Senior Design Project created by Hannah Kirkland and Benjamin Wheeler.
The goal of Note Ninja is to provide a challenging yet entertaining version of classic video games such as Guitar Hero and Rock Band to musicians with skill in a particular instrument.
- Software target: Texas Instruments MSP432P401R on a custom PCB:
- FPGA target: Terasic DE10-Lite (10M50DAF484C7G)
- Utilizes a custom RTOS (albertOS) for thread switching and resource sharing
- Core game logic
- MIDI keyboard input and decoding logic
- Controls graphics
- Displays graphics on monitor
- Dynamically renders graphics based on commands recieved from Microprocessor
DSP (not in repository):
- Guitar pitch detection
- Score keeping via LCD
Clone the project using the --recuse-submodules
git clone --recurse-submodules
is a Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio project.- Ensure C++ dialects are enabled to C++14.
is an Intel Quartus Prime project.