser -> NPE surrounded with try /catch clause
- XMLBeanDefinitionParser -> Import tag processing included
- XMLBeanDefinitionParser.DOMParserContextXML(File contextXMLFile) -> equal("") replaced with isEmpty
- Implement SAX Parser
- Tests for Parsers are fixed / extended
- ClassPathApplicationContext -> changed methods access level to package
- Test for Bean without default counstructor
- ClassPathApplicationContext.createBeansFromBeanDefinition() -> added processing exception during bean instantiation. Tests are added for the same
- ClassPathApplicationContext.injectDependencies() -> Added Byte and Short datatype. Check qestion #3
- injectDependencies / injectRefDependencies fixed to go through the dependency Map
- getBean methods refactored to use correct generics and interface calls
- Added AllDataTypes test
- Added Injector / ValueInjector / ReferenceInjector. User Template Pattern
- Refactored names of packages and classes
- equals comparison corrected
- Tests on groovy
- BeanFactoryPostProcessor processing implemented
- BeanPostProcessor processing implemented