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Releases: benoitc/hackney

hackney 0.8.3 has been released.

07 Dec 14:29
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hackney 0.8.3 has been released. This is a service release with some fixes and improvements.


  • add: support redirection in async responses
  • improve
  • fix: handle case where the response is already done in async responses

The full changelog is available here: 0.8.2...0.8.3

Hackney is also available as a source archive or via expm.

hackney 0.8.2 has been released

04 Dec 23:01
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hackney 0.8.2 has been released. This release contains an important fix and all the users of the version 0.8x should upgrade to it.


  • fix: trap exits in hackney_manager

The full changelog is available here: 0.8.1...0.8.2

Hackney is also available as a source archive or via expm.

hackney 0.8.1 has been released

04 Dec 15:01
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hackney 0.8.1 is a service release with a new feature and some minor improvements:


  • added the support for socks5
  • improvment: integer and atom can now be passed in url params or forms
  • breaking change: differentiate connect/recv timeout, now a connect
    timeout error return {error, connect_timeout}

The full changelog is available here: 0.8.0...0.8.1

Hackney is also available as a source archive or via expm.


hackney 0.8.0 has been released

02 Dec 13:45
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hackney 0.8.0 is a major release of hackney. With this release the API will not evolve much until the
1.0 release sometimes in january.


  • breaking change: hackney now return a reference instead of an opaque record. The
    information is maintained in an ETS table. The same reference is now
    used for async response requests.

Before you were doing

{ok, Status, RespHeaders, Client1} = hackney:request(Method, URL,
                                                Headers, Payload,
{ok, Body, Client2} = hackney:body(Client1).

And you needed to keep around the last opaque Client record. Now you only need to pass the reference you get when you start the request:

{ok, Status, RespHeaders, Ref} = hackney:request(Method, URL,
                                                    Headers, Payload,
{ok, Body} = hackney:body(Ref).

This change has been done to make the api simpler while keeping all the features available in hackney (in particularly you still don't pass messages by default in hackney). Also the same reference is now used when you decide to receive the response asynchronously. Have a look in the README for more informations.

  • breaking change: stream_body_request/2 and stream_multipart_request/2 functions has
    been renamed to send_body/2 and send_multipart_body/2 .
  • breaking change: remove hackney:close_stream/1 function. You only need to
    use hackney:close/1 now.
  • breaking change: rename hackney:raw/1 function to
  • breaking change: the hakney pool handler based on dispcount is now
    available in its own repository so hackney doe not depends on dispcount.
  • fix: canceling and closing a request now make sure the async response
    process is killed.
  • fix: make sure we pass a Transfer-Encoding: chunked header when we
    send a body without content-length.
  • fix: make sure the client is correctly reconnected when we reuse a

The full changelog is available here: 0.7.0...0.8.0

Hackney is also available as a source archive or via expm.


hackney 0.7.0 has been released

22 Nov 14:40
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hackney 0.7.0 is a feature release and contains the following changes:

  • add new Load balanced pool handler based on dispcount
  • allows to set the pool handler
  • breaking change: remove hackney:start_pool/2 and
    hackney:stop_pool/1, use instead hackney_pool:start_pool/2 and
  • breaking change: A pool is now used by default
  • breaking change: The hackney_form module has been removed. You can
    now encode/parse a form using the functions in the hackney_url module.
  • deprecate pool_size and replace it by max_connections
  • fix: apply applications defaults to the pool

The full changelog is available here: 0.6.1...0.7.0

Hackney is also available as a source archive or via expm.


hackney 0.6.1 has been released

21 Nov 13:40
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hackney 0.6.1 is a serbice release and contains the following changes:

The full changelog is available here: 0.6.0...0.6.1

Hackney is also available as a source archive or via expm.


hackney 0.6.0 has been released

21 Nov 12:39
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hackney 0.6.0 is a feature release and contains the following changes:

The full changelog is available here: 0.5.0...0.6.0

Hackney is also available as a source archive or via expm.


hackney 0.5.0 has been released

16 Nov 09:18
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hackney 0.5.0 is a service release and contains the following changes:

  • fix: proxied connections
  • fix: correct the path passed to a request
  • fix: multipart forms
  • fix: Make sure that the controller process of the socket is the pool process when the socket is in the pool
  • fix: auth header when when the user is not given

The full changelog is available here: 0.4.3...0.5.0


hackney 0.4.4 has been released

25 Aug 10:34
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hackney 0.4.4 is a service release and contains the following changes:

  • fix: doc typos
  • fix: dialyzer errors
  • fix: add mimetypes to the list of loaded applications
  • fix: test.ebin example

The full changelog is available here:


hackney 0.4.3 has been released

24 Aug 20:01
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hackney 0.4.3 is a service release and contains the following changes:

  • removed parse_transform, the REST API is now available at the compilation.
  • fix: fix file upload content type
  • doc: fix typos

The full changelog is available here:
